Aleister Black has 9 years and 12 years of wrestling experience on Lio, and he was more than willing to carry bags and clean locker rooms until someone told him not to.
It's dumb and demeaning, and really has no meaning other than to show who the low man on the totem pole is (they'd be better served making younger guys do ring crew work or entry level truck work than carry bags. Those roles would actually have value for understanding different aspects of the business while also fulfilling the "paying dues" requirement), but if someone as tenured as Black can do it, so can Lio.
Hell, he's Lashley's manager, right? Be his gofer if you don't want to do it for a white wrestler. It'd be half the reason he was paired with him in the old days.
Black decided to clean the locker room 100% on his own free will. No body told him to do so. If I’m shown Braun Strowman carrying bags in 2016, or JBL pressing Brock in 2002 then we can talk about a point being made. Until then I’m assuming he’s being pressed because of his size and “confidence”