How do you make a Cyborg movie before you make Static Shock movie? ....matter of fact do they even own static?

Smallville. Teen titans. Appeared in nearly all the DCU Justice League films. All quite popular.
How do you make a Cyborg movie before you make Static Shock movie? ....matter of fact do they even own static?
Smallville. Teen titans. Appeared in nearly all the DCU Justice League films. All quite popular.
Read my post...So Blade, Spawn and Steel no longer exist?![]()
Static Shock? You answered your own question in the same post...
DC does, they bought all the right to the milestone characters years ago. It's just that DC doesn't know how to use them. Static had his own comic book a year ago then it got cancelled.
Yeah I know they bought characters from them but might not be able to use him unless they breaking bread. We really dont knows the details of the licensing agreement with Milestone Media (or if that licensing deal is still active)
In YG the creator had a lot problems with using milestone characters. If I remember right WB's legal department told them they owed the Milestone creators money for it.
Read my post...
I get the feeling that there can't be a Black Panther movie because Black Panther is king of an advanced African nation that is far more advanced. than the USA. That will strike some nerves with some people. If they do make a Black Panther movie then he and Wakanda will be brutally toned down.
There have been many depictions of Wakanda. It started out differently from Reginald Hudlin's utopia retcon. I think an issue if there is one is a non-Americanizsed/Western lead character along with the whole supposedly advanced Africans throwing spears and dressing in animal garbs and worshiping animal deities. It's like the whole thing with The Mandarin.
The majority of Marvel Studios movies have been set-ups(origins) and sequels to them, the only new property has been Guardians of The Galaxy. This is after six years of films(eight films in total, nine after Avengers 2). So it's not like they're going all out of their way to specifically avoid it, by burning through every other character not named "Black Panther". Obviously Doctor Strange will change that, but that's part of a slate of films that haven't all been officially revealed. A Black Panther movie could be one of them or the character could be in one of the films.
Marvel wont suddenly rush out a Black Panther movie because Warner are making Cyborg, vice-versa with Ms. Marvel and Wonder Woman.
They still got made before a Black Panther film. What's the point in making a big deal about Cyborg having a movie before Black Panther when movies have already been made about Blade and Steel?
. Disney only bought Marvel five years ago and have only had the distribution rights for two years
They probably did it because John Stewart
DC does, they bought all the right to the milestone characters years ago. It's just that DC doesn't know how to use them. Static had his own comic book a year ago then it got cancelled.
You CLEARLY missing the point...
The POINT was if it wasn't on Disney this movie would of long been in production. Disney bought Marvel 5 years ago leading up staging Avengers which BLACK PANTHER was an essential part of the crew. Not only that we went thru TWO CAPTAIN AMERICAS and not even a MENTION of T'Challa's existence. And we're going to have a 2ND Avengers with part IN SOUTH AFRICA and nothing relating to Black Panther HIMSELF... and no HINT of anything development outside the BS dodge excuse that they're "thinking about it".
COME ON! People ARE HUNGRY for this to happen.. HAD IT BEEN ANY OTHER STUDIO this would be on the ball ROLLING right now. Not no Doctor Strange. Not no fucckin' ANT MAN. DC been BEHIND the power curve and even THEY setting up a film that had a BLACK SUPER HERO as the headline. So DAMN RIGHT I am calling DISNEY OUT on their bullshyt....
The majority of Marvel Studios movies have been set-ups(origins) and sequels to them, the only new property has been Guardians of The Galaxy. This is after six years of films(eight films in total, nine after Avengers 2). So it's not like they're going all out of their way to specifically avoid it, by burning through every other character not named "Black Panther". Obviously Doctor Strange will change that, but that's part of a slate of films that haven't all been officially revealed. A Black Panther movie could be one of them or the character could be in one of the films.
Marvel wont suddenly rush out a Black Panther movie because Warner are making Cyborg, vice-versa with Ms. Marvel and Wonder Woman.
that's a lie every comicbook forum i go to I hear "bytching" about itI want a black panther film.....That being said, this is the only place I hear bytching about it not getting done![]()