i wouldn't trust wiypepo to tell us what we are

let's make another shade togetherPeople really believe those bullshyt DNA tests.
As far as the thread, Black people come in many shades. I have like 20 different shades in my family alone.The only thing shocking is that Black people find skin tone variation stocking.
skin tone ain't a great indicator tbh, facial features are much more important
i'm sorry we ain't come back for ya'llI have people who think I'm mixed all the time but I have to go back 5 generations for to find a white ancestor on my pops side so the story goes
He was a slave owner
I actually have a great uncle who is 90 who used to be able to pass for white. Both his parents were the children of former slaves. In fact they were first cousins
If you know nothing about DNA why do you discount it as horseshyt? You sound extremely stupid making fun of DNA as if its a fabrication. DNA is the very back bone of who we are and everyone's DNA is unique. Educate yourself please.