Look at how Dem shills are attacking Brother Cornel West


May 1, 2012
:francis:Same thing with Green party candidates, West is cliqued in, knowingly or otherwise, to be a Democratic spoiler and nothing more.

Thing is, this was obvious a long while ago. Can't tell the "Dare to be different" brehs that though or they get mad.
Just look at the naivety of the thread title. "So what if Cornell gonna make it easier for Trump to win, ya'll shills shouldn't be mad"


Mar 11, 2022
Cornel West is a real one. Its crazy how political fan boys are ready to discredit an intelligent black men just because he don't fall in line.

Like how can you blame him for somebody else losing........so when Cornel loses the election we should blame Trump or Kamala? shyt is ridicolous:mindblown:


Sep 2, 2014
Cornel West is a real one. Its crazy how political fan boys are ready to discredit an intelligent black men just because he don't fall in line.

Like how can you blame him for somebody else losing........so when Cornel loses the election we should blame Trump or Kamala? shyt is ridicolous:mindblown:
:dahell:Thats not what anyone is saying. 3rd parties tend to only peel votes away from Democrats, partially because the policies overlap.

Disclaimer: overlapping policies does NOT mean Democrats as a whole prioritize those positions.

So when people run third party and peel a few thousand votes...and then the races won in those places are by a few thousand votes...thats how we see what we see.

When Cornel loses, it's because he has zero mass appeal. It's like Dr. Umar telling us he wants to build this big ass school and we just supposed to believe him, meanwhile plenty of other brothas have started schools smaller and scaled up. Cornel is an academic but he is not someone we can look at and be like "He has a successful career in getting things going politically." If he peels 8000 votes in a given state and the actual Presidential competitors are within a 10k vote margin, it can make all the difference.


Mar 11, 2022
:dahell:Thats not what anyone is saying. 3rd parties tend to only peel votes away from Democrats, partially because the policies overlap.

Disclaimer: overlapping policies does NOT mean Democrats as a whole prioritize those positions.

So when people run third party and peel a few thousand votes...and then the races won in those places are by a few thousand votes...thats how we see what we see.

When Cornel loses, it's because he has zero mass appeal. It's like Dr. Umar telling us he wants to build this big ass school and we just supposed to believe him, meanwhile plenty of other brothas have started schools smaller and scaled up. Cornel is an academic but he is not someone we can look at and be like "He has a successful career in getting things going politically." If he peels 8000 votes in a given state and the actual Presidential competitors are within a 10k vote margin, it can make all the difference.

This is the thinking that got america stuck on the two party system. Always voting for the lesser of two evils and things never changing. Cornel does have appeal....he just don't have the funding like the dems and republicans have for their campaigns....These two parties spend over a billion dollars each on these elections. If Cornel west who don't have nowhere near the same budget as them gets 9k votes...then he did his job.....stop blaming the small guy for the big parties not doing THEIR JOB......only in politics do we see no accountabilty....shyt is disgusting :scust:


Sep 2, 2014
This is the thinking that got america stuck on the two party system. Always voting for the lesser of two evils and things never changing. Cornel does have appeal....he just don't have the funding like the dems and republicans have for their campaigns....These guys spend over a billion dollars each. If Cornel west who don't have nowhere near the same budget as them gets 9k votes...then he did his job.....stop blaming the small guy for the big parties not doing THEIR JOB......only in politics do we see no accountabilty....shyt is disgusting :scust:
1. You skipped that I said MASS appeal. You have to be an academic or plugged into politics in a non-casual way to know who he is. He came in wanting to run on the People's party, then Green, then independent. Most people have no idea who he is and he has zero track record politically.

2. We are stuck in "Lesser of two evils" because money has been allowed to get too big. If I push for ranked choice ballots, out of state money comes flowing in to destroy whatever the fukk I am doing. Money in politics is the #1 reason that whomever you want to be in a position of power currently can't.

3. You brought up the billions for Dems and Republicans which is right. Just so you know, a great deal of that also comes in as small dollar donations. If Cornel is drawing small dollars as well, he is dead in the water.

4. I'm not blaming the small guy for getting votes, i'm just telling you to not act like people who vote a certain way wouldn't be a little annoyed if the peeloff of votes for a fringe candidate costs their locality/state/country a better candidate vs who actually wins. Yes, they will get over it. No, it's not some mystery why some folks see Cornel as the guy to come in and mess up the spread of votes in tightly contested races.


Mar 11, 2022
1. You skipped that I said MASS appeal. You have to be an academic or plugged into politics in a non-casual way to know who he is. He came in wanting to run on the People's party, then Green, then independent. Most people have no idea who he is and he has zero track record politically.

2. We are stuck in "Lesser of two evils" because money has been allowed to get too big. If I push for ranked choice ballots, out of state money comes flowing in to destroy whatever the fukk I am doing. Money in politics is the #1 reason that whomever you want to be in a position of power currently can't.

3. You brought up the billions for Dems and Republicans which is right. Just so you know, a great deal of that also comes in as small dollar donations. If Cornel is drawing small dollars as well, he is dead in the water.

4. I'm not blaming the small guy for getting votes, i'm just telling you to not act like people who vote a certain way wouldn't be a little annoyed if the peeloff of votes for a fringe candidate costs their locality/state/country a better candidate vs who actually wins. Yes, they will get over it. No, it's not some mystery why some folks see Cornel as the guy to come in and mess up the spread of votes in tightly contested races.

1. WRONG. Cornel West have been multiple times on tv and is one of the most well known academics in America. And if he is as unknown as you say he is then why complain about him peeling away voters? :mindblown:

2. We are stuck in the two party systems because dudes like you uphold it by shytting on other alternatives. These two parties ain't never getting rid of the money in politics because that money is going in their pockets.

3. Cornel is a highly respected individual who don't sell his values for dollars and if more americans had the option to hear him they would vote for him. No way in hell you telling me either Kamala or Trump are better speakers...they just have the connections and the dollars behind them.

4. Hillary's L in 2016 wasn't because of a 3rd party candidate it was because she was TERRIBLE candidate...................If Joe Biden lost this election and never dropped out it wasn't going to be because of a 3rd party it was because he was a TERRIBLE candidate.......If Kamala loses this election it was because the Dems put her into late and their strategy.

Stop with the babble and put accountability on the right people who have billions on their finger tips.


Sep 2, 2014
1. WRONG. Cornel West have been multiple times on tv and is one of the most well known academics in America. And if he is as unknown as you say he is then why complain about him peeling away voters? :mindblown:

2. We are stuck in the two party systems because dudes like you uphold it by shytting on other alternatives. These two parties ain't never getting rid of the money in politics because that money is going in their pockets.

3. Cornel is a highly respected individual who don't sell his values for dollars and if more americans had the option to hear him they would vote for him. No way in hell you telling me either Kamala or Trump are better speakers...they just have the connections and the dollars behind them.

4. Hillary's L in 2016 wasn't because of a 3rd party candidate it was because she was TERRIBLE candidate...................If Joe Biden lost this election and never dropped out it wasn't going to be because of a 3rd party it was because he was a TERRIBLE candidate.......If Kamala loses this election it was because the Dems put her into late and their strategy.

Stop with the babble and put accountability on the right people who have billions on their finger tips.
Aiight, imma try to right this coherently cause you are starting to annoy me with talking around me.

1. ON WHAT SHOWS! Political shows. Do you know what mass appeal is or do I have to explain it? The "I know him, I see him, so clearly everyone else does" take is dumb. Most people who vote are very casually political. Knowing who Cornel West is is NOT common for regular voters. Knock it off.

2. I did not shyt on him. Stop talking to me like I am everybody. Speaking practically, he is a fly in a Red and Blue soup, and acknowledging it is isn't shytting on him. He has no political record and he isn't the kind of personality that grabs headlines.

3. Again, talking around me. I don't have any say on what others see or think about his speech. I used to see the man all the time on PBS in the afternoon and evenings so I am familiar with him speaking, but I am into politics. I am not the average person who only really tunes in for Presidential races in the last several months. They don't know nor care.

4. Hillary's L was because she didn't get the delegates in the right states. She wont he popular vote. She was not a terrible candidate to the majority of US citizens, she just did not win the right states. Speaking of right states, if a 3rd party candidate with zero hope of an actual presidency peels away a few percentage of votes in Swing states, it is absolutely a spoiler. Admitting as much is practical.

I am not babbling. You speak very emotionally. I am directing my comments to YOU, and you are speaking generally. 3rd party candidates traditionally peel from the left, not the right, and is merely something to acknowledge, not sit here and bemoan someone saying as much about your chosen candidate.

Harry B

May 20, 2012
I don’t know why people think that the US enjoys what Israel is doing. They have clearly said that they are against it in principle but the geopolitics and warfare are very complex topics. It’s like gang politics, you can’t just abandon your closest brother that has been riding with you for like 100 years soon.

Or that they are sending weapons to smash Hamas. The weapons are for much more powerful Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.

Biden, like Trump or any other president will do whatever the military and intelligence men say in such topics.


Mar 11, 2022
Aiight, imma try to right this coherently cause you are starting to annoy me with talking around me.

1. ON WHAT SHOWS! Political shows. Do you know what mass appeal is or do I have to explain it? The "I know him, I see him, so clearly everyone else does" take is dumb. Most people who vote are very casually political. Knowing who Cornel West is is NOT common for regular voters. Knock it off.

2. I did not shyt on him. Stop talking to me like I am everybody. Speaking practically, he is a fly in a Red and Blue soup, and acknowledging it is isn't shytting on him. He has no political record and he isn't the kind of personality that grabs headlines.

3. Again, talking around me. I don't have any say on what others see or think about his speech. I used to see the man all the time on PBS in the afternoon and evenings so I am familiar with him speaking, but I am into politics. I am not the average person who only really tunes in for Presidential races in the last several months. They don't know nor care.

4. Hillary's L was because she didn't get the delegates in the right states. She wont he popular vote. She was not a terrible candidate to the majority of US citizens, she just did not win the right states. Speaking of right states, if a 3rd party candidate with zero hope of an actual presidency peels away a few percentage of votes in Swing states, it is absolutely a spoiler. Admitting as much is practical.

I am not babbling. You speak very emotionally. I am directing my comments to YOU, and you are speaking generally. 3rd party candidates traditionally peel from the left, not the right, and is merely something to acknowledge, not sit here and bemoan someone saying as much about your chosen candidate.

I ain't gonna do a long back forth with you....this going no where and you repeating same shyt.

Cornel west is a better candidate then either trump or kamala. Don't matter if he don't have experince.....neither did trump before he ran in 2016

Cornel west is obviously qualified and given the funding them two got he would recieve alot of votes. 3rd party candidates aren't obligated to make their competitors win.


May 1, 2012
I don’t know why people think that the US enjoys what Israel is doing. They have clearly said that they are against it in principle but the geopolitics and warfare are very complex topics. It’s like gang politics, you can’t just abandon your closest brother that has been riding with you for like 100 years soon.

Or that they are sending weapons to smash Hamas. The weapons are for much more powerful Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.

Biden, like Trump or any other president will do whatever the military and intelligence men say in such topics.
Most people are surface level thinkers and when I say most, I mean the overwhelming majority. Most also have very little knowledge on how things like that work. They speak and think of political issues the same way a 5th grader would. "Well just tell them to stop the war"

Harry B

May 20, 2012
Most people are surface level thinkers and when I say most, I mean the overwhelming majority. Most also have very little knowledge on how things like that work. They speak and think of political issues the same way a 5th grader would. "Well just tell them to stop the war"

Exactly. And that goes for politics s as well. We’ve seen this in many nations and states, when these so called radicals get to the power. Very little changes in the short term, cause the world is a lot more complex than they were screaming before they came to power.

This is probably also why a lot of people think politicians are disingenuous, cause they say they’ll do a lot but when they come to power they understand that it wasn’t as simple as they thought. This dude Trump could barely build a wall in 4 years (but of course he also got intel saying that a wall won’t stop Latinos from coming the us, it’s a lot more complex than that).