Lion vs Silverback Gorilla: who would win?


May 2, 2012
CALI seems gorillas are quite strong, nimble and durable. But thats about it, the only feats are of breaking the glass and some small fights that dont show all that much damage. Some have mentioned leopards, and it seems the point made was that none show a head to head battle...this should clear that up

I feel like all this comes down to is that lions hunt in packs and they are the best at doing that.

Gorillas stay in packs but they eat fruit so they don't necessarily hunt animals, so the comparison is comprised from the start.

Gorillas don't hunt or test animals unless they feel threatened so they usually start a confrontation on the defensive.

Gorillas are usually only attacked when vulnerable by injury or being kicked out of a clan. Of course an injured gorilla would be just as vulnerable as a injured lion, abandoned by its pack.

Gorillas are very peaceful animals as long as they are left alone, lions arent. But they are also strong enough for a feline animal to know not to test unless vulnerable.
They are one of the only herbivores that goes damn near uncontested due to

Hippos win more fight than they lose with lions
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May 13, 2012
Those of you who say a silverback wins, have you actually seen footage of a silverback killing anything? I haven't. Male lions are killing machines.

They would kill if the occasion called for it :ufdup:

Ever met someone soft as shyt, don't cause no trouble but when he has no choice and his backed up he blacks out and wipes out everyone around him?

Like Lenny from Of Mice and Men.


Jan 30, 2016
What most people think about the lion isnt true, the males do alot more hunting away from prides than state, biologist craig packer, george schaller and sunquist them all stated over 300 cases where male lions have killed bull buffalo single handedly, thats the difference from a biologist who studies them and the media who pumps out this lion king fantasy agenda.

420 lbs is just the average for lions, records of big lions are much heavier than any weights wild or captive gorillas have reached:

900 lb wild lion
The Salt Lake Herald from Salt Lake City, Utah · Page 1

East African Business Digest - Page 13

TWO mamuding lions which, since January this year, killed 244 cattle and three donkeys, were shot at lssuna village in Tanganyika. The lions were found to weigh 700 and 800 lb."TWO+mamuding+lions+which,+since+January+this+year,+killed+244+cattle+and+three+donkeys,+were+shot+at+lssuna+village+in+Tanganyika.+The+lions+were+found+to+weigh+700+and+800+lb."&oq="TWO+mamuding+lions+which,+since+January+this+year,+killed+244+cattle+and+three+donkeys,+were+shot+at+lssuna+village+in+Tanganyika.+The+lions+were+found+to+weigh+700+and+800+lb."&gs_l=serp.3...637200.642782.0.642982.

A game warden takes stock ... - Page 164
The weight of the lions was of very great interest in view of the assertion in a recent book (by Martin Johnson)that a lion was shot weighing over 750 lb."recent+book+(by+Martin+Johnson)+that+a+lion+was+shot+weighing+over+750+lb."&oq=view+of+the+assertion+in+a+"recent+book+(by+Martin+Johnson)+that+a+lion+was+shot+weighing+over+750+lb."&gs_l=serp.3...40553.45785.0.46092.

295 kg lion Victor zenni bow record
284 kg botswanas highest record
282 kg sudan record lion J. K. Roberts 頭骨長375㎜
282 kg angola record lion G. Gladney
281 kg kenya record lion M. J Timmins
280 kg udanda record lion G. Prud'homme
280 kg Tanzania lion J. Reid 肩高104cm
280 kg transval lion C. V. Merriman
280 kg transval lion George Tsaparis

lion is light in colour and at 280 kg,
Bowhunting eMagazine -

Even a juvinile lion can weigh heavier than your average full grown silver back:

235 kg young male

Serengeti Lion Project – Report for December 2013 | A TANZANIAN TRAVELOGUE

Plus, the gorilla might have long arms, but its not as if lions have short arms either, they are the tallest of all big cats at the shoulder due to having the largest big boned frontal limbs:





The lion is part of the 4 big cats known as the genus Panthera, which includes ... It is the tallest of all known cats reaching a height of 5 feet 5 inches
Lion | Africa's Big Cat

A lion is massive in height on all fours and the upper body:

Although lions are different from most big cats and evolved more like a dog/bear bigger in the front mainly because of troting in open ground evolved for longer and more solid arms, they still have all the leaping abilitys, agility, and explosiveness of the pantheras, a lion is the most gamest of all predators when he is enraged, the only thing will stop him is death:

on modern technology via electronic scales, and on video, lions are the heaviest of the big cat speices:

Lions are the most aggressive of big cats, raising them in captivity doesnt take away their possessive protecting instincts:

Out of the two the lion would be huge compared to a gorilla, a lionesses neck muscle would be the same as a gorillas, but because the lion has a mane, his upper body is bigger than even bears, it might not be all real bulk, but that gorilla or adversary doesnt know that. Even polar bears and grizzlys dont attain the size of the lions front maned area, thats the whole purpose, so lions can appear bigger without the added weight to slow them down, if they didnt have manes hyenas wouldnt scatter like the video, as shown they arnt afraid of 10 lionesses at a time, but a single male lion with a large mane looks as big or bigger than the largest type of bears:

I really dont know where you're getting that the lion will focus everything with his jaws and latch on like some cat, lions evolved away from all the usual tactics of big cats, they are their own genetically modified species evolving completely different with social almost every science literature people note upon observing them in their wild haunts that lions utilize their paws as one of their primary striking weapons, whether any type of species they attack:

Lions strength in striking is usually always mentioned with him:

No apex predator has the amount of practice on a vast diversity of prey as the lion does:

Power paws…A blow from the paws stuns the prey:

A male lions shoulders and front legs are so strong that it can cripple animals such as antelopes and hyenas with a single blow

Immediate deatii follows a blow from its tremendous paw, and the prey is then dragged off to be devoured at leisure

for, by a single blow, the lion can rip up the side of a horse or a buffalo.

A single blow with a lion's paw or an elephant's trunk will put an end to his existence.

him, but he was quite dead ; the blow with the lion's paw bad fractured his skull.

The strength of a full-grown Lion in his prime is prodigious; he can fell an ox with a blow of his paw,

a single blow of his powerful paw brought the antelope on its haunches, another struck almost at the same stretched its body lifeless on the plain

Not only has the lion advantage of great courage—at least, except when comingin contact with those he feels to be his masters—and of great swiftness, but his strength is prodigious. He will fell an ox or an antelope with a single blow of his paw,

or I have known him to break the spine of an ox with a single blow of his
tremendous fore-paw;

One enormous bound enables the lion to spring on its back, and one blow with his paw breaks its spine.

The only thing I can see the gorilla doing is out wrestling the lion, maybe use his gripping technique, but how far will that go? The gorilla could probably get a hold of the mane and start ripping in all directions, but again, what would that do? The lion is not going to be just standing there, the claws, jaws and force of his blows along with experience in handling all types of prey will most likely out game the gorilla...the lion can tank most of the gorillas blows, since the lion is use to fighting, he fights all the time, and if a leopard can rip off a 300 lb gorillas arm, no dought a lion who is retardedly stronger than a leopard could do alot more damage.

But as the feats go, what do gorillas have? Because lions kill tigers almost unanimously:





Clyde Beatty is not only an entertainer, he is also a scientist, a competent zoologist,
an explorer and an adventurer. Braving African, Indian and Malayan jungles;
fever, disease and even death, the animal trainer, — along with scientist and explorers en-
gaged in research, — helps to broaden science frontiers in the 'dark lands". When not
employed with the cracking whip and the protective chair, he ventures forth to faraway
lands, searching for young beasts to supply the wire "prison", and searching for other
animals to be sent to zoos and museums.
Full text of "Selwyn House School Yearbook 1948"

Hence all his animals were caught from the wild, so he would know more about the lions prowess more than any one, and he states a lion will win against a tiger, I think a tiger would wreck a gorilla, being the longest and at sometimes heavier than some lions...50 tigers killed by lions, theres nothing gorillas have done that can come close to that feat.
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Jan 30, 2016
Just because the lion is in captivity, it wont take away 100% of their 1,000's of years of fighting experiences, lions are genetically wired to be possessive, dominant and aggressive towards other animals, male lions are the only big predator that protects the cubs, protects the females and his kin, thats his job to be a good fighter:

American: Duke whips all of Beattys tigers:


Asian: lion defeating two tigers:

American: lion defeats countless of tigers:

Asian: Lion defeating multiple tigers

American: Bosstweeds kills 3 bengals at once

Boss Tweed," Clyde said, "was one of the greatest fighters I've ever seen, in addition to his noble looks. He did some of his cleverest fighting in the Rochester Massacre. That was this spring. When Iwo score of lions and tigers were in the arena for a dress rehearsal. One, on a high seat, reached down to take a cuff at the cat below. They frequently do that without much happening. But in this case the caton the- high scat fell off and landed on the one below. The one below, thinking he was attacked, started to fight. In a second it was a free-for-all. In such a fight the lions have two distinct advantages. Their first is their thick mane which prevents the tigers from getting to their throats. Their second is their clannish way of ganging up on a tiger. A tiger will justwatch another tiger being attacked. The lions join each other. An animal attendant excitedly raised a gate into the shoot so the beasts could return to their cages. Into the shoot ran three Bengal tigers with Boss Tweed in pursuit. "For twenty minutes they battled. Boss Tweed killed the three tigers, but himself was almost torn to ribbons. He recovered but somehow he never seemed to be the same. His spirit or his fighting nerve was gone. The other morning I opened his cage door and he was dead, for seven years I trained him, the longest of any of my cats. I was greatly attached to him.
Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas · Page 6

Asian: Lion defeating multiple tigers:

American: Lioness beats up multiplae bears at once:

A number of years ago I not only saw but personally participated in a battle to the death between a lioness and five grizzlies I was eighteen at the time— which explains why I did something a more experienced man would not have done. I slipped into the cage, armed only with a hammer, which was the one weapon within reach at the moment. My reception was that usually accorded peacemakers. The lioness and the bears, dropping their own row, pitched into me. I had to fight my way out of the cage with the hammer, and gained safety most inglo- riously, bespattered with my own and the animals' blood. I established peace, all right by the diversion, but one grizzly had closed his jaws over my nose and torn it in half. As referee, I awarded the battle to the lioness.

Asian: Lion defeating multiple tigers:

American: Pete taylors lion whips all of his tigers and lions:

Emperor, the Most Unruly Of All Lions. With the possible exception of Denver and Baltimore, two bad lions which I mentioned in a previous story, I believe the most unruly lion I ever attempted to train was a line specimen of forest-bred South African beast named Emperor. Who derived his name through his ability to rule, by brute strength, all animals with which he came in contact I had engaged in several battles with Emperor...
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York · Page 54

Asian: Lion defeating multiple tigers:


American: Lioness beats up two bengals:

Terrell jacobs lioness theba takes on two huge tigers and won:

Asian: Lion defeating multiple tigers:

African: Lion kills two leopards at once in the wild:

About this time in his career. Captain Cook witnessed the only known Jungle fight between a lion and two leopards. In which the loon killed both of the beast. "It was a very remarkable sight." said the captain describing it. "It happened on a full-moon night and while I sat out on a branch of a tree The whole thing occurred because a female leopard killed a gazelle. The lion came along and the leopard flew at him. Another leopard came to her assistance and landed on tha lions back, The only way the Jungle king could dislodge him was to roll over and over on him. with his 600 pounds. Soon , both leopard were dead
The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina · Page 14

European: Lion defetaing multiple tigers:

European: Lions defeating multiple polar bears:


Asian: lion defeating multiple tigers:

American: Lion kills 3 tigers at once:

Asian: Lion defeating two tigers:

American: Lion named Dutch whips all terrells tigers:

The text below reads,"The fearless lion king, who claims that lions are the most intelligent of all jungle cats is seated on "Dutch" the fiercest cat in his collection and the monarch of the park. He has whipped every tiger, leopard, or lion in the huge collection when ever they have disputed his leadership.

The lions mane just dwarfs the tiger:

A lion’s mane isn’t just there for protection: The color indicates the male’s strength and health, letting potential mates—or rivals—know just how powerful the lion is. The darker the mane, the closer the male is to the top of his game.The color can fluctuate based on how much stress or trauma the lion has experienced.

The mane has also been correlated with protection, as it makes the lion look bigger to would-be attackers.

I'd back a bear against a gorilla, and it seems lions can do well against even multiple bears or tigers...a single gorilla would have to have some crazy feats to show for if he wants to contend with the lion aka King of the beast.


Jan 30, 2016
Again, it comes down to feats to measure these two up, and lions have killed almost every animal hes gone up against with just the strength and force of his paw blows:

Badminton volume on Big Game Shooting, I have examined a good many other oxen, as well as buffaloes, which had been killed by a single large male lion

A traveller in South Africa once saw a magnificent male lion strike down and kill a

zebra with a single blow of his huge fore paw. Instead of tearing it in pieces he
stood beside the carcase waving his tail, raised his head to look around, and ...

he came up to the zebra, he made a sudden spring and with his right paw
struck the animal a terrific blow on the neck. The zebra dropped instantly.
lion did not renew the attack. He walked a little distance away and then stood

As he reached the zebra the younger lion swung around with a savage snarl and
with one terrific blow of his paw sent the old fellow tumbling end over end at least
ten feet out in the grass.

But the lion crouched on in the position he had formerly adopted before leaping
on to a zebra and dislocating its neck with one swift blow of his paw. When the
time came it was all done with the utmost simplicity, with no difficulty and without

dikkins easily killed a sturdy hyena with a single blow of his great front paw

A lion can kill a zebra with one blow of its sledge-hammer paw. An incident was observd where a zebra was dead in half a second. A hunter who performed an autopsy found one lethal blow had dislocated the zebras neck.

The exhaust fumes mask the warning scent of the lion and he can pounce on the
oblivious antelope before it has time to flee. A lion can kill a zebra with one blow
of its sledge-hammer paw. An incident was observed

As the buffalo turned, the lion gave it a single slamming blow with its paw,
dropping the buffalo instantly with a broken neck.

Hunting Large Prey Although solitary lions may on occasion successfully attack adult giraffe

Once, while on a real vacation in a game park in Rhodesia, they learned that a
lion had killed a giraffe nearby

Juvinile lion kills bull giraffe
Lion Guardians – Lone lion kills a giraffe

Samburu; elsewhere we found a large giraffe which had been killed by a lion, lying on a slope at least twenty yards from the river.
My Kenya Days

Contrary to report, lion will attack adult hippo, and will attack them regularly and


and one of a lion killing a camel with one blow:

the whole article of a lion killing a cow with one blow:
The Ottawa Free Trader - Google News Archive Search

one of his eyes fell out of its socket as the offended lion landed a lightning blow with his powerful paw on the hyena's jaw.
~Dr. Leisure, 1993 - Social Science - 135 pages
The Warden heard a hyena calling very near his house one night, and ... One of the hyenas, engrossed in the feast and slower to retreat than his fellows, was killed by a single blow from a lion's paw.

~Window onto wilderness Anthony Cullen - ‎1969 - Snippet view

Lion kills lioness with a blow from the paw: