Let's Talk about Asian Men


Sarranid Bleu
Feb 28, 2015

Asian nikkas, sure if you want a vienna sausage


But ur dikks r small :yeshrug:

I dont believe this is true. The only studies that report asian men have dramatically smaller penises(compared to americans) are self measured studies, the same studies that report that Venezuelans have dramatically bigger penises(compared to americans). From what I've seen in most studies where researchers do the measuring there isnt really a group of men with hilariously small or monstrously big penises.


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
A lot of those korean pop stars have disgustingly good bone structure. thats all I have to add to this :yeshrug:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
I dont believe this is true. The only studies that report asian men have dramatically smaller penises(compared to americans) are self measured studies, the same studies that report that Venezuelans have dramatically bigger penises(compared to americans). From what I've seen in most studies where researchers do the measuring there isnt really a group of men with hilariously small or monstrously big penises.

There are Korean military and hospital studies which imply that they do have smaller penises in comparison to other races. The absolute difference between average human size is between 0 and 3 inches, and that's not the difference between a "hilariously small" and a "monster sized" penises, but it makes a difference in the average and at the margins. I mean, if you can believe that Europeans are more athletic than Asians, you can believe they have bigger penises too when both are fully nourished. It's not that hard a jump.


Richest Broke Ni99a You'll Never Meet
Nov 27, 2015
Delusional wench the only Asian that would find you attractive is Ricky The Dragon steamboat and he's 60 years old.

deacon 12

Jan 24, 2016

Hello had a conversation with my sister early yesterday about something similar to this how women can find attractive/crush on a certain race of men extremely hard but sexually/ physical prefer someone that doesn't look like that group of men we both agreed but I don't have to be anywhere for the next 4 days so I'm up now surfing and this conversation is still kinda lingering in my mind so I remembered this and a few other coli interracial threads this being the most relevant because my sister said she noticed like myself a trend with black women and asian men nothing huge but if you see a black women now in media if she's not interested in a black man or white man it's an Asian man when there used to be no particular third so I'm looking thru this thread and thinking I always thought there were two camps when it came to dating who you want and who you're around it may seem that I'm trying to call you out but just making and observation from this post it seems you may fall into the latter and not former I noticed you proclaim you're preference for black men before but I was wondering was that of social/historical/culture preference= compatibility or just primal desire I've had similar questions to some of the other coli ladies on here and was given only one straight up Answer from Vice Queen she has no preference NOT Really Expecting an Answer Seeing That If You Do decide To Respond THIS Will Be The First Time We Interact And THIS Being A Little Personal But Im Just Using A Little Simple Logic Here YOU Ask Me if am I attracted to asian women I will say yes you ask me to name some asian women I'm attracted to I'll say Lucy lu and the two women from crouching tiger hidden dragon not because there some of the most if not the most famous asian actresses but I don't have an extreme desire for asian women but you ask me about black women my preference I could list as many black women as you listed asian men and it's not from lack of exposure that i couldn't list many because on the fan boy level of asian culture I.e. movies/anime I'm a decent 6 and knowing anything about asian movies they push female beauty real hard and it's very diverse so I've seen the beauty of asian women and just the from the actual asian women I've meant and seen hell watched 3 of those guys in a movie/tv show this week watched old copy of ninja assassin and fresh of the boat and Hawaii five o just seems you had these men locked and loaded in you're mind you may be able to do the same with black men with youtube clips not pictures but you take what the universe show you and this is what I seen hope the length and lack of punctuation doesn't bother you too much didn't want this to potentially become a back and forth wanted to get everything I had to say on a single post and the punctuation I just don't use it hope you don't take this as trolling just making a statement I don't have any negative energy towards you or any other black woman unless they harm someone I care for and it could just be as simple as you prefer black men but asian are the next group of men you are attracted to
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