So you saw a video where a leopard injured a gorilla and ran away, and I have the description of a video wher a leopard attacked a young gorilla and died with its limbs ripped off.Def not the same vid i saw. Because in the vid i saw, they never found the leopard, but the gorilla did stave off the attack, and it was def a big ass gorilla. But it is not unknown for Leopards to kill full grown Silverbacks and vice versa. But a Lion, like i said, will wash
That's not necessarily making me feel like leopards merk gorillas regularly.
It's actually leads be to believe that leopards choose the gorilla they attack wisely, and even then, it's 50/50 rather they live
Another thing I've learned is that a leopard is actually more agile in a fight than a lion. A lion has faster running speed but slower reactions and less flexibility