I don't think I ever said there has to be complete agreement, what I said was they agreed to not commit human rights abuses, a standard that the international community recognizes, in order to receive aid and be a part of AGOA, you break those rules you should expect the consequences. 'When you consume you render unto Caesar' Not true, we are far from a true democracy but what we can do is vote for representatives that reflect our ideals, and that comes with how tax money should be allocated. You and the Ugandan government can't moralize over sovereignty and African soil while, at the same time, receive aid and development from another nation you made a deal with. Using your logic, the US shouldn't engage with Africa at all, but we both know Uganda doesn't want that. 'It's more important things for us to address here than worrying about the moral decisions of African nations.' The same can be said for Uganda and this bill. I consider it a bit more than a moral difference to jail teenage girls for saying they like girls, that's not acceptable, and I will use the small power I do have as a voter to counter oppressive governments that want to abuse their populace with pocketing my tax money.
Those same Ugandans are being persecuted for their sexuality, for a supposed American liberal you seem very fine with the human rights abuses of our trade partners. Again, stop coddling them, if the Ugandan government is fukking up aid over bills that Ugandans barely support, then that's between them and their government. We set the terms years ago, Museveni knows this, this bill is extreme by all standards.