Red Shield
Global Domination
The darkest possible timeline for Africa. My hope is for there to be gradual devolution to ethnic groups and regions within African states to ease anxieties but it seems unlikely to happen because governments believe that centralization is the key to maintaining national unity/territorial integrity. Nigeria is no different. Nigeria is a federal state with a strong centre. Its accomplished this structurally by controlling oil resources within the country and having the sole rights of redistribution while also dividing the country into 36 states (most of which are not economically viable).
I don't think it's the darkest possible timeline...
Africa can't go back to that tribal period and have 100s of tiny countries...
I mean ethnic cleansing, tribes marrying into each other and becoming one, etc.. is how nation stations organically/naturally come into being.
shyt will be bad for the tribes on the losing end... but.. well that's just the way the cookie crumbles