What's so funny is that same dudes that say "she aight" would be the same ones throwing a temper tantrum if she ends up with a white dude with the "white dudes always get the best sistas" line. N#ggas are funny...only see how attractive a chick is after someone else, especially a non-black someone else, wants her. I remember when I first joined this site there was a whole thread pages deep devoted to some CNN anchor, Isha Sesay, getting married to some white white dude. But how many dudes even knew who this chick was beforehand? How many dudes would have said the same "she aight" line before that story came out? Probably just as many as in this thread.
Not caping for this chick since I don't know her from a can of paint, however, she is classicly beautiful. Even if she doesn't make you stop and stare, there's simply no debating that. Now, I know in the hip hop world where millions upon millions of black men have been brainwashed to believe a chick like Buffie the Body is a dime that my words slide like water off a duck's a##. But anybody who would classify this chick as just "ok" probably gets his standard of beauty from the classy pages of King, Smooth and XXL magazines. So many bootyful, I mean beautiful women on those layouts.
Dudes on this site would take chicks like Maliah and Buffie the Body who are both one hamburger happy meal away from

status over a classicly beautiful chick with an athletic look. Its even funnier because we have so many "IT ballers" on this site, yet how many dudes with real paper, not nikka paper, date chicks who look Maliah over chicks who look like Lupita? Beauty always wins over booty...unless we're talking music videos.
Personally, I like her hair because its natural and it fits her face. Not every black woman would look her best with an afro depending on her facial structure. The high-top caesar accentuates her facial symmetry(strong cheek bones, pronounced jaw line), which adds to her look. On a site that always talks about weave and hair hats, I would think an attractive woman who wears her natural look would be commended.
I just find the hypocrisy funny because it would be a bunch of

if she ended up with a white dude.