Live video: George Zimmerman Trial - jury selection, trial, verdict, eye rolling


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
LOL @ all the Zimmerman's Defenders. How can someone have this many holes in their story and be innocent? How can someone not get arrested for killing someone for 6 whole weeks? How does the Police do a Toxicology Report on Trayvon and not the guy that shot someone? How does a Neighborhood Watch guy not know the name of the Streets in the place he's been living for 4 years and there's only 3 streets? How did Travyon punch you in the face over 20 times and bang your head over 10 times yet you didn't want medical attention? But your life was in danger? Travyon was "Skipping" away? Really?

White America showed their true colors with this case. And no I'm not talking about all White People. I'm talking about the System of America that is run mostly by Whites to keep a power structure that Black Life is worthless. This has been something that has been going on for centuries. Also why do people bring up Black on Black crime which goes deeper than what's happening today. You have to take it back years to understand the psychological damage of White Supremacy in America. It's just another tatic to devert from this guy killing someone. This is an OPEN AND SHUT case. Florida knows better.

Zimmerman going under the jail. The illusions to Emmit Till are on point. How many more young black man have to die innocently before America address this? Oscar Grant has a movie coming out. Sean Bell, Amadu Diallo, Rodney King and countless others who have seen White Supremecy Justice System let all the people off with a slap on the wrist. There is no way anyone can conivence me Zimmerman who has done nothing but lie over and over again story of the events is true. Sorry. Travyon was murdered end of the story. Now do the right thing. LOL @ all the media pundants hating on the Prosecution. That whole Closing Argument and rebuttal was ETHEROUS on so many levels. This is a common sense case. George "Wannabe Cop" Zimmerman took the law in his own hands and Trayvon never got home to watch the Heat that night. SMH.


Trayvoning? SMDH. White America? Really?

Steve Murray

Jul 10, 2012
Wow....................are we at deliberation time already? Or are they still doing closing arguments?

I'm at work so I'm not watching right now........................

This trial really seemed like it was rushed for some reason.....................

Steve Murray

Jul 10, 2012
Yeah ya'll are celebrating too fukking early :whoa:

I disagree.

I thought the 2nd-degree murder was overkill and that there was no way Zimmerman was getting that.

But manslaughter is looking all-but-guaranteed right now. :snoop:

I thought the prosecution looked :flabbynsick: at first but I have to admit, they finished strong. My gut is really telling me Zimmerman is going down. It's sad.