Lionel Richie's Daughter Sofia Says People Say Racist Stuff Around Her Not Knowing She's Black


Nov 12, 2013
This is precisely how mulatto "militants" are created...particularly, racially ambigous ones like Kaepernick & Jesse Williams who are able to blend in as non-blacks.... They have added insight and are able to see a side of white folks on a personal level that blacks will never be able to see.


May 13, 2012
My grandmother can pass for white and some of the stories she has told me of white people thinking she was white and they could go off-code with their racism made me hit the Weebey face.

She said once she got on the bus and sat next to a white lady with a dog. She told the white lady that her dog was cute and asked his name, and the white lady said 'oh thank you! his name is Lil Black ******, and we just love him to bits? What's your dog's name?' And my Grandmother replied 'my dog's name is Poor White Trash!'

I wonder when cacs who aren't white supremacists will be brave enough to come forward and expose the kind of racism they hear in their everyday lives that other races aren't privy to.

nikka her MOTHER IS WHITE she is BI RACIAL not black tell her to deal with it and SHUT THE fukk UP and embrace it


Jul 29, 2015
Los Angeles
I remember reading this interview with Lionel Richie, dude is a great guy. Really found this part sad though, because it's true:

Lionel Richie: 'My worst trait? I'll never call you back. I'm not the guy on the phone saying 'hello' | Daily Mail Online

… and your biggest disappointment?
I am personally disappointed with mankind. We think we can solve problems but they just carry on. When we did Live Aid and We Are The World the problem was simple. It was hunger. We, a group of famous people, got up and did something. An incredible moment. But it passed and people moved on, and there is still hunger. We live in grey times with grey vague wars: people don’t know why we are there or what we are doing.

The underlined reminded me of a discussion I read on reddit once which was a response to Trump's overtime policy that was also brought up on this forum. It just relates everything together: what Lionel Richie was talking about, what his daughter experienced, the election, the whole Jennifer Lawrence thing. Really the overall state of the times and the past, etc. I know plenty is deep rooted in racism, but it also just explains the reason why the overall condition of the world is the way it is. After all racism is rooted in opinions:

First poster:
When you consider facts no more objective than opinions, of course you'll be deeply offended and emotionally confused by people telling you that their facts are right and your opinions are wrong.

I've been consistently reminded over the past couple weeks that our biggest problem is the inability to call ignorance what it is, ignorance. The culprit is the "Fair & Balanced" mentality that news has been pushing for decades now.

They operate under the idea that both sides have opinions and both opinions are equal and deserver to be heard. This is horribly false. My opinions of Sanskrit translations and the Ancient Indian Studies professor from Harvard's opinion of the same translation are far from equal.......and the news should call it like it is in situations like that.

Unfortunately, we now have a very large group of people who are convinced that their opinion is just as valid as their opponents' facts because every argument has two equal sides. If you try to show them an educated, scientific, or logical argument opposing their views, you are suddenly a condescending elitist who doesn't respect their opinion.

The problem I have is that there is no bridge to build and no potential pathway between two people like this who try to engage is friendly discourse. One side will try to offer facts, history, and accepted studies based on years of findings in order to prove their view. The other goes by the feelings in their hearts, the opinions of a not-so-news organization (which then get repeated as fact by the news show that comes on after the opinion show and then gets repeated by blogs who don't check the faux-fact), and the demand for intellectual respect despite not actually researching the topic in any real sense.

If you can't call call out someone for being ignorant without offending them, and I see nothing wrong with ignorance in itself, mind you, then how can you possibly reach a common ground?

Edit: Inb4 someone starts calling me out for my "arrogance" being literally the reason they voted for Trump. For the record, I will benefit monetarily from a Trump presidency. I don't think it's going to take long for most of the people who voted for him to recognize their situation is getting worse, regardless of who they blame for it, and that makes me sad.

Discussion if interested:

Not trying to derail the thread, but because this is a racial issue, and racist views are more often than not simply opinions and emotions, I thought the discussion was relevant. Basically talking out your ass based off of emotions should not hold the same weight as facts, but for some reason we're expected to treat the former on the same terms as the latter.
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Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
If her mommy is white than she is bi racial not black or white but bi racial except it and love it

She's biracial regardless of which race birthed her. Just because you guys started attributing blackness to the maternal lineage doesn't mean it has any grounding in science.

This same shyt happens with ethnically Jewish people and it's shaped by the same maternalistic ideals that emerged somewhat recently. Mothers are no more special than fathers, save for the fact that they birth the child, of course. Fathers are no less nurturing than mothers. Your ideas of such things have been warped.

Half her genes are black. Half her genes are white. She is white. She is black. She is biracial. Biracial meaning of two races.


Jul 19, 2014
She's biracial regardless of which race birthed her. Just because you guys started attributing blackness to the maternal lineage doesn't mean it has any grounding in science.

This same shyt happens with ethnically Jewish people and it's shaped by the same maternalistic ideals that emerged somewhat recently. Mothers are no more special than fathers, save for the fact that they birth the child, of course. Fathers are no less nurturing than mothers. Your ideas of such things have been warped.

Half her genes are black. Half her genes are white. She is white. She is black. She is biracial. Biracial meaning of two races.
By this logic aren't all AA's biracial? :lupe:

Seeing how we all have European blood in us? :lupe: