Ludacris’ Girlfriend Eudoxie Put On Blast For Giving Poor African Girls White Dolls


Aug 12, 2012
Most of these c00ns themselves played with white dolls, and the rest are cacs themselves that "don't see the problem.". My girls play with nothing but black dolls in my house.

off topic but you as a poster reminded me we definitely need a thread discussing those self racist/color struck folks(especially mothers) who tell their kids shyt like "dont stay in the sun or you will get TOO DARK", or "ewww why did you get so dark" "your skin used to look good.....its so dark now"


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
The kkkoonery is strong in this thread. If it were a white woman...Show me one instance of one white celebrity giving white children black dolls.


May 7, 2012
White women get perms to make.their hair curly...white women wear butt pads..white women get tans...we talkin bout your AVERAGE white and black many black women u see runnin round wit nose jobs?..stop lookin at what u see on tv and try to classify every black woman like that...bottom line is MOST women do different shyt to enhance themselves...and why isn't white women who get the surgeries like big butts etc not racial self hate but a black woman getting a nose job racial self hate?...u wanna know who displaying self hate?..YOU...cause u giving white women all the passes in the world yet shyttin on black women any chance u get...and u think the problem is with DOLLS? fam..dolls is a MUCH less problem than people who think like you...u on some the whites can do no wrong shyt...

don't try to act like i'm caping for white women in any form or putting them on some pedestal :stopitslime:.. curly hair=/= black textured hair, there been plenty of black women with azz but it isn't until J Lo and Kim K that these butt pads/injections got popular. I wasn't saying the majority of black woman got nose jobs either, stop reaching.

This right here is racial self hate and has a different origin to tanning.




She changed her skin tone and her nose. This is where your "white people do it to" argument comes right? I'm caping for white people right? I have self hate because i'm pointing it out right? She got rid of her dark skin and her broad nose... and it's ok because white people do it too right? fukk outta here. Anyone who says its the same as white people tanning/plastic surgery are lying to themselves.

If you want to equate white women changing the sexual features of their bodies to the reasons that black and other races of women change the racial features of their bodies, you can roll with that. Why do you apologists so conveniently skip over the elephant in the room? You act like that white beauty standard doesn't fuel these non-white women to change or hate their racial features and then expect us to negate that fact.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
don't try to act like i'm caping for white women in any form or putting them on some pedestal :stopitslime:.. curly hair=/= black textured hair, there been plenty of black women with azz but it isn't until J Lo and Kim K that these butt pads/injections got popular. I wasn't saying the majority of black woman got nose jobs either, stop reaching.

This right here is racial self hate and has a different origin to tanning.




She changed her skin tone and her nose. This is where your "white people do it to" argument comes right? I'm caping for white people right? I have self hate because i'm pointing it out right? She got rid of her dark skin and her broad nose... and it's ok because white people do it too right? fukk outta here. Anyone who says its the same as white people tanning/plastic surgery are lying to themselves.

If you want to equate white women changing the sexual features of their bodies to the reasons that black and other races of women change the racial features of their bodies, you can roll with that. Why do you apologists so conveniently skip over the elephant in the room? You act like that white beauty standard doesn't fuel these non-white women to change or hate their racial features and then expect us to negate that fact.

Like I said..u watch to much pop culture..since when did u see an over abundance of REGULAR AVERAGE black people do shyt like that?..when that becomes the majority...holla at me..until then..ur whole point is moot..and furthermore..that has absolutely NOTHING to do with white dolls...and seems like u caping for white people...while pointing out the insecurties a FEW black people have...


May 7, 2012
Like I said..u watch to much pop culture..since when did u see an over abundance of REGULAR AVERAGE black people do shyt like that?..when that becomes the majority...holla at me..until then..ur whole point is moot..and furthermore..that has absolutely NOTHING to do with white dolls...and seems like u caping for white people...while pointing out the insecurties a FEW black people have...

:aicmon: I never stated the majority of black people do this. Your fixated on claiming i'm caping for white people, when i'm addressing the difference between the two types of self hate, which you equate to the same. You already been called out in this thread..The white doll :heh: ok you can give your offspring a white doll...let me guess i'm "militant" because i prefer black girls to play with dolls that look like them as opposed to the first exposure to the white beauty standard, which can induce those negative opinions about themselves. I bet you also agree on "It doesn't matter what race Jesus is".. You don't understand mental conditioning at all.


May 7, 2012
She would've made the effort and brought black dolls. There's been studies linking the complexion of dolls to self image and self esteem and it a big impact psychologically on young children especially girls when they're young. Adults should do everything they can to foster a positive self image on children especially black girls because truthfully they will face the most negativity probably out of all races.


Jun 4, 2012
off topic but you as a poster reminded me we definitely need a thread discussing those self racist/color struck folks(especially mothers) who tell their kids shyt like "dont stay in the sun or you will get TOO DARK", or "ewww why did you get so dark" "your skin used to look good.....its so dark now"
Heard this fat bytch say this the other day in the grocery store parking lot.. I was disgusted because she had a dark skinned daughter. :why:

I don't believe Eudoxie meant any harm by giving those African kids white dolls.. but 1) She was ignorant and oblivious for that shyt. 2) People should be pointing out why it's fukked up.

I donate shyt all the time, but even if I didn't I would still point out that it was a bad move on her part. In most African nations and in the Caribbean- not only is there a % of the population that wants to be Westernized, they wish they were lighter or white.

Those dolls are inflicting subtle brainwashing as we speak. We can't forget that white people have deliberately used these same exact tactic with the media, movies, and child toys and children's books. If they shyt didn't work they wouldn't have done it for over 500 year til this day. Children's books paint images of people to look up to and heroes in a children's minds - if anyone lets their children read books w white people in them they are failing the child because They child Will naturally already be exposed to a gross amount of Whitewashing in school and in life.


Jun 22, 2012
The kkkoonery is strong in this thread. If it were a white woman...Show me one instance of one white celebrity giving white children black dolls.

That's because white dolls look better than the darkie ones.:huhldup:

What's wrong with acknowledging beauty?
Nothing to do with c00ning.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
:aicmon: I never stated the majority of black people do this. Your fixated on claiming i'm caping for white people, when i'm addressing the difference between the two types of self hate, which you equate to the same. You already been called out in this thread..The white doll :heh: ok you can give your offspring a white doll...let me guess i'm "militant" because i prefer black girls to play with dolls that look like them as opposed to the first exposure to the white beauty standard, which can induce those negative opinions about themselves. I bet you also agree on "It doesn't matter what race Jesus is".. You don't understand mental conditioning at all.

Son..I prefer my kids to play with dolls that look like them as well...I'm just sayin this issue is LESS about dolls than people's way deeper than that and u making examples about black people with self hate yet giving white people passes for the shyt...if a black person getting a nose job is racial self hate..than white women getting butt jobs n shyt to look more voluptuous like black women is racial self hate as well..but bringing up black women wearing weaves and fake nails etc etc like white women don't do that SAME exact shyt is what I have a problem wit...those black people/celebs who run around bleaching they skin n shyt got far more issues than a doll..seeing has how the men who do it never played with dolls in the first's a deeper rooted issue...period...

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
:mindblown: She was just giving some kids some toys :snoop:.

Why do black people get up in arms over shyt like this but jump to the defense of cacs when it comes to actual bullshyt like the Paula Deen debacle?

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
This makes me sick...this is the worst kind of "charity"...and I'm not speaking specifically on giving white dolls...I mean this patronizing, "look at me" shyt that many celebrities get involved in. A lot of this shyt is just attention whoring, that's why it's up on her instagram.

Some of y'all may be surprised to know this, but I occasionally volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. I don't get to spend my partners money on a suitcase full of toys though. I'm at these work sites busting my fukking ass, putting up drywall and digging up holes in the yard and shyt. I don't get a dime for my time, no applause, no media coverage, don't fukking know who gets the homes...I just get a sore body, dirty clothes, and a small bit of satisfaction that I've helped people. So when I see these fukking hollyweird types trying to pull this kinda rubs me the wrong way.

Not to mention...I'm skeptical any time I see non-blacks in Africa pulling this white savior shyt. On one hand, I can't hate people trying to help...on the other hand, we all know how strange race relations can be and that shyt come off as condescending a lot of the time. I'm not going to go too deeply into this...but I think they are enjoying some sort of weird god-complex thing. It's at the very least, slightly condescending. Apparently this bytch is from Gabon but I'm still not sure how I feel about this.

Why can't these gold diggers just suck dikk, swallow cum, stay up on their botox injections, and keep out of serious affairs?

Anyone that knows even basic US history can tell you, off the top of their head, what giving these white dolls to black children means. It doesn't take a scholar though...use your common sense.

"What are you giving away" argument is bullshyt, and has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Stop allowing black issues to be twisted into some other, irrelevant argument (See Paula Deen, and the "WHO should say the N Word" argument every time some cac is caught red handed saying some racist shyt). The stupid bytch is trying to give white dolls to black African children, she's so DUMB and OUT OF TOUCH that not only was she unable to recognize the issue when she first saw the fukking "gifts", but also had the nerve to double down on the stupidity with tired rhetoric and a sloppy attempt to defend herself.

Other people possibly being hypocritical doesn't excuse her stupidity (And frankly, racism).

Yo don't get points for trying, especially when you are unwilling to admit to your mistake and try to mend it. If she simply said "my bad"...I may have at least forgiven her for the mistake and hoped for her to redirect this energy towards something less problematic (Like...buying black dolls instead). But the fact that she tried justify her stupidity really negates any points for "thoughtfulness", and really emphasizes my earlier point about this being more about satisfying her ego than it is actually helping people.


Aug 12, 2012
Heard this fat bytch say this the other day in the grocery store parking lot.. I was disgusted because she had a dark skinned daughter. :why:

I don't believe Eudoxie meant any harm by giving those African kids white dolls.. but 1) She was ignorant and oblivious for that shyt. 2) People should be pointing out why it's fukked up.

I donate shyt all the time, but even if I didn't I would still point out that it was a bad move on her part. In most African nations and in the Caribbean- not only is there a % of the population that wants to be Westernized, they wish they were lighter or white.

Those dolls are inflicting subtle brainwashing as we speak. We can't forget that white people have deliberately used these same exact tactic with the media, movies, and child toys and children's books. If they shyt didn't work they wouldn't have done it for over 500 year til this day. Children's books paint images of people to look up to and heroes in a children's minds - if anyone lets their children read books w white people in them they are failing the child because They child Will naturally already be exposed to a gross amount of Whitewashing in school and in life.

Man we Black folks need to start saying to ourselves if any other group of people besides ourselves shyts on our own race more.....

im getting fed up with black americans shytting on or making jokes about "Africans" every second

especially around white people...

like what is wrong with you?