Crayola Coyote
Not white, but it figures you'd retort with that. Have fun.
Yep, you're white. cognitive dissonance is hard for y'all isn't it.
Not white, but it figures you'd retort with that. Have fun.
So when a poor Mexican joins a gang in America and hunts down black people for bloodsport that's not racist because they have no institutional power?![]()
So basically your saying their shouldn't be any poor whites? or if your white and poor it's your fault?
SO in ur belief do you believe Zimmerman isnt a racist?White people have a system that uses the military to do what they want to do to other groups of non whites. So hit me up when Mexicans are on whites people level forching us to have Mexicans names and worshiping their women
more white nonsense
Listen's not my problem that you think white people are so superior that people can't be racist against them. That's your problem, and only yours. I've said all I care to say.But if you and everyone else want to do all this mental gymnastics if blacks can be against whites that's on you to argue for pages on end..
naw that's racism.
Check your dna as well breh, if snoop couldn't even pass without having white blood in him, doubt you can. I bet you a dime you got a shyt lode of white in ya. Breh. Polynesians aint white, an we cooperate with whites like humans, not act like a mut that bites the hand who feeds them...funny you talk shyt about all the whites, yet use there system, talk there languages, and rely on their food stamps, lol sounds like a mut to me. Dont wanna go home, yet wanna eat up all the food that derives out of american soil. Wanna burn the american flag but remain in american country.
This is the kinda bullshyt I'm talking about:
lol I see the fear in this bytches eyes when he talks about Polynesians. like I said pages ago, you guys got dominated, not even captain cook could dominate us.
You guys think you guys own everything, jesus wasnt black, you must be out of your fukking mind, he was my color, brown. in the bible it says skin of bronze, not skin of black tar. This is the color of bronze, does this look black to you:
bronze - Google Search
Jesus was in the middle east, pakistanis, iranians, arabs all of the middle east is of brown color not black or white. Both you white people and black people wanna claim jesus, hes none of your colors, even us Polynesians are of jesus's color, brown. So wake the fukk up, you try to claim america when its brown country not black, even all the latinos who call whites white boys or whitey is just as white since spain is from europe, the heart and root where all whites come from, a mexican or latino is no different from the whitest clear skined red head, they aren't native american.
Everyone knows the whites dominate in power, every one knows the asians dominate in numbers, everyone knows the africans are the most down to earth people with the most idealistic way of balance same with Australians, they have balance. And everyone knows the blacks who abuse the black slaves history by not even showing proof of their lineage are pussies who instead of accosting the spanish and portuguese for redemption to the slave trade starters, they blame all whites who havent a single hand in what happened to them.
If you dont understand american history, both you racist blacks and whites can GTFO of america.
Boy ain't nobody have time to read this white nonsense
Who cares about whites, we'd slap them just the same if they were racist towards us, we had electricity in our kingdom before the fukking white house had light. We were in suits way before the red necks came long and told us how to dress:
We understand unity just as much as any country and thats why we had no other option to take to the US or we would have been tooken over by a third world country. We dont hate white people, we hate white racist like the kkk, every culture has a racist group. We also understand the give and take, bob marley preaches this shyt in all his songs, and yet you guys dont uphold it, if you dont like the white mans system, or better yet present world wide community cooperation, then get out of it, if you think you can manage in your own home lands, then go back, go back to livin in the bush...cuz we understand progress and moving foward. And theres no time for racism in the new world, either show some respect, or get a walkin, hawaiians take no bodys side, we are on our own side, which is common sense and common decency .
Yeah, thats what I fukkin thought. To you white is evil no matter what color you are. lol GTFO here.
Right reasons America still owns y'all
SO in ur belief do you believe Zimmerman isnt a racist?
I think peopleA lot of what people call people out on for being racist isn't systematic though- that's the thing. If we are are playing semantics with what our people can be, the semantics apply across the board right? So if an Arab says black people like fried chicken- is that racist or prejudiced? If I don't want an Indian doctor because I think they might treat me differently because I heard they hate blacks, but I've never met the doctor on his own, am I being prejudiced or racist? If an Indian won't go into a black owned store because they think they'll get rude treatment, are they racist or prejudiced?
That's good support for yesIn one of my old highschool's for example the black principle, security guards & authorities would always side with Blacks & Ricans over Dominicans & Mexicans even though the off the boat Dominicans were just defending themselves from bigoted attacks. Take the San Jose riots as another example, if white people were chasing down Mexicans at political rallies do you think a Mayor could be ordering the police to stand down & allow these assaults to happen? On paper yes, but in practice reality is different. I don't buy into the institutional racist argument, power in America is not consolidated.
Never seen any chains around us, boy.