These are real examples of what a gorilla can do when it need to defend itself.
"With enough squeeze strength, a gorilla can break bones simply by grabbing someone, and could break a back by holding them with both hands."
" The phrase "rip limb from limb" could not be more accurate for a gorilla in combat. If a gorilla gets its hands on something, things are going to go very badly for the them. A gorilla will be able to tear off limbs, tear off someone's head, even tear a person in half. A chimp is estimated at 5x a human's strength, so a gorilla at an estimated 10-20x should be 2100 to 6300 pounds... as much as 4-11 horses. So to review, would a gorilla ripping a limb off be like ripping the wings off of a butterfly? Probably not... but tearing off an arm or leg should be no harder than starting a lawnmower."
"a swing of a gorilla's fist is going to be 15 times stronger than a pro boxer's, AND THAT IS IGNORING ALL OF A GORILLA'S OTHER STRENGTH ADVANTAGES"
"The most straight-forward method in the gorilla's arsenal - hit things until they are dead. This is a common way for gorillas to fight each other or protect from predators, fighting back even hippos, crocodiles, and jaguars leopards. Gorillas fighting in captivity have resulted in broken bones."
If that lion gets grabbed it's over
That's fine, but read the article posted above: a gorilla died fighting a leopard, which is smaller and weaker than a lion. You guys keep ignoring this.
I don't think you're giving the male lion enough credit for it's strength.
Your example is like a world class strong man competitor fighting a world class sprinter who's holding a knife. I'd bet on the sprinter