
Apr 30, 2012
Now, as far as all the hate some of y'all seem to have for the album, I have a question: Why did you bother listening to it in the first place? I mean, some of y'all names are the same ones that always pop up shytting on Lupe, and there's no way in the world you went into this with an open mind. If you don't' like Lupe, that's cool...avoid the album/thread, and keep it moving. You don't see my name popping up in Drake, or Big Sean, or whoever else threads shytting on 'em. You know why? Because I don't like them dudes, so I 1. don't listen to their music (literally), and 2. don't feel the need to constantly shyt on 'em to prove how much I don't like 'em.

Of course, on the other side of that, Lupe has his super stans, and you're gonna get the "OMG, LUPE IS THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME, THIS IS THE GREATEST ALBUM EVERRRRRRRR" comments from them. But I would hope that some of y'all are smart enough to realize that they don't make up the majority. Thats why the hardest thing to do with albums like this on this site is to cut off the fat (haters and super stans), and get to the meat of the issue (that being the actual general consensus on the quality of the album).

Personally, I like the album. Alot. I understand everyone has their own opinion (whether pre-conceived or not), but to say, as a fan of Hip-Hop, that the album is full of huff, and boring is pretty ridiculous IMO. You look at an album like Cruel Summer (well, bad example, as I personally haven't been able to get through it), but let's just say that there's not very many albums that contain the substance (and VERY few that contain the lyricism) that FLII does. At the same time, to say that this album puts Lupe on the Mt. Rushmore of Rap is going too far as well. Again, find the middle ground. I still think LiG is AOTY, but damn Lupe brought it with this release, that's for sure.

But what do I know...I'm just a lone voice that tries to bring some sensibility to this place, which, I'm well aware, is an excercise in futility.


I gave this a fair listen, I listened through it a couple of times and gave my take on it. If you feel like YOU don't need to criticize other artists, than that's YOU, don't use it as a rule-of-authority that has to pertain to everybody else. How is calling it 'boring and uninspiring' ridiculous exactly? In contrast, ill give you examples of 2012 songs in the same existential/socio-politic lane that this album is in:

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I Love Hip-Hop
Apr 30, 2012
Turn the glass ceiling to a glass floor
Make a trampoline out of trapdoor
On that gasoline when I was back poor
Now they crafted out my dream underneath a tap floor
Backpack battle-cat underground rap lore
Anonymous but dominant what's a Mac to a hack-er
In other words, we lyrical Zuckerberg
Pimp you may move a mouse but what's a rat to a cat store
It's like a gig to a app store
My rap black history, can only see my past if you fast forward
