The perspective of this topic is way off base in this thread
We're talking about light bright and basically white Arabs not liking Black people, BIG SURPRISE
Give the whiteman Islam, he'll turn into slavery and oppression
Give the whiteman Christianity, he'll turn it into slavery and oppression
Give the whiteman capitalism, he'll turn it into slavery and oppression
Give the whiteman communism, he'll turn it into slavery and oppression
This is just what white people do, regardless of the ideological entity they do it under
50 plus posts of anti-Islam talking points and not 1 verse from the book to even assist in making that point
100% agree with this thread
Also I believe with time Malcolm X would've dropped the whole muslim thing once he realized how black folks are treated in the muslim world

You don't know anything about Malcolm X
There's no separation. The Quran itself is written in Arabic and is vested in Arab culture. In real life there's no separation. It's Arabism and worship. Destroy it.
You know nothing of the Holy Qur'an
You can't do that. Muhammad is the seal of the Prophets/Messengers. He was the last. The other kitab (books) are not to be followed, nor are their messengers. You must follow Muhammad's teachings, hence the sunnah. If you don't follow that, then you can't be Muslim. With Muhammad came the spread of Pan Arabism, so obviously Islam is very Arabcentric. People talk about black Americans having no culture and it being wiped away by the white man, what about the spread of the Arab world? Berbers, and North Africans in general really lost a lot of their culture due to the spread of the Arab world. You cannot separate the two. The Quran is Arabic.
A Muslim believes in the teachings of all the prophets. All the prophets have the same sunnah, the differences in the details of each individual prophet stems from the Time place and people they were sent to. Muhammad does not have a stranglehold on the term "sunnah"; it means way of practice, standard, criteria, example, etc... A prophet, as well as the people he teaches, are to be examples for the non-believers. ALLAH MADE A COVENANT WITH ALL THE PROPHETS - Chapter 33:7 Chapter 3:81
And every nation will receive the sunnah from a prophet messenger or warner
Chapter 10:47 - for every nation is a messenger...
Chapter 35:24 - ...not a people but a warner has gone among them
Yes Arabs have Arabized the concept of "Muhammad's sunnah" but the Holy Qur'an is not Arab-centric other than the language and the people it was revealed to
Even with that, the semitic languages are AFRO-asiatic
Even with that, the Arabs claim they come from Ishmael. Whether this true or not is not really the point. Hagar, Ishmael's mother, was an Egyptian, AFRO, his father Abraham was a Black man from Mesopotamia, ASIATIC. Blackness may be shunned by Arabs, but there is no Qur'anic shunning of Blackness
nah i'm just tired of seeing black Muslim c00ns trying to act like you better than to other blacks whom don't believe a sand cac pedophile and enslaver of Africans was a prophet from god
so now the majority of black Muslims are pro black....i'm sure you talking about strictly AAs but even that is black man/woman whom truly is for the progression of their people and has a thorough knowledge of Islam can be's an oxymoron considering one of the tenets of Islam is black inferiority to cacs i would argue all those socalled pro black Muslims you listed were pretenders whom cherry picked and the part of Islam they liked to apply to their own lives while ignoring the latent anti black racism or likely were just ignorant to it but they were far from true Muslims..
I can say with reasonable assurity that you are not qualified to say who is and is not a "true Muslim"
Chapter 30:30 - ...set thy face for religion, being upright, the nature made by Allah in which He has created men...
Chapter 15:26 - ...We created man of sounding clay, of BLACK mud...
So Allah created men from BLACK mud, and these people of BLACK mud are created in his upright nature.
Disliking Black people is an Arab thing, it is not intrinsically Islamic