Light Skin did not "Evolve" from Black Skin it "Mutated"


All Star
Aug 3, 2015
Yup like me im a mutation
I have sickle cell trait
Before modern medicine sickle cell was a survival advantage for those in tropical regions. Sickle cells offer malaria resistance, this resistance ensured that sicklecell carriers could produce offsprings as they often lived longer than non-sickle cell carriers.


Dec 2, 2012

Just a Reminder. Also this mutation occurred around 6,000 BC.


Even in the Americas a mutant lighter skinned nomadic cannibalistic "mongoloid" populations suddenly occurred appeared around a population that was almost exclusively Australoid/Pygmy black.

Apocalypto revisited – Africans in the Americas Holocene times

Journal of Human Evolution 45 (2003) 19–42

Early Holocene human skeletal remains from Santana do Riacho, Brazil: implications for the settlement of the New World
-Walter Alves Neves

In this study we compare the cranial morphology of several late Paleoindian skeletons uncovered at Santana do

Riacho, Central Brazil, with worldwide human cranial variation. Mahalanobis Distance and Principal Component
Analysis are used to explore the extra-continental morphological affinities of the Brazilian Paleoindian sample. Santana
do Riacho is a late Paleoindian burial site where approximately 40 individuals were recovered in varying states of

preservation. The site is located at Lagoa Santa/Serra do Cipo´ , State of Minas Gerais. The first human activities in this
rockshelter date back to the terminal Pleistocene, but the burials are bracketed between circa 8200 and 9500 BP. The
collection contains only six skulls well-enough preserved to be measured. The Santana do Riacho late Paleoindians
present a cranial morphology characterized by long and narrow neurocrania, low and narrow faces, with low nasal
apertures and orbits. The multivariate analyses show that they exhibit strong morphological affinities with present day
Australians and Africans, showing no resemblance to recent Northern Asians and Native Americans.
These findings

confirm our long held opinion that the settlement of the Americas was more complicated in terms of biological input
than has been widely assumed. The working hypothesis is that two very distinct populations entered the New World by

the end of the Pleistocene, and that the transition between the cranial morphology of the Paleoindians and the
morphology of later Native Americans, which occurred around 8-9 ka, was abrupt.
This, in our opinion, is a more

parsimonious explanation for the diversity detected than a long, local microevolutionary process mediated by selection
and drift. The similarities of the first South Americans with sub-Saharan Africans may result from the fact that the non-Mongoloid Southeast Asian ancestral population came, ultimately, from Africa, with no major modification in the
original cranial bau plan of the first modern humans.

So in putting this narrative together, we see that when this albino mutation occurs "pale" populations began to emerge in all corners of the Earth, via migration from one source. These "Mongoloid" Native Americans who we see "authentic" today were really invading mutants trying to take over the land of the original man. This same "invasion" and "takeover" of these pale mutants happened in East Asia, Europe and South Asia. These mutants would later rewrite history to make it appear that they are "normal" and "aboriginal" to the lands and creators of the cultures that they clearly overran and stole from the original black populations. The same thing happened in China and Japan (look up the Ainu people). Family is there no reason to except these creatures as humans like us.

How in the Hell can y'all not see that Elijah Muhammad's "little theory" about them has been at least partially validated with the very research of the mutants.

"Orthodox history is a lie and must be placed back into its proper perspective. The veil of White supremacy has thrown us off track about world history truths and who we are as Black people in relationship to everyone else on the planet. Whites have many believing they are not only the progenitors of civilization but also the progenitors of humanity. Our ancient heroes and saviors have been whitewashed. The world believes that everyone on Earth who's not White is primitive and uncivilized.

First, we must understand what White skin really means and who White people really are. In a nutshell Whites are mutated inbred albinos.

Scientifically speaking biologists say that white skin is a result of adaptation to climate, but let’s pay close attention to that for a minute. When we think of an adaptation to something, we think of acquiring physical traits and characteristics that would make us successful in surviving the environment. Let us understand what White skin means biologically and genetically. White skin does not meet the criteria for being a result of climatic adaptations.

Scientists write that White skin is an adaptation to northern cold climates. The lack of melanin has proven to be non-beneficial but actually detrimental to cold climates, technically. Melanin has thermal regulating properties in that it absorbs all forms of heat and energy and can actually allow a person to warm up quicker after coming out of the cold and keeps them warmer longer while in a cold environment. The claims are that White skin was an aid in the metabolization of vitamin D, however, it has been determined that melanin is needed for the efficient metabolization of vitamin D and calcium. Since White skin reflects sunshine, a primary source of vitamin D, compensation for not getting adequate amounts from the sun because of calcium depletion from bones, therefore decreasing bone density and making Caucasians more susceptible to Osteoporosis.

Whites are also the most susceptible to kidney stones composed of calcium oxylate. It is a well known fact that the sun causes skin cancer in White people more than any other people on this Earth, but what a lot of people don’t realize is that the sun also sterilizes Whites. The lack of melanin or pigment leaves Whites vulnerable to photolysis. The decomposition of folate or folic acid in the blood levels is critical for cell replication and reproduction. This is the real reason behind the low Caucasian birthrates. The experienced problems with fertility are not behavioral but biological one that cannot seem to be controlled. The foliate levels plummet by up to 50% when exposed to solar radiation, and even in the radiation in tanning salons. The genetically deficient genes give ABSOLUTELY NO benefit in nature, in tropical, temperament climates OR northern cold climates.

Everything we have been led to believe is a myth. It has become so dogmatic that many people subconsciously try to refute this instinctively because it does not coincide with the indoctrination that permeates thought processes so deeply. Since Caucasians cannot reproduce genetic material (melanin), they could not have spawned humanity. Because the sun sterilizes and is sending Whites on a course toward extinction, they will not survive independently for very long without people of color depositing their genetic material to make their cell replication and reproduction more feasible. Caucasians are becoming extinct in Europe just like everywhere else on the planet showing NON-ADAPTATION. White gene DNA cannot be traced back as far as their genetic parents, BLACK AFRICANS! The result is sufficient evidence for their not being the progenitors of humanity or civilization. The deficient genes simply will not last that long in the presence of a majority black/brown people. Their birthrates globally are below replacement levels, and even if they didn’t have to worry about being bred out of existence by black/brown genes, their numbers would still dwindle because of victimization by photolysis.

White people like to think that they have invented everything that we take for granted in this epoch. The truth of the matter is, Caucasians have only REDISCOVERED the many inventions of OUR BLACK ancestors did deep in antiquity. It is quickly becoming common knowledge that the ancient Egyptians were Black Africans. Menes who is credited with being the founder of Pharonic Egypt and for unifying both lower (northern) and upper (southern) Egypt, is preceded by thousands of years of kings that are not taken into account in ancient history. If you will recall Egypt did not have a linear progressive history where they started off primitive and progressed to their advanced state. They started off ADVANCED. Ancient Egypt is the continuation or satellite colony of an even older and fabulous super civilization.

link to more information

There are many ruins and pieces of evidence from Atlantis. Not only Plato’s account but the megalithic ruins that the United States government is fully aware of off the coast of Bimini. These have to be the remains of an ancient BLACK civilization. Although the library at Alexandria was destroyed by fire as well as knowledge centers in other locations, the ancient Indian texts from the Ramayana empire still exists and gives credence to the fact that viminas (ancient Indian flying machines) are a reality and not a figment of anyone’s imagination. The inhabitants of the ancient Rama Empire are the ancestors of the black Dravidians or “untouchables” (Dalits) of India today. Written in the ancient language of Sanskrit, the text gives marvelous accounts of fantastic wars fought here on this planet as well in outer space by these ancient flying machines that utilized mercury vortex propulsion. It is also a carefully guarded secret that many of the UFO sightings of today are actually the ancient viminas of great antiquity being concealed by the United States and other world governments or reconstructions of those ancient aircraft. As I said earlier, these are inventions that White people have only REDISCOVERED and cannot take proper credit.

A major lie that the United States wants to keep alive for ego purposes is that man walked on the moon with the Apollo moon landings of the late sixties and early seventies. This is one of the greatest deceptions in the history of the world. Man (White) has NEVER walked on the moon or has he even come close. There are many ways to prove to you that the moon landings were fraudulent. One of my favorite ways of discerning this is the picture of the footprints left in the lunar soil. If you stop and think about it, how can this be? For there to be footprints in the soil there must be moisture as a bonding agent and the moon is a vacuum with no atmosphere to hold moisture, therefore, there could NOT be any REAL footprints on the moon. Many people lack the scientific background to realize this and ignorantly accept whatever is spoon-fed them by NASA and the United States Government. Many people are coming to the realization that the whole thing was a fraud, but it is important for White people’s egos that EVERYBODY believes this passionately and defend this crap as a means of “national pride”. That’s not to say that there are not structures up there. Various reliable sources tell of obelisk shaped structures on the moon along with something that resembles an ancient aircraft runway. Someone has been there, but it wasn’t any White men of today. I don’t think they were little green men from Mars either. The structures that are up there resemble ancient Egyptian artifacts and being that, that was a Black civilization as well as Atlantis, it would make perfect sense that it was BLACK AFRICANS during the golden age that accomplished this feat. What is the golden age, you ask?

When man has reached his Zenith! The ancient Egyptians have hieroglyphic text that speak of something called the “golden time” back in the days of Atlantis before it’s destruction. The Bible says that there have been many destructions of mankind, and therefore had to be many golden ages. Every time a major catastrophe occurs, we are knocked back into the stone ages to start over. We are still starting over from the destruction of Atlantis and have not yet regained that Zenith of technology that the Atlanteans, Lemurians and Lemanians enjoyed long ago. We still have to track toward the next golden age. One thing we can feel rest assured about though, by the time we get there, white people with their recessive genes won’t be there. Just like they did not exist in the context that we understand them today, in the last golden age.

(200,000 yo ruins recently rediscovered in South Africa)

It has been said that there are megalithic ruins and remains on the surface of Mars. The Zulus of South Africa as well as many other African tribes have legends that speak of their origins being from Mars. Could it be that it was OUR Black African ancestors who were responsible for that civilization that once thrived on the now debunked red planet? Evidence points in that direction. It has been discussed within various circles of Astrophysicists that Mars was once a moon of another planet now destroyed. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is widely believed to be the remains of Mars’ parent planet. Referred to as Planet X. Tom Van Flandern has a very convincing “exploded planet hypothesis” that cannot be easily refuted by many scientists of today. If this and many of the other points I have brought forward in this essay are disseminated widely, that could force history as we know it to be rewritten.

Whenever a breh posts wall of text, making generous use of bold type, different colors and pics in bad resolution you know it's a crackpot conspiracy theory without reading a single word :mjlol:
How long did it take you to compose this OP?


Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline
A lot of people do not understand evolution and view it as a linear process pushing for the 'ultimate organism'. This leads to "so you think the white man is the ultimate human" or some similar question :mjlol:
Evolution is not sentient. There is no conscious effort by nature to mold the perfect organism. It is also not linear, it is complex and convoluted as fukk. There will never be such a thing as the perfect organism because there is no endpoint to evolution. It's constant.

The reality is that evolution is just the accumulated result of, usually, minute changes in organisms over a very long period of time. This period of time vary from organism to organism as the life span of a generation determines how quickly organism's diverge from a chosen node in said organism's generational timeline.

99.9% of mutations that occur in nature are fatal. Out of those that are not fatal, the overwhelming number of them are benign, offering no real survival advantage.

another point

we all evolved at the same time so that's out of the equation

it's not like evolution stopped happening when white people showed up

everyone else was still evolving depending on their environment


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
By: Amon Hotep

Whites cannot reproduce anything but themselves! Through powerful propaganda and indoctrination we have been completely oblivious to what we have been skillfully mislead to believe that white skin is mankind’s anthropological model and should be coveted. However, recent research paints a picture of white skin that is just the antithesis of what we have been brainwashed to believe. The polar bear analysis that was done by the Discovery Channel helps prove my point. If you shave the hair off a polar bear, the skin beneath is black. In nature the skin of the polar bear is black to absorb as much heat and light as possible to keep the arctic animal warm in its environment. It is also true for the Eskimo (Inuit). Human adaptation remains an insufficiently studied part of climate and climate change. Scientists have tried for years to prove that the environment was responsible for altering heredity.

Eskimos have brown skin. Eskimos have broad, flat noses. Africans have brown skin. Africans have broad, flat noses. Scientific studies have reported that people are dark because they live near the equator—not because they are Negroid or have a Negroid admixture. There are repeated arguments made by anthropologists when referring to Arabs being brown in color because of the equalitarian closeness. So what about the brownness of skin that occurs in mankind who live the furthest from the equator—the Arctic? Also, the Eskimos’ nose shape does not work to explain temperature-dependencies. Broad, flat noses are more beneficial in hot environments—Oh really!

Scientifically speaking, Black objects absorb heat very well and also emit heat very well. If heat wasn’t emitted at the same rate as was is absorbed, the black object would just get hotter and hotter until it melted. A black beaker cools down much faster than a shiny beaker that does not absorb or emit heat well at all. That is why snow does not melt in cold weather even when the sun is falling directly on it. All of the incident light energy is reflected away and none (or very little) is absorbed.

If black absorbs heat and light and white reflects it, how can we say that white people are adapted more to cold environments than warm? That insinuation that white skin is a result of environmental adaptation is the same orthodox dogma that we have been spoon fed for generations, however when subjected to scientific scrutiny it doesn’t hold water. Reports FALSELY SUGGESTED that Senegalese troops during World War I and Ethiopian troops during the Korean War showed higher rates of frostbite and frozen feet in the African soldiers than their European counterparts. The laboratory work of the researchers also suggested that black skin tissue was more prone to cold injury; however white skin also exhibited some damage. After further research the following was indicated: It was SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN that samples of black skin tissue were less vulnerable to cold damage than the lighter European tissue. This does not sound indicative of white skin being more suitable to cold climates.

Caucasians have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors that suppress melanin production, according to Halprin & Ohkawara, 1966. White people also have calcified pineal glands. You may ask how does this imply that white skin is a genetic defect.....The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which activates the pituitary to release M.S.H. (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone). It is in the melanocytes that melanin (Greek “melas”=black) is produced. Melanin is somewhat analogous to chlorophyll in plants. What a lot of people don’t realize is that melatonin is also related to fertility. Those with pigmented skin have the highest counts of melanocytes in the genitalia and nipples. The pigmentation in these areas can be influenced by sex hormones like estrogens and androgens. During pregnancy, the nipples, face, and abdominal wall become darkened. These areas of increased pigmentation during pregnancy are due to the increase in the production of estrogens.

Anthropologists try to account for the fact that the genitalia are darker by suggesting that protection is needed against ultraviolet radiation damage, and has been thus evolved through natural selection. This means that protection of the genitalia against forces that may prevent reproduction was needed. Similarly, in this view, the pigmentation of the nipples during pregnancy would be a defense against ultraviolet radiation damage to the nipples. Supposedly, this type of protection would be needed while breast-feeding during the early evolution of humans in Africa. According to Robins, 1991, darker pigmentation found in the genitals, may have evolved for the “protection of reproductive capacity”, in that the pigmentation protects gametes within the genitalia from ultraviolet radiation damage. This is a direct result of why white people have the lowest birthrates of all people on the planet and are going extinct. Their melanin deficiency is why their reproduction system does not work as efficiently as it should.

Whites attribute their failure of reproduction to behavioral or societal reasons. However, the reason is more a biological one. Melanin is present at the inception of life: A Melanin sheath covers both the sperm and the egg! In the human embryo, the melanocytes (skin pigment cells), brain and nerve cells all originate from the same place; the neural crest. Melanocytes resemble nerve cells and are essential for conveying energy. When Melanin is missing or insufficient in the ectoderm of the early embryo (blastula), this causes the mother to lose her baby; in the case of whites, a defective baby is produced, and over time, through inbreeding, wears down the already pathetically low levels of melanin. Reproduction stops altogether and virtual infertility is the end result.

As far as vitamin D metabolization, white people have the lowest bone density of all people on the planet probably because of the climate inhabited. Vitamin D is produced by sun exposure. The skin is supposed to convert sunlight to Vitamin D because of 7-Dehydrocholesterol. However, white people reflect the sunlight so that the body compensates by depleting calcium from their bones. It makes whites more susceptible to kidney stones than any other race of people. The depletion of bone mass is responsible for their low bone density. It is widely regarded that black people have the strongest bones of all people from infancy to old age.

Melanin has been proven to not only refine the human reproductive system and nervous system, but melanin also plays an important part in sight and hearing. Blue eyes are simply eyes that lack melanin. Blue eyes are more sensitive to sunlight and do not process light or produce sight as efficiently as brown eyes. Isn’t it funny how many people place divine qualities with blue eyes that are nothing but genetically defective?

Melanin is also said to be linked with hearing. Melanocytes are present in the inner ear, the eye, and in the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. It has been demonstrated that melanin deposits in these areas are proportional to the amount of melanin found in the skin. These areas of the body, similar to the skin, are exposed to high-energy free radicals that can damage the surrounding cells, and thus causes a lower threshold for hearing. Evidence shows that black people, on average, hear better than whites, and that within both races, women surpass men. A partial explanation of the differences may lie in the abundance in the inner ear of melanin pigments. Also, numerous studies have found that people with light eye colors, such as blue, green, and hazel are more vulnerable to hearing damage than are people with black or brown eyes.

The late renowned Anthropologist, Dr. Margaret Meade, in an experiment with indigenous Australians, Black Melanesian Islander children and white Anglo-Saxon children in the US, revealed that the “memory bank” of black children was greater and their “instant recall ability” from memory, outstanding. She, like most renowned researchers, concluded that black children have a deeper memory bank and hence higher IQ than their counterpart European and American Biochemists have attributed this great phenomenon to ‘neuro-melanin’ - a chemical responsible for black.

In his book, “The Chemical Key to Black Greatness” American Biochemist, Carol Barnes, described melanin as, “a civilizing chemical that acts as a sedative to help keep the black human calm, relaxed, caring, creative, energetic and civilized”. Research also revealed that melanin enables black skin to actively interact with the sun, to produce Vitamin D from a biochemical substance, 7- dehydrocholesterol. The study also detected that, melanin has spiritual dynamics as well as physical, since it acts as a sensory ‘receptor’ and ‘transmitter’; communicating with cosmic energy fields in the vast universe converting light energy to sound energy and back. Dr. Richard King, MD, stated that, “melanin, by its ability to capture light and hold it in a memory mode, reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge”.

With all of this information, we can plainly see that melanin is ESSENTIAL for the efficient​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Whenever a breh posts wall of text, making generous use of bold type, different colors and pics in bad resolution you know it's a crackpot conspiracy theory without reading a single word :mjlol:
How long did it take you to compose this OP?

So....Nobody disputes the main argument that "white people' are in fact genetically recessive inbred albino mutants. The only thing that people are saying is that "mutations" are natural. That argument is completely out of context of their origins.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
All evolution occurs through mutation, so yes, the thread title is factually correct although it doesn't say very much.p

Non black people did NOT follow the same evolutionary model that the original populations on Earth (indigenous black Africans) follows. This is why ALL non black people on this Earth lack genetic diversity as a result of them being spawned from one branch of African diversity. They can never be a stand alone populations, and continue to thrive in existence without coming back to the original gene pool to replenish itself.

Those mutations that help with the survival of a species or that of a specific population of a species stick around; those mutations that aren't helpful aren't passed down to successive generations.

No one in this thread has provided a lick of evidence proving that depigmented, eyes, hair and skin are beneficial in ANY environment. Evidence to the contrary has been provided however..

The only question is whether evolution and mutation occurs completely at random or if there is some sort of purpose to it. Advocates of scientism insist that absolutely everything in the whole universe is completely random and chaotic;

The evidence of their unnatural origins suggest that their populations was genetically engineered. Meaning that that people thousands of years ago actually took albinos out of a naturally albino producing populations, and put them together. There is no evidence that an entirely genetically recessive population can ever exist without human manipulation.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
"I will begin by reiterating what has become a common phrase throughout cyber space, and that is “White people are inbred mutant albinos”! It’s becoming more and more apparent now because the association can be made between inbred mutant animals and white people. In my previous article “What white people are hiding”, I commented on white people using white rodents, called Sprague-Dawley mice in controlled laboratory experiments. It is because they both share the same genetic code. It involves the inbreeding and mutation to albinism. Have you noticed how dog breeders, who breed inbred mutant albino Doberman pinschers, refer to those dogs as inferior to normally colored dogs? Why is that? Well let’s investigate…..A website called “Doberman’s Den” which goes into explicit detail about white Doberman pinschers has this to say about the dogs….”Another color that exists in Dobermans is the white or light colored cream dog. The white Doberman pinscher was created from inbreeding and are considered partial albino Dobermans. It’s common knowledge these white Dobermans have health problems and behavioral issues. They commonly have skin and eye sight problems like photo sensitivity. As a result of not being sure of it’s surroundings at times, this leads some dogs to fear biting. Some countries have banned the breeding of this dog mutation and breeders are encouraged not to breed for this color. It is seen as inhumane to the dog due to the serious health concerns.

The white Doberman does look interesting but again care should be taken that breeders avoid introducing these dogs into their bloodlines. Consumers and dog lovers also need to be educated and avoid purchasing these dogs and made aware that these white dogs should not command a higher sale price”.

Rather you realize it or not, these inbred mutant albino dog’s genealogy mimic the genealogy of the Spraque-Dawley mice and, in the human realm, the so called Caucasian. Notice how the dog breeders blatantly state to not introduce these dogs into the bloodlines of normal dogs because of their inherent genetic inferiority. The same holds true in the people world theoretically, but white people, through indoctrination and social engineering, suppress this reasoning and instead hide behind nonsense like “evolution” which implies that white people are supposed to be some sort of genetic enhancement, when in fact they are the antithesis. For example, the dog breeders allude to not breeding the dogs because of health problems and behavioral issues. Ever notice how many health problems and behavioral issues white people have? We must remember that white people are only the recessive descendants of the ONE African tribe that possessed those phonotypical traits. Specifically, the aquiline nose and similar facial features. That’s right, they inherited those traits from African people. Notice how ALL white people have the same phonotypical traits and characteristics, where as black people have a myriad of phenotypical traits and characteristics from the east African tribes of the Masai to the Aboriginals of Australia? This is why there is far more genetic diversity and variation within the black African family than there are with Europeans or other ethnicities. The good thing about that is that breeding amongst themselves, African’s greater genetic variability allows for the weeding out of harmful deleterious traits, and Africans are a more healthy population. Whereas the European, already limited to the genetic traits of the ONE African tribe that spawned them, will experience more harmful effects of breeding amongst themselves because it further depletes their already limited genetic variation. As a result have you notice how many strange diseases ONLY or PRIMARILY afflict white people? Have you ever heard of Progeria, the extreme aging of children (some children look like 80 year old senior citizens), or Werewolf Syndrome, hair all over there bodies like animals, or even Blue Skin Disorder, Jumping Frenchman Disorder (reflex and neurological disorder) and Blaschko’s Lines, (strange stripes all over the body). How many black people do you ever see with these strange congenital disorders? Probably few to none. Why? Because contrary to what the media tells you, those disorders stem from their inbred mutant albinism status. White people have some of the worst health problems and behavioral issues. Nobody is more aggressive and does strange things like dive off of Mount Everest with parachutes like white people. Even Michael Bradley, a white man, discusses this somewhat in his book “Iceman Inheritance”.

Given that white skin is little more than an unusual occurrence in nature and genetically defective, black people, through widespread ignorance, continue to empower white people by taking offense to such epithets as and c00n. However, ask yourself….why do we allow inferiority in and of itself to push our buttons with nonsense and worthless words? It is merely a means to exercise emotional power for selfish gain and prosperity. If you understand who you are in relationship to who they are, you will see how silly it is to be offended by a bunch of people who possess the genetically defective and inferior genealogy. Albinos cannot reproduce themselves normally without a gallon of fertility drugs, stem cells and other extra help, just to do what people with melanin do naturally. We will never prosper in great numbers in this warped system because it only allows people afflicted with the same genetic disorder to prosper.

Lastly, I will reiterate that the great civilizations of antiquity were spawned by the original genetic template-Black Africans! Whites have reversed and engineered ancient artifacts while falsely crediting themselves for the ingenuity. I publish this series of articles for the purpose of enlightening the indigenous people of the planet-Black Africans and the Diaspora, in the hope that it will improve our condition, emotionally, psychologically and eventually economically. The world belongs to the black human. We should not be at the mercy of inbred mutant albinos. Always remember, genetically, they need us, we do NOT need them. Caucasians are unnatural aberrant abominations that should not exist within the context that we understand them and definitely not in such large numbers. Obviously, you see how dangerous that is!" - Amon Imhotep​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
I think you mean Dravidian albinos. Modern Indians are just a combination of caucasians and dravidians

Yep. Most people don't know what a "Dravidian" is, so I just kept the reference population simple.

The Nation of Islam's origin myth of the white man being a mutation of the Asiatic black man is looking like it was true.
