I told myself I didn't want to do this today
No, with Iran, now that their president is more moderate and has even voiced desire to reach across the aisle. A lot of it is too late as diplomacy in the past, rather than bombs and meddling, would have saved everyone a lot of dead bodies and headaches
Whats "moderate" in a field of loons?
STUXNET straight got them boys scared, in addition to some outright targeted assassinations that lets them know we're about that action and will stop nuclear proliferation at ALL costs.
Not to mention that Iran is getting a serious deal in the restructuring in the region.
So yeah, this is less about Iran than it is about the hard-line position we've had towards them.
Catch up.
The US MUST maintain their dominance.
No we didnt
From Mossadegh to arming the Afghans against the Soviets to all our other meddling and shyt.. we have been fukking with the ME for decades, and this mess we have inherited are the crows coming home to roost.
I don't see why I should automatically start feeling sympathetic towards that TODAY.
Cause as it stands, policy must be made and decisions must be implemented.
Every other nation does it.
So now you want me to condone being some second-tier nation that doesn't influence or pursue conditions favorable to it's aims?
This is what is so frustrating about talking to you all.
just about Every military action in humanity has been about enforcement or resources.
Dont talk to me about understanding breh. U have no idea what u are talking about. Our ONLY triumphs over the last 5 decades have been through diplomacy. JFK AVOIDING nuclear war with Cuba. Nixon reaching out to and opening up China. Letting the USSR collapse on its own, rather than engaging in a turf war we would lose for nothing.
WTF are you talking about? The USSR collapsed BECAUSE of the Cold War.
China was opened up similar to how Japan was...which some warships and a little diplomacy.
Compare that to, us going to Korea and STARTING the Cold War, us getting our ASSES handed to us in Vietnam, while Vietnam remained communist TO THIS DAY, us overthrowing Mossadegh in Iran for oil only for them to become a problem now, etc. etc. etc.... sometimes knowing when NOT to jump into a fight is the answer and our foreign policy results have shown that damn near every conflict we've jumped into over the last 50 yrs has been such an instance
Do the knowledge fakkit :artumad:
Stop dancing with this anti-American fukk shyt.
1. Vietnam needed to happen. Did it need to be prolonged? No. But it was going to happen regardless. Before the china/russia split that was a serious issue
2. korea needed to happen as well...and you can blame overzealous generals for fukking that up
3. we've had a lot of successes too, but i'll let you keep pretending that kicking ass doesn't present results.