you idiots are extremely naive to think these practices haven't been going since before any of us were born
who knows what other shyt goes on
who knows what other shyt goes on
I got the same feeling reading those torture memos as I did in reading antebellum slave punishments or how the serfs of the Middle Ages were treatedyou idiots are extremely naive to think these practices haven't been going since before any of us were born
who knows what other shyt goes on
turn on CNN, they getting that work
Torturing detainees that were lieing
Acting on detainees lies to capture other innocent people
No formal interrogation techniques
Unsupervised interrogation
Using unlawful interrogation techniques
Contracting people with no experience in interrogation techniques
Letting detainees die due to hypothermia
Out sourced "enhanced " interrogation technique to outside contractors
Up to 26 detainees wrongfully held
"Enhanced" interrogation technique often used with out authorization and done by untrained people
Detainees were tortured for up to WEEKS at a time
Plans to cremate detainees that did not survive interrogation
Destroyed tapes of interrogations
ill keep adding on to the list
Dude,how exactly is this news? If anything its chickenfeed,which is an authorised release of minor,irrelevant data to divert public attention. If on the other hand CNN came out with real intel about the CIA hand in both Malaysian shootdowns or how ISIS is their creation that would be news.
Here's the deathbed confession of an agent-he killed a 100 innocents to kill the Indian head of their nuke program and still gave absolutely zero fcuks!
"as, Gregory, let's use the
past tense if you please. Name was Homi Bhabha. That one was
dangerous, believe me. He had an unfortunate accident. He was flying
to Vienna to stir up more trouble when his BOEING 707 had a bomb go
off in the cargo hold and they all came down on a high mountain way up " why didn't Rand speak out against torture yet McCain did?
I don't understand the issue here...What exactly is the point of this report? To confirm what everyone already knew/suspected was going on? Are we supposed to be mad at the CIA for torturing terrorists and people affiliated/harboring terrorists? Why would any sane human being care about the well-being of someone who wants you dead?
Whether the information gained through these torture tactics was reliable or not, what was the CIA supposed to do to attempt to gain any sort of intel from these suspected terrorists? plant trees, gather them around in a circle and sing kumbaya?
probably not popular here - but i really dont feel like this report or the shyt the CIA did to dudes that were /are terrorists - i dont care
i dont care if a guy was in a box for 18 days not if hes helping a group of guys of dudes slaughter folk or cut off heads or blow shyt up
the shyt other governments do when they get these guys is WAY worse and thats light years better than what the ME govts do when they get them - so frankly by that standard -
who fukking cares ....
stop it slime ,we should support the rethugs who would rather see us in chains.just because dude is in charge does not mean he knew what about their interrogation tactics ,just imagine if he did not micromanage the pentagonits really sad that in 2014 people still believe in republicans and democrats. lol talk abt falling victim to the propaganda. Obama is the one responsible for the cia, and hes responsible for militarizing the police too. that's not blind hatred, its pointing the finger where its due. anything else is blind allegiance to the government that pays its police officers to shoot children down in the streets. people really need to read more.
Obama just paid the police dept 20 million extra dollars for 'body cams'. weren't the last few shootings caught on tape and nothing still happened? Obama just condoned the shooting of black children, and gave them a bonus for it. and u still support him. why? blind allegiance to his color and not his views, that's why.