EGYPTIAN | IGBO (Onitsha and Uburu dialects used) KAKA(God) | Ka (greater, superior)
Khu (to kill, death) | Nwu/Gbu (die/to kill)
Em (smell) | Imi/Emi (nose, associated with smell)
Bi (to become) | Bu (to become)
un (living being) | Ndu (life)
Feh (to go away) | Feh (to fly away)
Budo (dwelling place) | Obodo/ubudo (country, dwelling place)
Dudu (black image of Osiris) | Mmadu (person)
Un (living person) | Ulo/Uno (living area, house)
Beka (pray/confess) | Biko/Beko (to plead, please)
Aru (mouth) | Onu (mouth) & kooh/Kwue (to speak)
Dor (settlement) | Dor-Nor (sit down, settle)
Ra -Shu (light after darkness) | La -Shu (sleep)
Aru (rise) | Anu/Kulie (up, rise)
Wu (rise) | KWu-ni/Kunie (rise)
In- n (negation) nh-n (negation)
Ma (to know) | Ma, Ma-li (to know)
Se (to create) | Ke (to create) & Se (to draw)
Hoo (rejoice) | Goo, ta-Goo (dance, rejoice)
Omijener (deep water) | Ime-me (deep inside)
Nen (the primeval water mother) | Nem (mother)
Ro (talk) | Kwo (to talk)
Penka (divide) Panje (break it)
Ala (Land of) | Ala (Land of, ground, boundary)
Amu (children) | Umu (children)
Ani (ground land below) | Ani (ground land below)
Ka (higher) | Ka (greater, higher, stronger, above)
Pa (open) | Meghee (open)
Isi (leader) | Isi (leader, head (body part), female name as in igbo: “Isioma”)
Oni (AE City) | Oni-tsha (Igbo City)
Ikhenaten (name of a Pharaoh) | Ikh-em (Igbo name for a male representing high power)
Au-nu (Crocodile) | Anu/Anu-Ma-nu (animal, beast)
Miri (water) | Miri (water)
Nahasu (other Blacks) | Ahasi/Ani-hasi (Evening, night)
Ak (man) | Ok-a (man)
Ehn/Hen (yes, nod head) | Eh (yes, nod head)
Paa/Faa (fly) | Feeh/Faa (fly)
Utcha (dawn) | Uchi-chi/Utchi-chi(night)
MM (among) | Imme (inside, among)
W (they) | Uwe (they, them)