"Pockets ain't empty cuh"
"Pockets ain't empty cuh"
Still gotta try this one out myself
When I saw that line in the trailer, the line so damn weak compare toTell me...Do you bleed?
The fact im sure they shot it multiple times and that was the best take???Yo that Paul Walker line might just be the WORST delivered "urban" dialogue of all time
Such a buzz kill of a line, perfect set up for some clever/badass batman trash talk but nahhh
It literally felt like it was written by an 11 year old but I laugh every time I hear it"Are you a Mexi-CAN or a Mexi-CAN'T?"
Johnny Depp - Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
I like episode 3, but there are some wacky lines during that lightsaber fight, like at the very beginning when Obi-Wan goes "i'll do what i must" and then Anakin goes "you will try" always felt pretty bad to me.
Terrible delivered, so out of place, and not even funny.
IDK what condemned the director to put a line from this
into this terrible movie .