Losing their religion: why US churches are on the decline

Wadani Royce

Mar 11, 2022
you don't require religion to believe in God.

If you really believe in God, and understood who God is, then you would conclude that their is a religion.

God attributes are wisdom and knowledgeable. If you believe in God, and God created this world, but didn't inform the humans what to do in this world? how to worship him? Wouldn't that lead to confusion and chaos?

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
If you really believe in God, and understood who God is, then you would conclude that their is a religion.

God attributes are wisdom and knowledgeable. If you believe in God, and God created this world, but didn't inform the humans what to do in this world? how to worship him? Wouldn't that lead to confusion and chaos?
religion is training wheels to lead people to spirituality it's not necessary if you do.

if you can't be enlightened enough to live righteously then you might be faithful enough to think that you have to do it to honor god but if that still isn't enough then you might be kept in line by your fear of the devil. so there is this pyramide of elevation with fear at the bottom and a lot of religious fanatics tend to be stuck at the bottom. their true motivation is only FEAR of the devil. those are the people who dwell constantly on the end of the world and preparation for the end. the have no actual FAITH in the continuation of life overall thus have no faith in GOD.


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
Exactly what's happening. Pagans embracing their preferred lifestyle.
Lol or...theres a correlation between the rising IQ and information access of a civilzation, and it's distance towards religion.

People have become more intelligent and conveniently there is less of an emphasis on religion. Hmm.

Perhaps more see the logical inconsistancies of such an idea. How Human-like in behavior and logic supposed deitys actually are. Almost an insult to an entity of that magnitude; that they would subscribe to such similar behavior...


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Lol or...theres a correlation between the rising IQ and information access of a civilzation, and it's distance towards religion.

People have become more intelligent and conveniently there is less of an emphasis on religion. Hmm.

Perhaps more see the logical inconsistancies of such an idea. How Human-like in behavior and logic supposed deitys actually are. Almost an insult to an entity of that magnitude; that they would subscribe to such similar behavior...
what you can define inherently is a created thing and already below the creator

if you confuse the pagan understanding with God with the Judaic understanding of God you will have endless logical inconsistencies

because there is a difference between deifying a force or idea vs the One God who transcends ideas and forces.


Dec 11, 2015
best times huh I guess those mass shootings that are breaking records are the best times right paying for housing the best times right? people are on edge all the time ...No retirement no pensions for the future is the best times right like Jesus said they take no note keep your head in the sand.... There are protests worldwide about the the mistreatment people are getting stay lost judgement day is fast approaching.



All Star
Apr 4, 2017

best times huh I guess those mass shootings that are breaking records are the best times right paying for housing the best times right? people are on edge all the time ...No retirement no pensions for the future is the best times right like Jesus said they take no note keep your head in the sand.... There are protests worldwide about the the mistreatment people are getting stay lost judgement day is fast approaching.
2Timothy 3:1-9
1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away (Atheist, New agers, “Spiritual” people, universalists). 6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts (Pookie and RayRay), 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (People who believe in science, new age, enlightment, philosophy, ect)8Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was


not redeemed with gold but with His Blood
Mar 11, 2022
Ain’t shyt happening.

This is overall one of the best times in human history. :mjlol:
Yep this is best era ever For wicked unrepentant sinners, Usurers, shameless money lenders, false prophets, opportunist politicians, Jesus unbelievers, Gospel rejecters, arrogant Hollywood stars, idolatrous wretches, bad women, sluts, cold hearted people, self righteous people, attention whores, evil world leaders, greed lovers, Selfish money lovers, amoral scientists, perverts, divorce makers, chatty patty gossipers, superficial social climbers and clout chasers, murderers, God-haters, corrupt judges and lying judges, rebellious feminists, pornographers, pimps, racists, whores, abortion militants, witches, devil worshippers, atheists, pedophiles, warmongers, Christ deniers, homosexuals , lesbians, transgenders and other freaks…

As they say laugh now, cry later. Wicked folk laughing now but after their death, when they will realize that they’re stuck in the darkness of hell for all eternity, burning forever while weeping and gnashing your teeth, with their worm dieth not, and they will cry. And they are will have endless time to cry!

You people should realize sooner than later that you’re sinners by birth, blood, nature, flesh, instinct, reflex, and choice. That you sin just like you breathe, you can’t help it. That you are guilty of sin according to God’s law, and that no good works, good deeds, good intentions, good habits, church membership, church attendance, church denomination, good thoughts or human effort on your part will earn you a place in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Because human righteousness is filthy rags in the eyes of the Lord, and trying to be as perfect and as holy as God is impossible because we are imperfect and fallen sinners made of flesh and blood. We can’t match or exceed God’s standards for righteousness . You are not holier than God. God never sinned ever. God almighty (father, son, Holy Spirit) is perfect, holy, righteous , sinless. He created everything that you see and you can’t see. Every breath you take is because of God. God watches every move you make and hear every word you speak, and He will judge you for every thing you did.

Thats why God(the Father) offered His only begotten Son(our Lord and Savior Jesus) as sacrifice to pay for the sins of mankind. Eternal life is a gift by the almighty God. We don’t deserve it and we don’t have to Work for it because God made the perfect blood sacrifice to save our souls forever and impute our sins to His Son Jesus Christ.

Only the divine Blood of Jesus takes away all your sins forever. If you accept Jesus death and blood shed on the cross, his burial and his bodily resurrection 3 days later as payment for your sins, you will be eternally saved. The Holy Spirit( Lord Jesus literally) will come inside you. You’re forever redeemed by His blood, because your sins become His and His righteousness become yours.

« The simplicity that is in Christ »
Corinthians 11-3.4,
King James Bible

@O Fenômeno
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Return of the Khryst
May 1, 2012
about fukking time, religon in the west has been dead and buried.
Its time to ignitite self empowerment and universal laws, No God or Prophethoods, nor supernatural beings such as Jesus or the Dajjal coming to end the world..


Dec 12, 2019
People are getting smarter, they realize how silly it is to be guided by fairy tales


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
religion is training wheels to lead people to spirituality it's not necessary if you do.

if you can't be enlightened enough to live righteously then you might be faithful enough to think that you have to do it to honor god but if that still isn't enough then you might be kept in line by your fear of the devil. so there is this pyramide of elevation with fear at the bottom and a lot of religious fanatics tend to be stuck at the bottom. their true motivation is only FEAR of the devil. those are the people who dwell constantly on the end of the world and preparation for the end. the have no actual FAITH in the continuation of life overall thus have no faith in GOD.
You tellem

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
People are tired of the false, empty, preaching and promises.

Let's face it: there's not one religion that can show you a tangible benefit relevant to your life. And we live in a world of tangibles and resources.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Yep this is best era ever For wicked unrepentant sinners, Usurers, shameless money lenders, false prophets, opportunist politicians, Jesus unbelievers, Gospel rejecters, arrogant Hollywood stars, idolatrous wretches, bad women, sluts, cold hearted people, self righteous people, attention whores, evil world leaders, greed lovers, Selfish money lovers, amoral scientists, perverts, divorce makers, chatty patty gossipers, superficial social climbers and clout chasers, murderers, God-haters, corrupt judges and lying judges, rebellious feminists, pornographers, pimps, racists, whores, abortion militants, witches, devil worshippers, atheists, pedophiles, warmongers, Christ deniers, homosexuals , lesbians, transgenders and other freaks…

As they say laugh now, cry later. Wicked folk laughing now but after their death, when they will realize that they’re stuck in the darkness of hell for all eternity, burning forever while weeping and gnashing your teeth, with their worm dieth not, and they will cry. And they are will have endless time to cry!

You people should realize sooner than later that you’re sinners by birth, blood, nature, flesh, instinct, reflex, and choice. That you sin just like you breathe, you can’t help it. That you are guilty of sin according to God’s law, and that no good works, good deeds, good intentions, good habits, church membership, church attendance, church denomination, good thoughts or human effort on your part will earn you a place in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Because human righteousness is filthy rags in the eyes of the Lord, and trying to be as perfect and as holy as God is impossible because we are imperfect and fallen sinners made of flesh and blood. We can’t match or exceed God’s standards for righteousness . You are not holier than God. God never sinned ever. God almighty (father, son, Holy Spirit) is perfect, holy, righteous , sinless. He created everything that you see and you can’t see. Every breath you take is because of God. God watches every move you make and hear every word you speak, and He will judge you for every thing you did.

Thats why God(the Father) offered His only begotten Son(our Lord and Savior Jesus) as sacrifice to pay for the sins of mankind. Eternal life is a gift by the almighty God. We don’t deserve it and we don’t have to Work for it because God made the perfect sacrifice to save our souls forever and impute our sins to His Son Jesus Christ.

Only the divine Blood of Jesus takes away all your sins forever. If you accept Jesus death and blood shed on the cross, his burial and his bodily resurrection 3 days later as payment for your sins, you will be eternally saved. The Holy Spirit( Lord Jesus literally) will come inside you. You’re forever redeemed by His blood, because your sins become His and His righteousness become yours.

« The simplicity that is in Christ »
Corinthians 11-3.4,
King James Bible

@O Fenômeno
@Dave24, @Magic Mulatto

This what it’s all about right here. Nothing matters above this. Thank you for this breh.
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Yep this is best era ever For wicked unrepentant sinners, Usurers, shameless money lenders, false prophets, opportunist politicians, Jesus unbelievers, Gospel rejecters, arrogant Hollywood stars, idolatrous wretches, bad women, sluts, cold hearted people, self righteous people, attention whores, evil world leaders, greed lovers, Selfish money lovers, amoral scientists, perverts, divorce makers, chatty patty gossipers, superficial social climbers and clout chasers, murderers, God-haters, corrupt judges and lying judges, rebellious feminists, pornographers, pimps, racists, whores, abortion militants, witches, devil worshippers, atheists, pedophiles, warmongers, Christ deniers, homosexuals , lesbians, transgenders and other freaks…

As they say laugh now, cry later. Wicked folk laughing now but after their death, when they will realize that they’re stuck in the darkness of hell for all eternity, burning forever while weeping and gnashing your teeth, with their worm dieth not, and they will cry. And they are will have endless time to cry!

You people should realize sooner than later that you’re sinners by birth, blood, nature, flesh, instinct, reflex, and choice. That you sin just like you breathe, you can’t help it. That you are guilty of sin according to God’s law, and that no good works, good deeds, good intentions, good habits, church membership, church attendance, church denomination, good thoughts or human effort on your part will earn you a place in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Because human righteousness is filthy rags in the eyes of the Lord, and trying to be as perfect and as holy as God is impossible because we are imperfect and fallen sinners made of flesh and blood. We can’t match or exceed God’s standards for righteousness . You are not holier than God. God never sinned ever. God almighty (father, son, Holy Spirit) is perfect, holy, righteous , sinless. He created everything that you see and you can’t see. Every breath you take is because of God. God watches every move you make and hear every word you speak, and He will judge you for every thing you did.

Thats why God(the Father) offered His only begotten Son(our Lord and Savior Jesus) as sacrifice to pay for the sins of mankind. Eternal life is a gift by the almighty God. We don’t deserve it and we don’t have to Work for it because God made the perfect sacrifice to save our souls forever and impute our sins to His Son Jesus Christ.

Only the divine Blood of Jesus takes away all your sins forever. If you accept Jesus death and blood shed on the cross, his burial and his bodily resurrection 3 days later as payment for your sins, you will be eternally saved. The Holy Spirit( Lord Jesus literally) will come inside you. You’re forever redeemed by His blood, because your sins become His and His righteousness become yours.

« The simplicity that is in Christ »
Corinthians 11-3.4,
King James Bible

@O Fenômeno

yup that's the thing People don't realize this life is short you blink your eyes and another year is gone, you're aging you're going to die. Do you think you were created just for 70,80,90, max 100 years on this earth and then its over and thats it? Nope there is eternity for your soul


May 24, 2022
Yep this is best era ever For wicked unrepentant sinners, Usurers, shameless money lenders, false prophets, opportunist politicians, Jesus unbelievers, Gospel rejecters, arrogant Hollywood stars, idolatrous wretches, bad women, sluts, cold hearted people, self righteous people, attention whores, evil world leaders, greed lovers, Selfish money lovers, amoral scientists, perverts, divorce makers, chatty patty gossipers, superficial social climbers and clout chasers, murderers, God-haters, corrupt judges and lying judges, rebellious feminists, pornographers, pimps, racists, whores, abortion militants, witches, devil worshippers, atheists, pedophiles, warmongers, Christ deniers, homosexuals , lesbians, transgenders and other freaks…

As they say laugh now, cry later. Wicked folk laughing now but after their death, when they will realize that they’re stuck in the darkness of hell for all eternity, burning forever while weeping and gnashing your teeth, with their worm dieth not, and they will cry. And they are will have endless time to cry!

You people should realize sooner than later that you’re sinners by birth, blood, nature, flesh, instinct, reflex, and choice. That you sin just like you breathe, you can’t help it. That you are guilty of sin according to God’s law, and that no good works, good deeds, good intentions, good habits, church membership, church attendance, church denomination, good thoughts or human effort on your part will earn you a place in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Because human righteousness is filthy rags in the eyes of the Lord, and trying to be as perfect and as holy as God is impossible because we are imperfect and fallen sinners made of flesh and blood. We can’t match or exceed God’s standards for righteousness . You are not holier than God. God never sinned ever. God almighty (father, son, Holy Spirit) is perfect, holy, righteous , sinless. He created everything that you see and you can’t see. Every breath you take is because of God. God watches every move you make and hear every word you speak, and He will judge you for every thing you did.

Thats why God(the Father) offered His only begotten Son(our Lord and Savior Jesus) as sacrifice to pay for the sins of mankind. Eternal life is a gift by the almighty God. We don’t deserve it and we don’t have to Work for it because God made the perfect sacrifice to save our souls forever and impute our sins to His Son Jesus Christ.

Only the divine Blood of Jesus takes away all your sins forever. If you accept Jesus death and blood shed on the cross, his burial and his bodily resurrection 3 days later as payment for your sins, you will be eternally saved. The Holy Spirit( Lord Jesus literally) will come inside you. You’re forever redeemed by His blood, because your sins become His and His righteousness become yours.

« The simplicity that is in Christ »
Corinthians 11-3.4,
King James Bible

@O Fenômeno
He has to prove himself outside the fairy tale his followers are trash they prove it every day well the vocal ones are so no wonder the church isn't getting any younger.

just a bunch of boomers and old gen xers that where forced to go to church

Yahweh was very engaging in the bible but ghosted everyone after Christ :patrice:

Today sky dad does nothing yet people are getting smarter .:patrice:

When people where not so bright Sky dad did everything....

NO real prophets(by biblical standards) just a bunch of weirdos with bible quotes and no supernatural powers just emotions when you sing a hymn on Sunday or ask for tha new car in the pray line :patrice: yet peter was pretty powerful in the holy ghost....

seems like the one who you call Paul if he was real had to change the cave man laws you call the law of Moses to make it fit with Greek/Roman philosophy.

At the time since people where getting smarter most of the letters are from him years after "Jesus" death :patrice: I guess he realized how stupid law of Moses was.

Leviticus 11:9 can't even eat shrimp(does not have scales).....why and how does that effect your spirit it only effects my body which goes back to the dirt yet my spirit goes back to God according to your faith?

other words your faith is not real it's reason why religious far right are actually showing how evil they are in politics :patrice:

starting to realize no day of lord is coming yet boomers are getting older and older the last generation that was forced to go to church.... :patrice:
desperate they're becoming and it's obvious

Is there a creator of everything most likely

is it the "God" of Abraham mm mm most likely not

because Abraham's God was a canaanite God called EL and they had I think 14 Gods ol Abraham if he was real just picked one and ran with it.

So why base salvation on historical contradictions and even biblical contradictions with in it's on writings.

I think fear of the unknown makes those cling to a savior makes death easier to accept.

This all knowing God had to do was make a Man and Women that he knew would Obey in the first place from their on free will.... in all his glory an infinite wisdom yet he makes the ones that don't or didn't matter who he made and he wanted them to disobey to prove a point.

He made the "bad guy" that temps them screws everything up yet he has to prove a point to it like it's an equal
like in the story of job

Again a powerful God has to prove a point to something he created.... knows everything yet fails at making someone that obeys so waits 50 generations to becomes a man to obey his own words...... No wonder Christ died it was Gods fault in the first place because he knew what would happen and still made the wrong man first.

Same God man that said no one can take his life so he pretty much killed himself in the end...Just like Paul said the first Adam wasn't deceived like his wife so he pretty much killed himself and all mankind with him but instead of dying physical he just separated his body form Gods Spirit

make it make sense it only makes sense if this world is a simulation and that's the game manual we all choose to troll ourselves with.
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