Let's Talk About the Radicalization of Young White Males Online


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
Interesting read from verysmartbrothas.com


Alex Hardy, 12/20/16

Remember that time a foot-faced, soul-sucking gargoyle became a beacon of hope for previously shamed racist swampdonkeys and self-hating Black folks everywhere and won the U.S. presidential election, thus empowering a new wave of oppressive shytbaggery and violence by the hateful, unmoisturized masses?

That was big fun.

Even funner? When previous critics of the Tangerine Terrorist tightened their shackles and joined Backpedaling Acceptance Seeking Ho-Ass bytches (BASHAB) on their Give Hate A Chance Tour, BenCarsonly.

But even mo’ funner than all of that?

That time when Jethro, Jenny-Bob, and Jimmy Beau found a VHS tape of The Jeffersons reruns, outtakes from Blaxploitation films, and Motorola Razr-filmed clips of Midwestern soccer moms explaining hip-hop lingo, and used it to craft The Negrospeak Manual, a dialect guide and syllabus of outdated, context-free Blackisms for subversion-hungry online trolls intent on harassing The African-Americans in the 2000 and the 16 and beyond.

Disseminated via a sophisticated network of message-carrying bootyhole gerbils, the manual, which includes, among many gems, potential hashtags and acceptable spellings (“gunna” for “going to, “WITE/WHEIT/WYTE” for “white,” etc.), is a COINTELPRO-enthusiast’s wet dream.

Once instructions to undermine, annoy, threaten, and/or spy on The Race-Baiting* African-Americans were spread through the dungeons and swamps of White Trash America, the treachery commenced.

Some expressed their glee at the prospect of Slavery 2.0 via intimidation and shouting, “That’s why Trump won!” or simply, “Trump!” at people. Others joined Newports and Rush Cards in ruining life for Black people, this time via a poorly executed homage to yesteryear’s white dastardliness.

How, you ask? By assuming fake digital identities, infiltrating #BlackTwitter, and attempting to cause disruption and chaos in the dancery/dance soiree like only Caucasians can. Their goal was to gain entry with their new Black identity and confuse folks to the point that we couldn’t tell fake from real accounts and would begin accusing and attacking one another.

A few highlights from the Negrospeak Manual:

  • Overall, speak and write like a newly emancipated slave.
  • Let your words be fueled by inner-city angst and despair over being jobless, hopeless, and fatherless.
  • Use peeps/peepz often.
  • Curse a lot.
  • Safe word in a crunch: BET.
  • Use “dey” and “dese” over “they” and “these” 78.4% of the time.
  • Black Power stuff is a good start (“DOWN WITH WHITEY!” etc.)
  • Subject-verb agreement? What’s that?
  • Nicki Minaj
  • #blacktwitter and #BLM are their darkie bat signals. Use them like periods.
  • “Hotline Bling” and sizzurp
  • Gangsta grillz
  • Kool-Aid
  • For bonus shytbag Points: “Kill whitey,” #killwhitey, etc.
  • Subject + be + [verb]in (i.e.: “My muma alwayz be cookin crack after school.”)
  • When in doubt, imagine yourself as a surly, enslaved sistergirl or hip-hop homeslice who exists solely to kill whitey and go from there.
  • Phat
…and so forth.

Armored with instructions and blessed by the Ghost of COINTELPRO Operations Past, Foot-faced Frank and Deborah Dumpsterheart were released into the wild.

Step One: Get a convincing, thoroughly Black account like one of these:

And, with your Negrospeak Manual and your ungraceful-aging-as-karma on hand, you’re all ready for the shytbag Circus!


An ambitious effort for sure.

Now, having been a full-time Negro for 32 years, I knows me a faux-****** when I see one. And that Neanderthal-adjacent display of Blackness right there? As authentic as ackee and saltfish prepared by Sandra Lee for Caribbean Night at Rachel Dolezal’s house.

But Sucker Sam persevered. The hilarity continued:

All of Mr. Blackest Name Ever’s tweets were generally laughable, but this has to appear in the Faux ******hood Hall of Fame:

This is premium shytbaggery, folks. But, like Alicia Keys adopting stray notes, Sucker Sam took it too far. Which one of your Black-ass cousins is repping #BlackTwitter to the grave? Since when are White folks “Oreos?” Anyhow, bonus points for trying to throw the dogs off his scent, though. More fukkery can be witnessed under the #BlackTwitterBlock hashtag.

This misguided online asshattery is the result of powerful boredom, innate cornballhood, and a remedial grasp of Blackness. Apparently, Black life imagined by people living in alabaster bubbles causes more than just shytty television and Iggy Azalea recording contracts.

I suppose if Black folks were bored enough and had such collective low self-esteem that we felt compelled to go underground as green bean casserole-loving terrorists to gain access to and fukk up the pariah master classes and the secret mayonnaise taste testing societies, we could do so with less ridiculousness and relative ease.

Sure, they got swept up in the game and crossed over to the dark side, but you see how quickly rogue agents Stacey Dash and Juan Williams got invited to the family Flo-Rida concert? Before they cut contact with headquarters, they had acquired the legendary Gentrification Guides, introduced season salt and Adobo in a combined 8,500 homes, and had been selected as 87 and 81 people’s Black Friend, respectively. Decades spent hearing coworkers, associates, and mass media worship Friends, Seinfeld, and Eminem has to pay off somehow.

And can we definitively say that Omarossa isn’t playing Auntie Ruckus just to gain access to the master dungeon to decommission and disassemble the future Troglodyte-In-Chief?

I reckon we will just have to wait and see.

As their amateur antics are discovered, the unmoisturized masses have had to regroup and reassess their methods. Iggy’s parasitic subterfuge was short-lived. Gary Owens and Michael Rappaport, though visible, rely too heavily on annoyance and appear to only have one storyline and character in their respective arsenals.

Thankfully for them, their unrelenting and fearless leader, Rachel “The Racial Stowaway” Dolezal, is carrying the faux ****** torch with pride, Blue Magic hair grease, and, sadly, favorable results. Whereas Sucker Sam and Deborah Dumpsterheart crashed and burned just like the gods of White Mediocrity intended, Rachel is soaring, scumbaggily, headlining natural hair rallies and such.

This Kwanzaa, I wish discernment and a decreased need to engage with diseased rhinoceros pizzle unto us chocolatey wonders. (We’re Black. We already won.) And sunscreen, self-esteem, and purpose to Ye Aspiring Wiggers. It can’t be easy being the LaTavias of humanity.


*I still don’t know what the hell race-baiting actually is.


All Star
Nov 20, 2016
Some good posts by @ThreeLetterAgency.

There are many levels to racist behavior, often times it is more subtle than overt racism. An example that I see that "liberals" use, is 'implicit bias'. Everytime I hear or read that term being used, it's by a suspected white supremacist or a sympathizer.

Such words are dangerous as they desensitize racist behavior and offers a blanket to racist tendencies. The ol', "he/she didn't mean it" excuse.

The other tactic is, "it's about class", which we all know to be a farce given the preponderance of unjust actions comitted against Blacks.

An example to this is the Michael Slager trial. He was not convicted last week given clear evidence of his downright malicious and unlawful actions. Whites this week are bringing up a case of a meth addict shot 3 times mid chase by police. Since that officer wasn't convicted,they are trying to paint the picture that people/whites don't convict cops because they have good relationships with cops. It isn't because they are racist.

The connection here is that the jury in the Michael Slager case weren't racist, rather biased because they know 'good' cops.

Let's not fall for their nonsense talking points.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Happy white males

Happy white males
By Wayne Allyn Root

Published December 23, 2016


President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a rally at the Wisconsin State Fair Exposition Center, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016, in West Allis, Wis. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Former President Bill Clinton said in an interview days ago, “Donald Trump doesn’t know much. But one thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”

Thank you former President Bill Clinton for the endorsement of my book, “Angry White Male.” After his wife Hillary’s devastating loss, I guess Bill had a lot of spare time on his hands for book reading.

Bravo Mr. Clinton. You finally got it right. It took you a while. First you blamed the FBI for your wife’s defeat. Then Russia. Then the electoral college. But you’ve finally come to the right conclusion. It was in fact your Democrat Party’s inability to appeal to angry white males that cost your wife the election.

Yes, angry white males won it for President-elect Donald J. Trump. Trump won white males by 32 points nationwide (63% to 31%).

But Trump didn’t just win white males. He won a resounding victory among white people of all kinds. Trump beat Clinton among white women 53 percent to 43 percent. Among white voters without a college degree, Trump beat Clinton by a remarkable 72 percent to 23 percent. Trump won among white, non-college women 62 to 34 percent and white college-educated men, 54 to 39 percent. Income didn’t even matter either- Trump beat Clinton among white people of all income ranges.

Yet Bill Clinton just revealed that Democrats learned nothing from their defeat.

Clinton’s comment about “angry white males” sounded bitter and derogatory. Just more disrespect from a leading Democrat. Unlike my book which spoke on behalf of white males and explained why we’re angry, Clinton was clearly insulting white males.

Clinton was insinuating Trump is a dumb white male with no talents, except for getting other white males to vote for him. More sour grapes and vitriol from one of the leaders of a bitter, defeated political party.

But think for a minute about what this kind of thinking really represents.

First, Clinton’s comments were racist. Can you even imagine if I said, “Barack Obama doesn’t know much, except how to get angry black people to vote for him.” Every Democrat and civil rights leader in the country would denounce me as a “racist.” Bill Clinton sees white men as dumb and angry for no reason. He thinks they voted for Trump just because Trump is a man and white. How insulting. How racist.

I’m a white male and I voted for Donald Trump because the policies of Obama and Hillary have wrecked the U.S. economy, killed middle class jobs, skyrocketed the price of healthcare, made it almost impossible to start or run a business, and they’ve spent our country into unimaginable debt and bankruptcy.

Secondly, Democrats should be asking WHY did so many white males and white people abandon the Democrat Party. Instead of making fun of us…or insulting us…or writing us off like we don’t matter…maybe Democrats should try to figure out why we’re angry and craft an agenda that appeals to us, resonates with us, provides solutions to our problems.

Maybe Democrats should come to the realization that if tens of millions of members of one group are angry, maybe there’s actually a legitimate reason.

The truth is the Democrat Party offers not a single reason for any angry white male to vote for them. There’s not a single thing you offer to someone who works for a living. There’s not a single thing you offer to someone who pays taxes into the system. There’s not a single thing you offer to someone who desires no handouts from government. There’s not a single thing you offer to someone who pays for their own health insurance out of their own pocket.

Mr. Clinton, angry white males are angry at the Democrat Party for good reason. Your party left us a long time ago. You wrote us off. You left us for dead. You made us feel invisible. You made us feel like villains, for working hard, for earning an honest living, for achieving prosperity, for paying taxes, for asking for nothing from government.

Yes, we’re angry. Yes, we voted for Donald Trump. This is called payback.

But the good news is, we're not angry anymore. With President Donald J. Trump in charge, we feel vindicated. The future looks bright. We're going to make America great again- for people of all races, religions and genders.

So, from now on, please refer to us as...


Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist, serial entrepreneur, conservative national media commentator, and proud champion of the middle class. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee, now back to the GOP. Wayne's latest book is "Angry White Male" (Skyhorse Publishing). He is a supporter of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. For more, visit his website: www.ROOTforAmerica.com. Follow him on Twitter@WayneRoot.


Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Since being kicked out of Vice, the magazine he helped found, Gavin McInnes has been relegated to late-night Fox News punditry and writing for a blog founded by a Golden Dawn-supporting millionaire and formerly edited by Nazi Dork Richard Spencer. He’s an antique of the worst aspects of ’00s hipsters: bad fashion sense, irony covering for insecurity, and deeply reactionary politics.

In the last few months he has compensated for his fall from relevance by starting a personality cult comprised of man-children called the “Proud Boys.” The name plays on the “red pill” concept of convincing impressionable and narcissistic young males that they are somehow victims of feminist, queer, and POC liberation movements. These (mostly) white boys claim that their general deficiencies as human beings are, in fact, indicators of their “alpha” status.

Pitiful as the group is, and small as their numbers are, the Pasty Bootlickers are an experiment in bringing the prevalence of alt-right trolling to the streets. They served as a security force at the “Daddy Will Save Us” art show fiasco, where they smashed the phone of a lone counter protester, and bragged of beating someone up at a previous event. Nonetheless, much of their internal chatter is about encouraging one another to get over their fears of wearing Trump gear in public.

They are a politically diverse group, but have in common a love of Trump, a hatred of immigrants, refugees, and leftists, and a tolerance of neo-Nazism. Their blog hawks Western Chauvinism, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia on a daily basis.

On election day McInnes hosted a “Trump Victory Party” at the Gaslight Lounge in the Meatpacking district of Manhattan. In attendance were:

Former British Nationalist Party member Jack Buckby, who maintains the Proud Boys blog and FB, and is running for the seat of Jo Cox, the British MP murdered by a neo-Nazi.
The disgraced racist shockjock/convicted girlfriend-beater Anthony Cumia.
Red Ice Radio personality Emily Youcis
Alt-Right comedian Sam Hyde

New York’s Alt Right (Part I)

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
← New York’s Alt Right (Part I)
Brooklyn Commons Boycott – No Collaboration with the Far Right →
New York’s Alt Right (Part II)
Posted on December 6, 2016 by valdinoci
New York’s Alt-Right if you’re a professional who leads a double life as a racist intellectual

Alt Right poster boy of the month Richard Spencer is not the first person to rebrand fascist politics to make it more acceptable. This project usually has a two-part strategy: 1) appeal to racist hipsters, and 2) put on an intellectual air by quoting half-understood lines from Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Evola.

British advocates of this strategy include the London Forum, a regular speaking series which bills itself as “the home of the British Alt-Right.” Now, the fascist Counter-Currents Publishing* have launched a local branch, the New York Forum. The UK monitoring group Hope Not Hate describes the London Forum as:

led by former British Army Corps of Signals officer Jeremy ‘Jez’ Turner. The group has attracted leading national socialists, Holocaust deniers and conspiracy theorists from across the globe to its meetings. More significantly, the Forum, and in particular Turner and his side kick Larry Nunn, have become increasingly influential on the far right, especially with NA [hipster fascists “National Action”].

The New York Forum held its first, private, racists-only meeting in May 2016, on a day they noted was “88 degrees.” Counter-Currents Publishing wrote:

Why a forum in New York City? First, New York is our top city in terms of readership, which makes perfect sense. The primary cause of white awareness of race differences, the Jewish question, and the negative consequences of multiculturalism is direct experience, and New York offers such experiences in abundance. Second, there are millions of people — and thus large numbers of racially aware whites — within a 3-hour commute of New York City. Finally, New York is a transportation hub, so many of our people pass through here.

Counter-Currents Publishing in New York include Margot Darby (aka Margot Sheehan, aka Margot Metroland) and James J. O’Meara. Both are long-time affiliates of the website, and both are careful to hide their fascist organizing from their professional lives. So here’s a little more about that!

Margot Darby aka Margot Sheenan aka Margot Metroland, 58, of Manhattan

During the day, Margot Darby/Sheehan is a flash developer who has worked for FCB Health, and, according to her LinkedIn, “Penguin Random House, Citigroup, American Express Publishing, Travel + Leisure, Food & Wine, The New York Times.” We’re pretty sure she doesn’t tell her coworkers that she spends her nights writing racist essays under name “Margot Metroland.”

On a November 2016 podcast, she brags about attending Richard Spencer’s recent Alt Right conference in DC. She also details her decades-long participation in fascist circles, which includes knowing racist godfather Willis Carto; doing freelance work for the Institute for Historical Review, best known for spreading Holocaust Denial; and being pen pals with neo-Nazi leader William Pierce, the inspiration for the Oklahoma City bombing.

Despite keeping her multiple lives compartmentalized, they all conveniently blend together in her Pipl profile. Her other online profiles include:

Margot Darby (@margotdarby) on Twitter


James J. O’Meara, 60, of Astoria, Queens

The other local Counter-Currents Publishing person associated with the New York Forum is James J. O’Meara, who signed books at the Forum’s May gathering. He lives in Astoria, Queens and in the past worked at the New York Law School and several disability education programs. He also says he volunteered at the Queens art space Flux Factory between 2009 and 2011.

In his free time, he is a featured writer at Counter-Currents Publishing and the author of several books, including The Homo and the Negro, which argues that gay men should be welcome into the ranks of the fascist movement. Just as with Margot Darby, for some odd reason O’Meara seems to keep his writing hobbies off his LinkedIn and Pipl profiles.

If you have additional information on the NYC Counter-Currents Publishing folks, the NY Forum, or other tri-state racists and fascists, send it to: fascismwatchnyc@gmail.com.

* The fascist “Counter-Currents Publishing”

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
People don't understand this country is heavily populated with these white supremacist hate groups. They hide behind names like the "national creativity movement" and the "progressive association of European heritage" and other stuff that promotes fascist ideology, convinces white people that they are victims, claims PC movements and feminism and immigration is hurting white identity, and loosely support violent pro-white hate groups.

They are remixing their image to appear more "friendly" to white people who wouldn't necessarily support their cause. Which include changing logos, switching the third reach costumes and SS guard pins for suits and ties, and allowing gay white males and jews in their groups in order to not appear as threatening or as antisemitic as their critics claim.