Look At @Strawberry Y'all, The Coli's New Favorite PAWG (nvm, that ain't no pawg)

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May 3, 2012
St louis
:leostare:Why do you write in prose



Home Run Hitter
Feb 28, 2013
Yo this shyt is hilarious lol....I thought she was a straight up yardie since she always talked about living in Jamaica in the Dancehall/Reggae thread so this is surprising...
honestly aside from that she just seems like a chick thats havin fun out here :ehh:


Mar 13, 2015

:laff: Where do these people come from man? What the fukk!

On Wednesday night I went out to this reggae/dancehall night and I was swarmed by dudes. It's not so unusual for guys to pull at this night or for guys to hit on me but I'm not used to so many guys hitting on me at once. I became dizzy/overwhelmed cuz there were more than 5 guys trying to pick me up to the point that they were trying to "steal" me from the guy(s) I was talking to & dancing with.

To give you some context I dance all night and am one of the only girls and probably the most active of all who daggers with guys (a highly sexualized style of dance) so when men see me off the dancefloor they like :shaq::feedme:. I'm kind of like this highly sought after prize to them.

It's funny too cuz in Jamaica everyone calls me Strawberry and when a guy at reggae night asks my name I tell them, then say "but in Jamaica they call me Strawberry"...so all these dudes were like "Strawberry, come gimme a dance now!" , "Strawberry, come chill with me lata", "Strawberry, I got a bottle of Hennessy at my place, come and drink afta", "Strawberry, 6:30!!" etc.

Anyway, I was outside and had just smoked a spliff and this guy from Antigua who had mad style and a big smile comes out of nowhere and tells me he's leaving but that he wants to get to know me, so I took his # then he hugged me up before he left and told me to call him the next day. :ehh:

I went back in to dance but got too hot, then went back outside to cool off. This guy comes up and talks to me and I was stoned and said something about wanting a glass of water. At this point the bar was mad busy and you have to wait forever to get a drink. So this guy says "Come, let's go to my place to get some water, I live close by". I was like :patrice: and even said "This is a sex trap!" but he assured me it wasn't and that we would just go and come straight back. After about 5min of him trying to convince me it wasn't a sex trap, I went with him. So we got some water and then he totally tried to make some moves :heh: but I was like :whoa: cuz I wanted to go back to the club and dance and I wasn't sure about this dude yet. He was trying a bit too hard for my liking. I let him kiss me for a minute cuz he was good looking but that was it.

So we go back to the club and he's like "I wanna get a dance with you" and on the way to the dancefloor this next dude was like "Strawberry, when am I gonna get my dance?" and then a third dude comes out of nowhere and was like "Strawberry, come and dance with me now!" and kinda just took me away to the dancefloor. His dancing was on point; we were winding together, going low, daggering etc. It felt good, it felt right, I was like :ehh::steviej::banderas::noah::ahh::myman: and then I see the water/sex trap guy lookin at me from across the dancefloor all :mjcry:. I felt kinda bad but the guy I was dancing with had all the right moves so :yeshrug:

Then the lights come on, end of the night, and I find out that the guy I was dancing with had actually met me before but we never really got to know each other. Then we find out we have the same birthday which had us both like :gladbron:

As we were walkin towards the exit, this older African guy I know pulls me aside and strictly warns me not to go home with this guy and not to bring him to my home. He even said "If you do, GOOD LUCK!" and when I asked why he wouldn't tell me so it got me all :lupe: but the guy was a really good dancer and touchin me all the right ways and I wanted to get to know him. So I go outside and everyone's chillin on the sidewalk. I'm talkin with the dude and it turns out we both don't have phone right now :mjlol: so we were trying to figure out how to stay in touch. Then the water/ sex guy comes up, interrupts us, and tries to pull me right in front of the dude's face :pachaha:but I wasn't having it so I kinda rejected him and kept talkin with my dancing guy.

Then my friend, who was a guest dj that night, comes out of the club and he's like "LET'S GO, NOW!" "C'MON, LET'S GO, LET'S GO!" and I remember that my African friend was warning me about my dancing guy so I got all :lupe: again. His dancing was so good though and he was tall (I LOVE tall guys :shaq:) and he was chattin Patois with me so I didn't wanna leave without exchanging some kind of contact info with him.

So finally I give him some contact info & this cute/sexy Haitian dude walks by us...there were tons of people clogging up the sidewalk so he kinda had to squeeze by us. I looked at him, then looked back at the other guy, then looked back at the Haitian dude, back at the guy, then back at the Haitian dude AGAIN and I finally said "Hey!" and he just grabs me and takes me away from the guy I was talking to and starts huggin me & kissin me on my neck :russ:

He was with 2 friends so we go to his friend's car to drink some rum and chill but then I guess he was a bit too drunk cuz he forgot that he picked me up and essentially "gave" me to his friend cuz his friend is half Jamaican and I was talkin about Jamaica. But I didn't want his friend, I was attracted to HIM so I literally had to convince him of that and remind him how we met and how he took me away from the other guy. It was a confusing situation but I thought it was hilarious how he not only picked me up but actually stole me from another guy, then forgot and gave me to his friend :russ: He didn't believe me when I said I was attracted to him and not his friend so I had to make out with him in front of his friends to prove it :russ::snoop::yeshrug:

LM freakin AO!!!!! Joke
May 3, 2012
St louis

dont believe it's the person that posts
here but you can look into the eyes of that
woman and see she's nutty as squirrel shyt.
it was either black dikk or her carving words into her
flesh with razors...
kinda white chick that will drink henny,
have a group of black men tape her being pee'd on,
sober up,threaten to call the cops,get drunk again,
tell nikkas to delete the video yet every weekend she'll text
one of them nikkas to send the video so she can rub her fishy
post club p*ssy.
it's the weekend and right now some nikka is thinking.
*man please let that crazy bytch call somebody else tonight*

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