LL Cool J: "If I hear one more terrible rap record I'm gonna have to do it to these meatballs" 🧆


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
There is no act here but it seems like you are dropping yours, you don't have to carry it around with you.

Promote? I do not "promote". if I did you would know. You even thinking that's me promoting. shows you haven't been around here long enough to test graces.

You think the song is wack? Hold LL to his word. A 50 year old man puffing out his chest doesn't play out as great as you think it does.

Since you think you're an I.t.z. I will share with you a real one. This is Itz Manip

You think you talk down on a playa and it's going to reflect on anyone else but yourself? Allow this to be a lesson to you, the game doesn't take that lightly.

You're initiated in a world of playas and pimps? I'll see you there then. You're talking about people of a whole different order, I point my finger and tell her to come over.

You? You were holla'ing at them, doing your part and I'm not one to judge you, maybe one time in another life that was us. We tell you we'll send 'em back when we're done with them. They giggle as they come with us, it's a little next to nothing to us and when you see this you wonder how much it would cost you.

Never talk down on the game. It walks by you.

You can go where I go, wear what I wear and have what I have. You'll never get it.

Bookmark this page and come back and reread it. You'll never get it.

When you finally get the message you'll realize that Adonnis loves you more than anyone that never cared to help you


the fukk i wanna be wearing hand me downs living in the slums for? my dude, u try to hard. Drop the corny act. I make more on my investments then u have in your life time. Now go spread this bullshyt youtube rapper else where :camby:

Mac Casper

@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Jul 24, 2012

the fukk i wanna be wearing hand me downs living in the slums for? my dude, u try to hard. Drop the corny act. I make more on my investments then u have in your life time. Now go spread this bullshyt youtube rapper else where :camby:
How much have you made in investments of yourself? - it's that not your forte I won't place any premium on it to make this easier for you

What's your background? If it's better than mine I won't factor that either.

- so we obviously have different sets of values. If all you have is money to show for it, I'll be impressed. If I have more money than you in my btc account alone I won't hold it against you. If that's what you value, that's really all that matters

You may even have more money than me, you may of even been left for dead and came back from nothing and built something more than you came from (which isn't saying much) - I don't value of place premium on any negative aspects, only the lessons that ensued.

Like I said, you might have more money than me, but someday things can change for the both of us - if I had any hopes for you they'd only be for the best, someday I may interpret your username as ItzTime to get off this site

If you don't value my perspective, and you aren't able to share any perspective of value

Then neither of us benefit from this transaction. That's not how Adonnis does business.

Perhaps you have a lower standard for the effort required of my posts, which take no time for me. Perhaps I value perspective to much to attribute any value to yours.

How can @adonnis make this easier for you? I wanna help

Always there for you.

Mac Casper

@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Jul 24, 2012
Do you not value your name the way I do? Do you know what it's like for your name to precede you connotations ingrained in their perspective? It greatly desensitizes to the worry of what people might think of you when you do what you want to do. Just go to Adonnis anywhere and you will find the Adonnis of this lifetime, building. Look at the symbolism in the art and you'll see what's happening and stay tuned for when it happens because just being present will give you an idea of what it means when your son says "If Adonnis can do it I can to"

I really just want to uplift people and they take it as confrontation or an affront to them despite them initiating the discussion. If you've witnessed somebody be destroyed intellectually, in person, in front of people or in private - it's not something you want to do. So knowing this, you re-read my posts to these others and you see I'm really offering more love than they're likely to of gotten from anyone else in awhile. Someone who truly cares about betting people who don't want to better themselves. Like I said, thankless pursuit and I don't get any gratification from it and I would get the opposite of gratification from hurting someone.

Love through Adonnis will always be there for you, even after I'm gone. Some will take on my perspective as an example and deliver love as I do - truly caring about your betterment, maybe more than you do (Adonnisism hell, spiritual squalor - still there for you) others will get love directly through me. As unconditionally as I can offer.
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A God Among Kings
May 1, 2012
Rochester Ny
so timbaland did the headsprung chorus ... just re-listened after 13 years and its better than I remember
that deepest bluest shyt was on par with how soundtrack shyt sounded back then. And the classic samples all mixed is sort of dope besides the over production. I think Canibus smashed LL but he is a legend and I respect his track record. Dude is a monster and completely changed the game. His first handful of albums were classic and he kept going hit after hit

Even the bullshyt we are laughing at was packaged and sold to make him alot of money.... so joke is on us :russ:

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
No rapper in the history of hip hop has made a song as embarrassing as accidental racist. LL is a fukkin clown and trash as fukk for that. Yachty, Uzi, Thugger >>>>>> LL "forgive my gold chains and I'll forgive your iron chains" Cool J. Trash ass rapper

Bro imagine trying to defend the dude that made that song but getting upset about the lyrical content in ANY other song :dead: y'all prolly still fukk with hulk hogan too, will hold onto nostalgia for anything

This was a good post til you mentioned Thug, Uzi, and Yachty. You basically missed the game winning dunk with 2 seconds left.


soon as i catch the vibe tell em 2 fetch th hearse
Apr 30, 2012
This was a good post til you mentioned Thug, Uzi, and Yachty. You basically missed the game winning dunk with 2 seconds left.

:camby: they never said "RIP Robert E Lee" in a record, so they're better by default