Let's Talk About the Radicalization of Young White Males Online


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

An Alt-Right Makeover Shrouds the Swastikas
A movement of many factions is trying to change its image now that its profile has risen, but its message — one of racial separation and supremacy — is unchanged.

Matthew Heimbach, who runs the Traditionalist Worker Party, at home in Paoli, Ind., with his son and wife. His group advocates replacing the United States with nation-states based on ethnicity and religion, from his trailer. Ty Wright for The New York Times
A small but determined political organization in Detroit began to worry that its official symbol was a bit off-putting. With the group’s central philosophy suddenly finding traction in the daily discourse, appearances mattered.

So in November, as the country’s divisive presidential campaign became ever more jagged, the National Socialist Movement, a leading neo-Nazi group, did away with its swastika. In its stead, the group chose a symbol from a pre-Roman alphabet that was also adopted by the Nazis.

According to Jeff Schoep, the movement’s leader, the decision to dispense with the swastika was “an attempt to become more integrated and more mainstream.”

Let us pause. Not even two years ago, white supremacists like Mr. Schoep would rant from the fringe of the fringe, their attention-desperate events rarely worth mention. Today, though, the Schoeps of America are undergoing a rebranding, as part of the so-called alt-right: a grab bag of far-right groups generally united by the belief that white identity has become endangered in what they deride as this era of dangerous diversity and political correctness.

The deceptively benign phrase “alt-right” now peppers the national conversation, often in ways that play down its fundamental beliefs, which have long been considered intolerant and hateful. The term’s recent prevalence corresponds with the rise of President-elect Donald J. Trump; alt-right leaders say his inflammatory statements and Twitter habits in the campaign energized, even validated, their movement.


Nathan Damigo, who oversees Identity Evropa, a group that he described as a white nationalist “fraternity,” working on a college paper in Sonora, Calif. Max Whittaker for The New York Times
The movement is also acutely image-conscious, seeing the burning crosses, swastikas and language of yesteryear as impediments to recruitment. Its adherents talk of “getting red-pilled,” a reference to the movie “The Matrix,” in which the protagonist ingests a tablet that melts away artifice to reveal the truth. New, coded slurs have emerged. Fewer pointed hoods, more khaki pants.

But the alt-right movement is hardly monolithic, despite a well-publicized gatheringlast month in Washington — one that might have been mistaken for just another corporate conference were it not for the white-nationalist sentiments and the Nazi salutes. The factions within its ranks can differ on any number of subjects: white supremacy versus white nationalism, for example, or the vexing “J.Q.” — the “Jewish Question.”

James Edwards, a far-right talk radio host who describes himself as a “European-American advocate” — and who interviewed the president-elect’s son Donald Trump Jr. this year — wrote in an email that the alt-right movement was “a group of marauding conservatives who reject both the failures of establishment conservatism and the false gods of political correctness.”

Race is the uniting factor, Mr. Edwards wrote. “One fundamental element of the Alt-Right that brings the disparate factions together is the awareness of the reality of race and the need for European Americans to have organizations and spokespeople that explicitly advocate for our unique group interests.”

For many years, the mix-and-match gaggle now called the alt-right existed in the shadowed alleys of American culture, sharing views through newsletters, online radio and crude websites. The news media often debated whether to cover their sparsely attended rallies, considering that any attention might grant the groups a veneer of legitimacy.


Mr. Damigo in his car in Sonora. He is aware of the importance of marketing for the alt-right movement.Max Whittaker for The New York Times
Andrew Anglin, the founder of the neo-Nazi, alt-right website The Daily Stormer, described the current moment in a recent essay as “a reboot of the White Nationalist movement” — one infused with youthful energy. The foot soldiers of the movement are not old white supremacists marching under a new banner, Mr. Anglin explained, but a mostly younger generation drawn from various online cultures, including conspiracy theorists and that misogynistic stratum of the internet known as the “manosphere.”

Then came Mr. Trump, whose opening gambit as a presidential candidate included his promise to build a wall to keep out Mexican immigrants, whom he called rapists and criminals. The alt-right raised its collective head to listen.

“I’d been waiting to hear those words from a mainstream political candidate all my life,” said Gerald Martin, a retired public-school teacher from Dallas who grew up in a family that opposed desegregation.

He is a veteran of both the Army and a number of white supremacist movements, and name-drops the likes of William Luther Pierce III, a white supremacist who wrote “The Turner Diaries,” a novel about an underground band of white Americans who fight a liberty-crushing government controlled by Jews.

Before the Trump candidacy, Mr. Martin said, few in the alt-right were talking about politics; the movement was more about winning the battle of ideas. But once Mr. Trump began to talk, he said, “suddenly we’re all talking politics and we’re politically energized.”


Jared Taylor, the editor of the white nationalist publication American Renaissance, walking his daughter to the bus stop in Oakton, Va. Greg Kahn for The New York Times
“We’re almost intoxicated,” Mr. Martin continued. “We don’t have any power — but now we’re close enough to smell it.”

Perhaps in another age, any candidate’s engagement with white supremacists and separatists would have resulted in an awkward news conference announcing the end of his campaign. But this is a new age, in which Mr. Trump went unscathed for engaging with Twitter users like WhiteGenocideTM, who listed his location as “Jewmerica” and used an image of the founder of the American Nazi Party as his Twitter profile’s photograph.

Mr. Trump brushed off his sharing of alt-right messages on social media as inconsequential — the sort of thing that just happens on Twitter. He also denied at one point the existence of any alt-right movement.

“Nobody even knows what it is,” he told CNN in August. “This is a term that was just given that — frankly, there’s no alt-right or alt-left.”

As if to clarify matters, members of the alt-right movement gathered in Washington about two weeks after Mr. Trump’s election for a conference sponsored by the National Policy Institute, an organization that describes itself as being “dedicated to the heritage, identity and future of people of European descent.” Its president, Richard B. Spencer, 38, is a prominent alt-right leader who wears his brown hair in an undercut style once popular among the Hitler Youth. It’s called a “fashy,” as in fascist.


Mr. Heimbach’s wife, Brooke, playing with their son, Nicholas, at home. Ty Wright for The New York Times
Mr. Spencer said in an interview that as he saw it, the principles of American conservatism throughout most of the 20th century had been wrongly defined within the context of capitalism and its ideological battle with communism. The matter of European identity, he said, was assumed, but never stated outright.

“Race is real,” he said. “Race matters. Race is the foundation of identity.”

Not everyone in the movement appreciated the moment at the end of the conference when some in the audience raised stiffened arms, echoing the Nazi salute. Discussions afterward reflected the divisions in the loosely aligned ranks, as well as an acute awareness of public perception and the need to make their messages somehow more palatable.

Paul Ramsey, a blogger and retired computer programmer in Oklahoma, generally follows an alt-right ideology, though he said he did not believe in a white ethno-state. He said he had long feared a hijacking of the movement by the “neo-Nazi/K.K.K. element,” which would lead to vilification and a relegation back to the fringe.

Those salutes confirmed his fears, Mr. Ramsey said, and he is now disassociating from the alt-right movement, even though he understands that Mr. Spencer may believe in a big-tent, all-publicity-is-good philosophy.

“The new Nazism is very demonized and toxic, and associating your brand with that is crazy,” he said.


Gerald Martin, a retired teacher, decorating his home in Dallas last week for Christmas. Mr. Martin said President-elect Donald J. Trump’s ascent had “politically energized” the alt-right. Brandon Thibodeaux for The New York Times
Mr. Martin, the retired teacher, who attended the conference, also didn’t care for the Nazi-like salutes, calling them “very foolish.” But he suggested that most of those raising their arms were using the salute as “their version of the middle finger” — a defiant gesture “to the media, to the Trump haters, to everybody they feel alienated from.”

Indeed, the movement has the feel of a dispossessed youth rising up. Hours of interviews with young alt-right leaders suggest a pattern toward their white-nationalist radicalization. Seeing domestic and global strife often rooted in racial and ethnic differences. Finding validation from like-minded people on the internet. Hearing a major presidential candidate echo their grievances.

“The political establishment has made an entire generation of young white men and women into fascists, and that’s a beautiful thing!” said Matthew Heimbach, 25, who runs the Traditionalist Worker Party out of his trailer in Indiana. His group advocates replacing the United States with nation-states based on races, ethnicities and religions.

In Northern California, a university student, felon and Marine veteran, Nathan Damigo, oversees a group called Identity Evropa, which he described as a “fraternity” of mostly young, college-educated men who celebrate European heritage — that is, an embrace of white identity and a rejection of multicultural coexistence.

Ever conscious of the importance of marketing, Mr. Damigo, 30, pointed out that Identity Evropa’s website “looks completely mainstreamed.” And it does, featuring men in business suits who also happen to be sporting the Hitler Youth-style haircut.

But for all the fresh approaches — the slick marketing, the internet savviness — the message remains the same. It is one of separation, of supremacy, of a refusal to recognize the equal worth of others who do not have the same skin tone or share the same religion.

The ascension of the alt-right has lifted some familiar names from the muck of the past, including David Duke, the white nationalist, Holocaust denier and former Louisiana state representative whose national profile has been resurrected.

When a reporter telephoned him recently to discuss the alt-right movement, Mr. Duke wasted little time with a question of his own: “Are you Jewish?”
Jun 15, 2012

An Asian American journalist describes meeting Richard Spencer and hearing his vision of the future.

What It's Like as an Asian-American Journalist to Interview a White Nationalist

JUJU CHANG ABC News December 9, 2016

It’s not every day that a self-proclaimed white nationalist calls you an “honorary white person.”

He was joking, of course, after I said I enjoyed a recent trip near his home in Whitefish, Montana. It would have been light-hearted banter in any other context, but not this one.

Because Richard Spencer had just told me with a smile on his face that I would not be allowed to live in the all-white ethno-state he envisions for the future.

“You could have your own ethno-state,” he offered, as though ethnic cleansing might strike most Americans as anything other than reprehensible.

“Nightline” asked to spend the day with him before his Texas A&M University appearance on Tuesday as he was confronted by hundreds of loud protesters chanting “Say NO to hate.” He seemed unfazed, amused even, and clearly unapologetic.

My producer Victoria Thompson and I traveled to College Station, Texas, to bring into sharp focus the man who takes credit for coining the phrase “alt-right,” which Spencer describes as “identity politics for white people in the 21st century.”

Steve Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News and Trump’s current chief strategist, was once quoted as saying his site provided a “platform for the alt-right.” Days after the election, President-Elect Trump tried to distance himself from the alt-right with one quote in an interview with the New York Times. -- "I don't want to energize the group, and I disavow the group," he said.

Spencer, 38, earned national attention after a video surfaced on “The Atlantic” showing him at a so-called “alt right” conference shouting “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory,” as some in the crowd raised their hands in a Nazi salute.

Spencer says he yelled out “Hail Trump,” “in the spirit of irony and exuberance.”

“What is exuberant about genocide?” I asked him.

He then tried to dismiss it, telling me, “a half a dozen people in the audience or so who gave a Roman salute.”

“It was not a Roman salute. It was a Nazi party salute, you know that,” I replied.

Spencer did acknowledge that provocation is a strategy for the alt-right and that he had been toiling in obscurity until this shot of notoriety. He sees President-Elect Trump as someone who “sling-shot our movement into fame.” Spencer says he was euphoric the moment he found out Trump won the presidency, “it felt like a kind of miracle.”

“If someone had told me two years ago that Donald Trump would be the alt-right hero and he would be President, I would be like, ‘What ridiculous movie are you talking about like this is not real life,’ but it is real life,” Spencer said.

Spencer and I talked one-on-one for more than an hour. He claims he is not a white supremacist or a racist, but it is difficult to understand his incendiary rhetoric any other way.

I asked about his quote in Mother Jones magazine that “Hispanics and African Americans have lower average IQs than whites and are more genetically predisposed to commit crimes” -- a pseudo-science argument of white supremacists which has been widely discredited.

“When you study, say average intelligence say around the world, and you keep getting the same answer, at some point you are going to have to look towards genetics” Spencer said. He spouts many of the hallmarks of vitriolic racist ideology.

His deeply inflammatory world-view involves that all-white “ethno state” perhaps outside the U.S., he says, where races are segregated. He claims there would be no forced deportations, though says it could result in a violent race war.

“I think the current paradigm we’re living under is going to lead to blood and tears,” Spencer said. “I don't know exactly what is going to happen but yes I do think that there is going to be a major crack up… predominantly on racial lines.”

You might ask why devote so much attention to what many consider a fringe hate group? It was Louis Brandeis a century ago who famously wrote “Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.”

“[Spencer] is the head of the alt right … and quite frankly Mr. Trump ran a racially divisive campaign, so I think the media has an obligation to cover Richard Spencer,” said Southern Poverty Law Center’s President Richard Cohen.

Spencer’s organization, the National Policy Institute, is listed as a hate group by the SPLC for promoting far-right, white-nationalist views.

“The term alt-right is really nothing more than a re-branding of white supremacy for the digital age,” said Cohen. “I don’t think anybody should be fooled by what it is at its core and that is white supremacy.”

The Texas A&M campus held a diverse yet unified presence of thousands of people demonstrating their opposition to his views by attending competing events: a rowdy protest, a silent protest and a concert at the football stadium next door celebrating diversity.

Texas A&M, in keeping with Justice Brandeis’ prescription, decided not to ban him, citing freedom of speech. The university had not invited Spencer to speak on Tuesday, but a room was booked on campus by a former student.

University President Michael Young spoke at the Aggie’s football stadium unity rally and said, “I believe we live in a world where differences actually makes us stronger.”

Rather than keep quiet about Spencer’s visit, the university managed to turn it into a teachable moment -- allowing Spencer’s freedom of speech, while supporting protesters' freedoms of expression as well.

While Spencer is undeterred by the protests, his Nazi saluting followers were notably absent. In the end, the overwhelming majority of the few hundred people who did show up to hear him speak were there in protest.

Tensions erupted during Spencer’s speech several times. He fat-shamed a female protester dressed as a clown for effect and spewed insults at a man who stood patiently in line to ask a question, even before he had a chance to ask his question.

“You’re a coward. You can’t beat the ---- out of anything,” he said. “You need to go to the gym."

His tone reminded me of an exchange Spencer and I had during our long conversation when he laughingly dismissed values like compassion, diversity, even freedom as “weak” or “lame.” I pointed out that these are bedrock principles of our country, “diversity, inclusion, Lady Liberty bring us your huddled masses."

“I would keep Lady Liberty. I think that’s a beautiful statue," he said, laughing. "I would tear down that stupid horrible poem about 'Send us your worst! Send us your ugliest, your stupidest. Let them wash up on our shores!'"

Tensions ran high just outside as Spencer spoke, police in riot gear wound up pushing people out of the building where he was talking.

But in the end, it was the anti-hate folks who showed up at the Kyle Stadium -- including a multi-cultural group of students and anti-hate groups – that sent a far more powerful message of tolerance and diversity to drown out what they considered the repugnant and unwelcome din next door.
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Jun 21, 2015

Yeah somebody linked this thread to their shyt.... Looked through that shyt and the person keeps bumping that thread when this one gets more legs..... Like how and why are you hiding on the internet smh.... It's funny though because we say that they are obsessed then they say we are obsessed and they ignore the thousands on social media, message board, websites, and news article comments they dedicate to us.... We can them the letter "L" when it's obviously true and their response is to call us what we call them and label us "M".... Not sure if that makes sense but it does somewhere.... They are straight followers and it's weird


Jun 21, 2015
Call them racist and they'll call you racist for pointing out their BS... Get your car washed and they'll "NO I GOT MY CAR WASHED BETTER" just because syndrome.... My favorite color is red, they be like "WELL MY FAVORITE COLOR IS BRIGHT RED"..... shyts really weird