List any GOAT player... None of them surpassing Kareem and Russell


Aug 18, 2013
Lol. Russell probably the most overrated clown in league history. Fucc him

Play most of your career vs all soft short cacs brehs

Russell got most of his shyt in a 5 team league :mjlol:

Nikka ain't even top 10 :mjlol:

Fact 1: Players those days got measured for their height barefoot. Instead of today when they are measured with shoes on, which adds to their height. So by your logic, those "'6'8" centers would be 6'10 ft tall. Normal height for a Center in the modern NBA. Shaq is in fact 6'11 in real height

Fact 2: Wilt and Russell playing with short guys is in fact a myth. Here's a list of players in Wilt's era he played against 6'10 and up

Kareem Abdul Jabbar: 7'2"
Dennis Awtrey: 6'11"
Walt Bellamy: 6'11"
Tom Boerwinkle: 7'0"
Nate Bowmen: 6'11"
Mel Counts: 7'0"
Walter Dukes: 7'0"
Jim Eakins: 6'11"
Ray Felix: 6'11"
Hank Finkel: 7'0"
Artis Gilmore: 7'2"
Swede Halbrook: 7'3"
Reggie Harding: 7'0"
Bob Lanier: 6'11"
Jim McDaniels: 6'11"
Otto Moore: 6'11"
Dave Newmark: 7'0"
Rich Niemann: 7'0"
Billy Paultz: 6'11"
Craig Raymond: 6'11"
Elmore Smith: 7'0"
Chuck Share: 6'11"
Ronald Taylor: 7'1"
Nate Thurmond: 6'11"
Walt Wesley: 6'11"

Fact 3: The low number of teams plays into Russell's advantage.The NBA in the 50s- early 70s had 1/3 of the numbers of players they do now. So the competition was stiffer. Ever seen the lineup in the all star games of those days? About 3 hall of famers on each team. Wilt would go against 3 hall of famers a night, no 90s Clippers type teams in that era. Imagine Durant, Wade, Kobe on the same team playing against Lebron, Carmelo, Chris Paul on another team

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May 20, 2015
Listen man all that shyt fine and dandy but I go by the eye test.

Russell he just don't cut it for me,he an all time great fasho but he not no damn #1 or #2,I would say top 15 tho.

Kareem now that's debatable,dude is a beast so I agree with you there,and I'm sure alot of others could understand how someone could have Kareem so high.

My honest opinion tho the only cat that really can challenge Jordan for that #1spot is Magic. Magic was special real talk.


Aug 18, 2013
Listen man all that shyt fine and dandy but I go by the eye test.

Russell he just don't cut it for me
,he an all time great fasho but he not no damn #1 or #2,I would say top 15 tho.

Kareem now that's debatable,dude is a beast so I agree with you there,and I'm sure alot of others could understand how someone could have Kareem so high.

My honest opinion tho the only cat that really can challenge Jordan for that #1spot is Magic. Magic was special real talk.

Well obvious, he doesn't pass the eye test when all his films are from the 50s and 60s with film that was rarely in color, without Sportscenter, 24/7 coverage of basketball, NBA Finals that weren't on tape delay, No HD cameras from all angles, etc etc

Russell battled toe to toe and often got the best of Wilt. And Wilt was the same person who at an advanced age went toe to toe with Kareem. The same Kareem who dominated in the 70s and 80s with modern players

Of course you can see Kareem as debatable, he was in the 80s the time when NBA basketball was real high in popularity and Sportcenter already created. Where you get to see all 82 games, every playoff game, plus post game interviews. Which is no wonder why Magic could be your #1 player, he played with Kareem

Talking about 60s players like Wilt, Russell, Robertson, West, Petit, Willis Reed, Elgin Baylor, etc etc takes more imagination. Which I get when the modern era is in front of your face and has everything at your disposal :manny:
Jul 26, 2012


Deandre Jordan making over 20 mil a year, but let nikkas tell it, Russell wouldn't even make a squad in today's league...... :smh:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
None of them surpassing Kareem and Bill Russell. The 2 greatest players to ever play the game. The 2 most accomplished, the 2 who have revolutionized the game more than anyone else

Bill Russell's accomplishments

The NBA was about 10 years old and basketball was a distant 4th in popularity back then. You ever seen NFL fools from the 1930s being called the GOATs? We're talking an era when there were like 6-8 teams and the only people who played ball were white dudes from Indiana and the maybe 10% of Black athletes who weren't already aiming for baseball, football, boxing, or even Olympic sports.

Russell last season was 1969:deadmanny:
No one who played pre 1980's can be the goat:mjlol:

Also Bill Russell was like 6'9", 6'10" tops he'd get feasted on today on both ends:mjlol:

Play most of your career vs all soft short cacs brehs

Do you see them 5'11 cacs he was facing? :dahell:

:francis: Bruh I would drop 80 on that Cac on the block and I'm not even 6'0

Have no Knowledge of the NBA before 1990 brehs

Fact 1: Players those days got measured for their height barefoot. Instead of today when they are measured with shoes on, which adds to their height. So by your logic, those "'6'8" centers would be 6'10 ft tall. Normal height for a Center in the modern NBA. Shaq is in fact 6'11 in real height

Fact 2: Wilt playing with short guys is in fact a myth. Here's a list of players in Wilt's era he played against 6'10 and up

Kareem Abdul Jabbar: 7'2"....

blah blah blah

Man, there are 10 time as many guys that tall RIGHT NOW in the NBA. And there are guys 6'11" and 7'0" playing small forward, when small forwards in Russell and Wilt's day could be an unathletic 6'4" and be perennial all-stars. Most of the White dudes in the early NBA era were stiffs with no movement on defense, no moves on offense, and no basketball IQ. If you were 7'0" and athletic, you were a MONSTER in that era. (Hell, Moses Malone picked up MVPs all the way into the 1980s on nothing but being big and athletic.) Nowadays, there are 7'0" athletes every year who can't even stay on a roster.

Here are some rosters for your pleasure. The are HALL OF FAMERS in this damn picture, including White dudes.



Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
It would be dope seeing another big man who takes the game serious again and just destroys cats ... like Shaq and Hakeem used to. Russell and Wilt were really special
The rules really don't let a center do that these days unless you have 3-4 shooters on the floor at all times to space the court. Otherwise teams can get away with clogging the block like Dallas did in the 2006 finals. Guys also don't play as many minutes these days.