Long Rant On MMA Journalism I wrote

Apr 30, 2012
I notice that as Ariel Helwani has been the subject of a lot hate as of late with a lot of his defenders retorted with a variation of "he's a quality journalist". Whether this is true or not, the deeper presupposition is that such a thing exists, or is even possible, among "MMA journalists".

The existence of serious "MMA Journalism" seems to be an unquestioned assumption. I however feel that there's no evidence for it.

Question 1: Does serious MMA journalism exist?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

OK, fine, let's qualify this. I am not claiming that there haven't been serious journalistic investigations into the subject/industry of MMA. Of course there have been (though not many). The problem however is that it's mostly the business press that carries it out. Bloomberg, WSJ, or Forbes reporters, have provided better, more informed, analysis of the UFC as a business than any MMA journalist ever has. As such, I don't think it falls under what we're talking about.

I'm referring more to the Ariel Helwanis, Karyn Bryants, the people that go to the post fight pressers, etc. Even when good aggregation sites like MMAmania, or Bloody Elbow feature interesting stories, those are generally just links to work done by actual journalistic outfits (like the GSP profile done by the NYtimes).

So the question becomes, what high quality journalism do these people provide on their own? Anyone who's ever watched a post fight presser knows that most of it is just dumb journalists asking even dumber questions (e.g. "Are you disappointed that you lost?"). The only reason people watch these things are for:

-Bonus allocation.
-Future matchups.
-Injury reports.
-To see if anyone was cut from the UFC.

Now, you might say: "BUT Lukie!!! Surely, it's important to report these things. The people want to know! That's serious work!"

To which I say, 1. Don't call me Shirley. 2. There's a difference between a journalist, and a stenographer.

ste•nog•ra•pher noun \stə-ˈnä-grə-fər\

Definition of STENOGRAPHER
a person employed chiefly to take and transcribe dictation.

The information is announced by the UFC. Simply repeating what the UFC says doesn't make you a journalist. It makes you an underpaid UFC spokesman.

Though court stenographers may be important, we don't confuse them with being journalists that cover the justice system.

This being the case, one quickly finds that pretty much every piece of "original" MMA journalism, is inane, pointless, superficial, irrelevant, or worse- dishonest.

Only true marks think that even a fraction of the MMA "feuds" are sincere. Journalism done the extent of furthering these storylines is analogous to being the guy who does backstage interviews for the WWE.

Evaluations on how fighter training camps are going, are mostly useless in the hands of MMA journalists. Most of this information comes from biased sources, such as paid coaches, and results in hilarious "reports", such as:

"Chael's coach says he will submit Anderson!!".

Most MMA journalists are technically incompetent, and thus most evaluations or "fight previews", are filled with cliches and platitudes. References to "momentum", and "heart", and "re-vitalized" training, are usually giveaways to this type of fluff piece.

Other stuff, such as video highlights, are produced either by fans themselves, or the UFC.

Question 2: Are there impediments to serious MMA journalism?

Yes. It's not impossible to have serious work done in this field (as the business press has demonstrated). Other sports, though plagued with similar type of faux journalism, also have highly regarded figures that are capable of producing genuine insight.

Part of the blame of course has to go to MMA journalists themselves. Look, MMA, much as we may love it, is still a bit of a niche sport. MMA journalism is even more of a tiny niche. The graduates of Columbia’s journalism school are in near future going to say to them "I can't wait to do quality work about MMA". As such, the quality of our journalists probably isn't going to be too high.

Most lack the training and sophistication to be able to do stories that involve things like UFC finances. Others don't know when to draw the line between the personal, and the professional. Others simply aren't that good at writing, or at painting complete pictures. Most are probably easily intimidated, as they confuse access, with being able to do good journalism (something that the legendary high stakes journalist I.F. Stone disproved).

As such, it's easy for our journalists to be co-opted, or worse.

Part of the blame however must also go to the UFC.

Now, let's be clear. I don't expect the UFC to act differently. As a business, OF COURSE they will try to create the most friendly media environment possible. I'm merely pointing out HOW they do it.

For starters, Dana uses good old fashioned intimidation, and black listing. Journalists, who don't kiss the ring, often get their credentials revoked. Sometimes, they get called "fukking c*nts". Other times, they get out right fired (like the guy who ghost wrote BJ Penn's book).

It's not all just straight up coercion however. Where as disobedience is punished, loyal service is rewarded. Notice how Dana hired Ariel for the VS stuff they were doing. Do you think he hired him because of his independent truth-telling, or because of how he furthers "story lines", already had corporate backing, and how he already proved his submission by letting himself be berated by Dana?

Remember: Journalism in general is a low paying gig. People often trip over themselves for access. Do you think a lot of the people with access and jobs will trip over themselves? Not likely.

Finally, also consider the nature of the UFC. They haven't gone public, nor are they subject to regulation like other sports leagues. As such, they are very shady about their financials. About their owners being shady, union busting casino moguls. About how one of their owners is a shady middle eastern dictator. Hell, the only reason we know that one of their owners was run out of town by the mob, was because he himself came clean about it!

Considering that the UFC themselves has to be the source for most of the information, prospects for current MMA journalism are bleak.

But it doesn't have to be that way forever. The first step, as with any problem, is acknowledging that the problem exists.


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
I read it

I feel a lot of that is true for most sports unfortunately.

But in MMA and boxing, these guys barely do any investigative journalism unless they have a vendetta. shyts disgusting.


Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Apr 30, 2012
Nice read. Not a die hard follower of the sport but from what I've seen and heard from Dana White, he's a grade A fukkboy.


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
Good read breh.

shyt isnt going to change until theres other promotions to rival the UFC. Dana has too much of an iron grip on information, finances being the best example.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
Didnt need the thesis but do not disagree with the sentiment, I have been saying this for the longest time.The resounding approval to the "instant chael sonnen rematch for losing gallantly to the champion" not only revealed that most of these so called journalists cant separate professionalism from personal taste but that they are essentially just fans with credentials passes. The fact that ariel howani is seen as the standard in mma journalism also sadly speaks volumes of just how far it has to go. How many times has the fans questions outshone any inane thing the so called pros asked..Even so called vets like kevin iole, franklin mcneil and stracka have shown time and time again they lacked general knowledge about the sport. This aint news brah
Apr 30, 2012
I read it

I feel a lot of that is true for most sports unfortunately.

But in MMA and boxing, these guys barely do any investigative journalism unless they have a vendetta. shyts disgusting.
Thank you for checking this out.

Yeah, I agree but at least other sports have one good reporter ie Woj for NBA,etc. The MMA community seems to embrace average coverage than attack anyone who say it isn't good.

Good read breh.

shyt isnt going to change until theres other promotions to rival the UFC. Dana has too much of an iron grip on information, finances being the best example.
True. I think the other problem is look at Josh Gross (though he isn't much of a journalist). He wrote a slander piece on the UFC and now basically has no job. People just recite what the UFC wants them to say so they can stay on good terms.

Nice read. Not a die hard follower of the sport but from what I've seen and heard from Dana White, he's a grade A fukkboy.

He is the loudest one in the room that is for sure.
Apr 30, 2012
Didnt need the thesis have been saying this for the longest time, the resounding approval to the "instant chael sonnen rematch for losing gallantly to the champion" not only revealed that most of these so called journalists cant separate professionalism from personal taste but that they are essentially just fans with credentials passes. The fact that ariel howani is seen as the standard in mma journalism also sadly speaks volumes of just how far it has to go.

agreed. Helwani is the nerd from High School who can't handle fame often asking questions about himself as opposed to anything of worth


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
I read it

I feel a lot of that is true for most sports unfortunately.

But in MMA and boxing, these guys barely do any investigative journalism unless they have a vendetta. shyts disgusting.
Thank you for checking this out.

Yeah, I agree but at least other sports have one good reporter ie Woj for NBA,etc. The MMA community seems to embrace average coverage than attack anyone who say it isn't good.

Good read breh.

shyt isnt going to change until theres other promotions to rival the UFC. Dana has too much of an iron grip on information, finances being the best example.
True. I think the other problem is look at Josh Gross (though he isn't much of a journalist). He wrote a slander piece on the UFC and now basically has no job. People just recite what the UFC wants them to say so they can stay on good terms.

Nice read. Not a die hard follower of the sport but from what I've seen and heard from Dana White, he's a grade A fukkboy.

He is the loudest one in the room that is for sure.

We're saying the same thing in a sense. The problem starts at the top, the UFC is the biggest show in town, and they use that to their advantage, i.e. publishing what they want to see and hear. It works both ways though, not al ot of people wanna read that shyt, because the UFC is the big dog in the yard.

Once the fighters take control(even though im not sure how itll work tbh) we'll see a massive change in the sport.
Apr 30, 2012
I read it

I feel a lot of that is true for most sports unfortunately.

But in MMA and boxing, these guys barely do any investigative journalism unless they have a vendetta. shyts disgusting.
Thank you for checking this out.

Yeah, I agree but at least other sports have one good reporter ie Woj for NBA,etc. The MMA community seems to embrace average coverage than attack anyone who say it isn't good.

Good read breh.

shyt isnt going to change until theres other promotions to rival the UFC. Dana has too much of an iron grip on information, finances being the best example.
True. I think the other problem is look at Josh Gross (though he isn't much of a journalist). He wrote a slander piece on the UFC and now basically has no job. People just recite what the UFC wants them to say so they can stay on good terms.

Nice read. Not a die hard follower of the sport but from what I've seen and heard from Dana White, he's a grade A fukkboy.

He is the loudest one in the room that is for sure.

We're saying the same thing in a sense. The problem starts at the top, the UFC is the biggest show in town, and they use that to their advantage, i.e. publishing what they want to see and hear. It works both ways though, not al ot of people wanna read that shyt, because the UFC is the big dog in the yard.

Once the fighters take control(even though im not sure how itll work tbh) we'll see a massive change in the sport.
what is weird is how anti-union the UFC is, and how it is never brought up

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
True. I think the other problem is look at Josh Gross (though he isn't much of a journalist). He wrote a slander piece on the UFC and now basically has no job. People just recite what the UFC wants them to say so they can stay on good terms.

While I dont disagree that ppl are afraid to rock the boat in fear of getting blackballed.Some of these journalist dont really seem down for the cause.What I mean when I say that is MMA isnt in any sort of position for smear campaigns.A lot of inexperienced writers/reporters are getting well fed off the back of MMA.Promoters/business men (smart ones) are eating good too so everyone is happy.So why not ride that out until mma is accepted on the mainstream level ..Instead u have these writers/reporters with their own hidden agenda reporting stories no one cared to hear about but cud have huge ramifications

I think u are getting jake rossen mixed with josh gross.It was the former that used his position with espn/sherdog to essentially write stories upon stories deriding fighters, the sport and dana.What jason whitlock is as a black sports writer, jake rossen was as an mma journalist.It was insane how counterproductive and negative his articles were it was almost like he had a disdain for the sport, who needs that..The same with loretta hunt she has this thing with dana that leads her to report all these stories about shady business practices that could open pandora's box.Everything is either doom/gloom or about the sky falling, reporters like this are toxic for the sport.
what is weird is how anti-union the UFC is, and how it is never brought up
Why would it be weird that the ufc is anti-union, u think they want an educated lawyer type on their ass trying to get the best deal for their fighters?


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
what is weird is how anti-union the UFC is, and how it is never brought up

I was gonna bring it up on the show, but we always had other topics :pachaha:

Its a tight rope to walk though, and a very silppery slope. I been tossing the idea around for like a month to write an article about it, but havent quite figured out how i wanna put it.

Most fighters dont talk about it because they dont want to be on Uncle Dana's shyt list


May 6, 2012
Josh Gross reported an injury in an early Ultimate Fighter season that ultimately was a spoiler, and got himself banned for his efforts.