I am focused on the here and now, and what Huey said back then is applicable today. Most gay people suffer economic discrimination, housing and healthcare discrimination, and can't even access some basic services due to their sexual orientation (things to do with hospital visitations, inheritance, insurance, etc.) and HIV/AIDS is a major problem they deal with. All of those problems also seriously affect the Black community. You see rich, white gay men suddenly getting shine in the media and assume that their out of touch and sometimes racist ways represent all homosexuals, but that's not true. They are just the few elites at the top. The truth is that there have been homosexuals in the Black community since the civil rights movement that have helped fight for freedom and equality on both fronts. Bayard Rustin, who was Martin Luther King's most trusted advisor/teacher and who actually planned the March on Washington was a gay man. Angela Davis, who went to prison for her revolutionary and militant work in the Black community and worked closely with the Panthers is a lesbian. They understood, unlike many people today, that there is actually a large overlap between the problems that affect both populations.