I played this game from start to finish a little over a week ago. And what a ride it was. It sounds like they might end up doing a sequel, but I like the idea of them doing a completely new cast. Everybody's story is done and has run its course, unless they wanna do a sequel where...
They do a "What If?" story line where Max chooses to save Chloe instead of Arcadia. The game could explain how and why Max got her powers, and maybe go into depth with her own family. Maybe give Chloe a power (Fast Forward power to compliment Max's Rewind and be some sort of tag-team of time lol), and explain why the tornado won't be coming for her anymore on some Equivalent Exchange shyt but on a grander scale. Have Warren and Joyce be somehow alive, and they all move to where Max was before the events of LIS. Maybe even have a plot point where this time, you have to save Max, and Chloe's the one you're playing as. But I think it'd probably work out better if they just did a fresh new cast. Easier to work with.