Let's Talk About Black Muslims Wanting Arab Approval


Jun 4, 2012
nah i'm just tired of seeing black Muslim c00ns trying to act like you better than to other blacks whom don't believe a sand cac pedophile and enslaver of Africans was a prophet from god

:pachaha:so now the majority of black Muslims are pro black....i'm sure you talking about strictly AAs but even that is questionable...no black man/woman whom truly is for the progression of their people and has a thorough knowledge of Islam can be Muslim...it's an oxymoron considering one of the tenets of Islam is black inferiority to cacs:manny: i would argue all those socalled pro black Muslims you listed were pretenders whom cherry picked and the part of Islam they liked to apply to their own lives while ignoring the latent anti black racism or likely were just ignorant to it but they were far from true Muslims..
Seems what I mean.

Even if a black Muslim puts his life on the line for his black people

Black white supremacist like the one above will genralize and call them a c00n.

In addition they are ignorant about tenets and Islam in general^
Jan 26, 2015
Seems what I mean.

Even if a black Muslim puts his life on the line for his black people

Black white supremacist like the one above will genralize and call them a c00n.

what real black Muslim and I don't mean civil rights era NOI have ever put their life on the line for black people?:childplease:
:mjlol:being a white supremacist would entail me embracing the beliefs of white superiority which i challenge you to find in any of my post...where as i have met my share of Muslim negro ayrab lovers whom have argued sand cac culture is superior to black culture and insulted AAs with nonsense that would make the cacs from st0rmfr0nt proud after i mocked Mohommed the child molester or their master's religion but i'm the black white supremacist:comeon:
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Return of the Khryst
May 1, 2012
just to clarify..
Malcolm's first visit to Mecca was in 1964, and he actually visited Mecca twice within that same year. He said in his autobiography that his sister Ella helped finance his pilgrimage to Mecca. Ella had started studying with the Orthodox Muslims in Boston, then she founded a school in Boston where Arabic was taught.

Malcolm's first visit to Medina was in 1959, a year after Malcolm married Sister Betty. In 1959, Elijah Muhammad sent Malcolm on a 3 week trip to Islamic nations of the Middle East and Africa to gauge how Elijah Muhammad would be received there. Malcolm was accompanied by Sister Betty and a small group of Muslims during the 3 week trip.
Jan 26, 2015
another lost Muslim negro whom's thirst for ayrab acceptance lead him to fly to a dump in the Arabia to further study and e indoctrinated by slam(ayrab supremacy).now breh still detained there in Gitmo type conditions for allegedly attempting to conspiring with Alqeida:mindblown:...

American Sharif Mobley Hasn't Appeared in Yemen Court for a Year


An American father of three detained in Yemen since 2010 is being held in an unknown location and hasn't been seen in court for almost a year, according to his wife and lawyer.

Sharif Mobley, 30, was arrested after having contact with New Mexico-born militant cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, but was never charged with terrorism. Al-Awlaki was a prominent member of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula until he was killed in a U.S. drone strike in 2011.

Before being fatally shot by police, Charlie Hebdo gunman Cherif Kouachitold a French journalist by telephone that he "was sent by Yemen's Al Qaeda" and had been financed by al-Awlaki. AQAP later claimed responsibility for the massacre, saying the attack was orchestrated as "vengeance" after the satirical magazine published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

Mobley has not appeared at a series of court hearings since last January. Another hearing is scheduled for Wednesday.

Attorney Cori Crider told NBC New that Yemeni officials would not reveal the New Jersey native's whereabouts. "It's hard to believe that we are no closer to the Yemini government admitting where they have taken our client and why he disappeared on the eve of a crucial hearing," she said.

A Yemeni security source told NBC News Sharif Mobley had been transferred in co-ordination with the U.S. and that American officials have participated in his interrogation. The State Department did not respond to a request for comment but previously told The Guardian newspaper that it would not discuss Mobley's case, citing "privacy considerations."

Sharif Mobley in 2002.
Mobley managed a rare phone call to his wife Nzinga Islam just before Christmas — but only after he went on hunger strike, she said. The family hadn't spoken to him for months and the call lasted less than 20 minutes.

"I love you. How are the children? Give them kisses from me," Mobley told her.

"He's a family guy," Islam added. "Even though his conditions are tough he always makes sure to mention the family. The toilets are overflowing and they are forced to walk in their waste. He's being forced to drink out of bottles he'd previously urinated in."

Mobley told his family he is sprayed with Mace if he asks to speak to the U.S. Embassy.

He assured his daughter that he would be home soon, but Islam fears he fears he may never see his family again.

Mobley was detained in the street by masked security forces in Sanaa, Yemen, in January 2010.

Islam says her husband is innocent of any link to terrorism and had been planning to return to America. "Sharif and I went to Yemen to experience an Arabic-speaking country," she said. "We were happy, we were learning."

"I feel like if he was a white American he would not be there still"

Mobley is being represented by lawyers with the British campaign group Reprieve. They group says that during his detention he was beaten, dragged down stairs, had a catheter forcibly removed and was chained to a bed.

He is now thought to have been charged with murdering a guard during an alleged March 2010 escape attempt from the hospital where he was being treated for bullet wounds sustained while he was detained. However, his lawyer has never formally been notified of the charges against him.

"I feel like if he was a white American he would not be there still," Islam said. "The U.S. government could be doing more. He is born and raised in America, back for generations. He deserves a fair and speedy trial."

Attorney Crider believes Mobley's continued detention is part of a U.S. operation in Yemen to target anyone linked to al-Awlaki.

Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye, who interviewed al-Awlaki, was sentenced to five years in prison in 20011. The White House said it was "concerned and disappointed" at the journalist's early release.

Two senior U.S. counterterrorism officials told NBC News earlier this monththat one of the two brothers behind the Charlie Hebdo massacre traveled to Yemen in 2011 for several months of training with AQAP.

Al-Awlaki has been the inspiration behind a series of terrorist attacks including the Nov. 2009 Fort Hood shooting in Texas and the attempted bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day 2009.

In 2011, al-Awlaki became the U.S. citizen to be killed by an American drone strike but his online preaching continues to inspire jihadis.

In response to questions from NBC News, the Yemeni Embassy in Washington said Mobley's case "is before the court."

Yemen's Ministry of Interior did not respond to requests for information on Mobley's status.

so all the countries in the Motherland weren't good enough to visist for brother Bilal Mobley?:mjpls:
...the only positive i see coming out of this situation it should be a wake up call to other ayrab lovers in our community and it sound like breh may have allegededly caught a sand cac body over there:patrice:,..be black and pay you own way to visit terroism stricken Middle Eastern wastelands in which blacks are just a step away from slavery to learn your people's oppressor langauge and bond with them then catch trumped up terrosim charges cause of alleged associations with Alqeida brehs
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Jan 26, 2015
Afro Iraqis/Zanj are the only black Muslims in the arab world that come to mind whom don't lower themselves to pander to sand cacs at the expense of their dignity and have a proud history of rebelling against arab tyranny...while i still don't agree with them worshiping their oppressors magic arab genie in the sky(Allah) other blacks Muslim tap dancers could learn from them about how maintain some honor while being a negro while Muslim.



The largest revolt by enslaved Africans was ignited by the Zanj against Arab slavers. The Zanj or Zinj were the inhabitants of the land along the coast of East Africa. They were traded as slaves by Arabs and were made to work in the cruel and humid saltpans of Shatt-al-Arab, near Basra in modern-day Iraq. Conscious of their large numbers and oppressive working conditions, the Zanj rebelled three times.

The largest of these rebellions lasted from 868 to 883 A.D., during which they inflicted repeated defeat on Arab armies sent to suppress the revolt. For some 14 years, they continued to achieve remarkable military victories and even built their own capital–Moktara, the Elect City.

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motion order

Sep 3, 2014
Jew Jersey
The perspective of this topic is way off base in this thread
We're talking about light bright and basically white Arabs not liking Black people, BIG SURPRISE
Give the whiteman Islam, he'll turn into slavery and oppression
Give the whiteman Christianity, he'll turn it into slavery and oppression
Give the whiteman capitalism, he'll turn it into slavery and oppression
Give the whiteman communism, he'll turn it into slavery and oppression
This is just what white people do, regardless of the ideological entity they do it under
50 plus posts of anti-Islam talking points and not 1 verse from the book to even assist in making that point
100% agree with this thread
Also I believe with time Malcolm X would've dropped the whole muslim thing once he realized how black folks are treated in the muslim world

You don't know anything about Malcolm X

There's no separation. The Quran itself is written in Arabic and is vested in Arab culture. In real life there's no separation. It's Arabism and worship. Destroy it.
You know nothing of the Holy Qur'an

You can't do that. Muhammad is the seal of the Prophets/Messengers. He was the last. The other kitab (books) are not to be followed, nor are their messengers. You must follow Muhammad's teachings, hence the sunnah. If you don't follow that, then you can't be Muslim. With Muhammad came the spread of Pan Arabism, so obviously Islam is very Arabcentric. People talk about black Americans having no culture and it being wiped away by the white man, what about the spread of the Arab world? Berbers, and North Africans in general really lost a lot of their culture due to the spread of the Arab world. You cannot separate the two. The Quran is Arabic.

A Muslim believes in the teachings of all the prophets. All the prophets have the same sunnah, the differences in the details of each individual prophet stems from the Time place and people they were sent to. Muhammad does not have a stranglehold on the term "sunnah"; it means way of practice, standard, criteria, example, etc... A prophet, as well as the people he teaches, are to be examples for the non-believers. ALLAH MADE A COVENANT WITH ALL THE PROPHETS - Chapter 33:7 Chapter 3:81
And every nation will receive the sunnah from a prophet messenger or warner
Chapter 10:47 - for every nation is a messenger...
Chapter 35:24 - ...not a people but a warner has gone among them
Yes Arabs have Arabized the concept of "Muhammad's sunnah" but the Holy Qur'an is not Arab-centric other than the language and the people it was revealed to
Even with that, the semitic languages are AFRO-asiatic
Even with that, the Arabs claim they come from Ishmael. Whether this true or not is not really the point. Hagar, Ishmael's mother, was an Egyptian, AFRO, his father Abraham was a Black man from Mesopotamia, ASIATIC. Blackness may be shunned by Arabs, but there is no Qur'anic shunning of Blackness

nah i'm just tired of seeing black Muslim c00ns trying to act like you better than to other blacks whom don't believe a sand cac pedophile and enslaver of Africans was a prophet from god

so now the majority of black Muslims are pro black....i'm sure you talking about strictly AAs but even that is questionable...no black man/woman whom truly is for the progression of their people and has a thorough knowledge of Islam can be Muslim...it's an oxymoron considering one of the tenets of Islam is black inferiority to cacs i would argue all those socalled pro black Muslims you listed were pretenders whom cherry picked and the part of Islam they liked to apply to their own lives while ignoring the latent anti black racism or likely were just ignorant to it but they were far from true Muslims..
I can say with reasonable assurity that you are not qualified to say who is and is not a "true Muslim"
Chapter 30:30 - ...set thy face for religion, being upright, the nature made by Allah in which He has created men...
Chapter 15:26 - ...We created man of sounding clay, of BLACK mud...
So Allah created men from BLACK mud, and these people of BLACK mud are created in his upright nature.
Disliking Black people is an Arab thing, it is not intrinsically Islamic