Liquid bytch ass with that sucka shyt again.


All Star
Resting in Peace
May 3, 2012
Im Just seeing this shyt for the first time :smh: clean my act up lol Im saint compared to most here :russ:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
As an innocent bystander, I would like to share my two cents with this thread. Should clear everything up @Brooklynzson
while you're calling mods here, how about they explain why it's acceptable for you, courtney, and smooth3d to constantly flood this subforum with xbox marketing bullshyt
As you can see here Marcuz with a Z is a sony guy. He calls talking about the xbox as marketing. But since E3 sony fans have been marketing because they don't have any games or system features or even information about things like PSN
It actually angers sony gamers that we are excited for xbox. Maybe one day Marcuz will man up, and realize he's a fanboy?
I have a WHOLE LOT more free time for the rest of the month so the section is going to get cleaned up.

Unfortunately that is going to be a rough time for you, PS4, and Smooth3d

Threads will be locked, deleted, or moved without notice if its typical BS from the 3 of you.
As you can see here Liquid-Vagina has targets. Is it a coincidence his targets are the fans of xbox? :wtf:
I get blamed for shyt I don't do, those guys, Smooth, Meach? They don't carry themselves like the average 3cept
Rekka, Marcuz, Chrisdorner, Black_Jesus, King Sun, the willestyels and mad2340o4472, they are easy to spot, they usually bring nothing to most conversations. They talk about family members when they furious, some even drop real names. shyt Liquid and JOSH bytch ass routinely use my name. @Brooklynzson I've said it before, I'll say it again. If you (thecoli) really has a problem with me. Just send me a PM and I'll never post here again (Tru Story)
The way modding has been done in here has been atrocious at BEST. If Liquid really feels he wants to regulate?
The community will just have to remind him who's really in charge here. You are nothing without us
I'm insulted that my contributions are questioned honestly. I know I'm one of the many reasons why you guys are popular :manny:
Naw fukk that. If your gonna do it. Do it down the middle.

I have no problem with rules but if they are only gonna apply to some people than that's not ok.

The fact that you only named three poster for "typical bs" shows your bias.
Yeah, he clearly told on himself Liquid aka Richie Incognito, you can't bully us anymore :to:
I don't have to explain myself to you. You three are the ones that I receive the most reports on and its being cleaned up.

I didn't close this thread because it appears you are on your period.
You do have to explain yourself to the community that you moderate over. Just reacting like a bytchass nikka doesn't earn respect bruh. We all deserve respect. You are a disrespectful fakkit. We are calling you out on your fakkit shyt, and everyone will see what the hubub is Richie. Thats why you are reacting like you on a period. Pot, meet kettle :umad:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
@Brooklynzson here's the rest. All I want out of all this is for you to see just so you know.
I'm not asking you to make a decision. This your site, run it how you want to :manny:

No you didn't get a report when you came in and closed my thread and you didn't get a report when you banned me from that thread.

This is your own doing and your own bias. Don't try to hide behind that other shyt. Just say you are gonna turn the arcadium into a Sony friendly environment and be done with it, don't come up with all this extra shyt like your trying to do your job as a mod. You are not or you wouldn't let 99% of the shyt go on in there.
Even tho you hide behind the bullshyt as well (all the hate you toss my way) but now you are voicing your displeasure cuz you finally getting treated like I do :heh:
Welcome to the EYE :salute:
Anywayz, he's right. I'm banned from the PS4 thread. I admit I was doing what we do in the lockerrooms. We haze each other. I don't take it to the point of bullying. And I sincerly only drop real knowledge that is frowned upon on here.
Because if you ain't praising sony, its "your marketing for M$ and your a shill"
Yes, on neogaf they like to call anyone who likes Microsoft a "shill" which is funny. Cuz I'm a real ass nikka
I was rolling dice last night until 5am, came up $300. I got a hangover like fukk right now. WE don't call ppl shills
See what I'm saying? I'm not about to adopt this bytchass language that fanboys on gay forums use.
I was under thee impression nthat was a site where real nikkaz like the ones below can post

Breh there is a report from one of you three each and every single day and you started derailing the thread started by @midwesthiphop

Enough of the BS
Yes, I agree,. Enough of the BS. You are a sony fanboy. We all get complaints by the same group of butthurt gamers
Usually people who don't regularly post in this section. I don't know where to search for the complaints you talking about
But I'm sure your superiors can see. If the majority of complaints come from the same group of posters that you are buddy buddy with? Maybe you members of an E-clique like TBM or something? All this little "enough of the bs" shyt you all about is why there is turmoil around here. But it starts with YOU. You allow too much shyt on your side, your corrupted with bias
And if you think your gonna take anything out on ME? :laff:
When you dis
you dis yourselves
you're the one bytching, bruh. im glad they're finally putting an end to this. you guys are ruining the arcadium.
He's the one being targeted while people like yourself are allowed to run amok. Which :3cept: on the Dolphins do you wanna be known as?
Just showcasing how they all rally around each other in an identical like fashion as with whats going on in Miami
Prince is saying that because he is a hardcore lover of sony, hey want this, and the end result is thecoli turning into neogaf jr.
I said this a long time ago when I would talk about "Hey, SOHH is better than here"
Because Thecoli has been infiltrated. Timmy Blackface run dis bytch now :damn:
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Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
I don't have to explain myself to you. You three are the ones that I receive the most reports on and its being cleaned up.

I didn't close this thread because it appears you are on your period.

You wont explain yourself because your a DISINGENUOUS piece of shyt. Chris Dorner, Satam 55, King Sun, and Fatboi all troll the arcadium with lies and bullshyt, yet you feel the need to only single out the posters that promote the Xbox One. Your bias and heavy handedness towards posters you have personal beef with is a hugh detriment to the arcadium and negatively affects the growth of the forum.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
you're the one bytching, bruh. im glad they're finally putting an end to this. you guys are ruining the arcadium.

Man shut your dumbass up. You motherfukkers have been getting sonned by the Xbox One enthusiasts, so much so that your are actually promoting the idea of MODERATORS selectively targeting posters that prefer a certain system and either banning them outright, or severly limiting their posting privelages. The fact you act as if this isn't the case, and that Liquid is somehow "doing a decent job" just goes how disingenuous your being.


May 2, 2012
Man shut your dumbass up. You motherfukkers have been getting sonned by the Xbox One enthusiasts, so much so that your are actually promoting the idea of MODERATORS selectively targeting posters that prefer a certain system and either banning them outright, or severly limiting their posting privelages. The fact you act as if this isn't the case, and that Liquid is somehow "doing a decent job" just goes how disingenuous your being.

:what: sonned? grow up nikka, the same 4 posters flood the board with multiple post daily. no excuse that ps4, meach, smooth3d have about 100 thread each about consoles.