Lets talk about another Climate Change Hoax Exposed in Australia...

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Believing a fraud perpetrated by AL GORE of all people and only defended by the UN is highly educated :stopitslime:

Its weird when 30k scientists seem to disagree.


Damn, guess Al was right :stopitslime: This is the leader of the global warming movement. How much money has he made off of it? Millions. Al Gores #1 motive has always been to make that $$$.

Having environmental effects does not = CLIMATE change. Trash in your ocean means your oceans are fukking dirty and not that they are getting warmer due to the trash. Radiation is a temporary climate changer. It is negligible in the grand scheme of things. By your theory, when Chernobyl melt down, that should have spiked temperatures for good. Did it? Don't think so.

Like I said, you don't have a clue what you're talking about and your embarassing yourself even further with these pathetic, illogical easily refuted talking points. I'm on my phone at work right now. I'll educate you you (or try) later on tonight.

It's sad that I still have to school people on this shyt in 2013 like I used to school Sly in like 08. :snoop:


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
The debate over the President's decision on the Kyoto Protocol has focused media and public attention on the question of global climate: Do people cause global warming?

During the last 100 years, the average temperature of the Earth's surface has increased by one degree Fahrenheit. In that same period, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide increased by 25 percent. A large part of the increase in carbon dioxide is the product of human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. Is it possible that these two increases--the rise in Earth's temperature and the rise in carbon dioxide resulting from human activity--are connected?

A blue ribbon panel of scientists, convened by the National Academy of Sciences in response to a request by President Bush, concluded that they are. The separate summary that accompanies the panel's full report states in its opening sentence: "Changes [in the temperature of the Earth] observed in the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities." But the report also states that "The most valuable contribution U.S. scientists can make is to continually question basic assumptions and conclusions." It is in that spirit that this critique is written.

We find the scientific evidence clearly indicates the global warming in the last 100 years is likely not due mostly to human activities.

The first thing to note is that the 100 years of global warming occurred in two stages--a temperature rise of approximately a half-degree Fahrenheit early in the century from 1910 to 1940, and another half-degree temperature rise toward the end of the century in the 1980s and 1990s.

Between these two periods of warming, from the 1940s to the 1970s, the Earth actually cooled somewhat. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide cannot cool the planet; they can only warm it. So we have to conclude that some other natural factors in climate change were at work in those middle decades of the century.

  • For example, we know the brightness of the sun changes now and then; if the sun's brightness decreased, that would cause a global cooling.
  • It has been suggested that the cooling effect of aerosols is the explanation for the occurrence of the global cooling in the 1950s and 1960s, rather than the predicted global warming. Aerosols are small particles which partly screen the earth from incident sunlight and tend to cool the planet.
This explanation for the absence of greenhouse warming in the 1950s and 1960s can be tested by looking at the Northern and Southern Hemispheres separately. Aerosols are produced mainly in the industrialized nations of the Northern Hemisphere and usually do not get across the equator; they are washed out by rain in a few weeks. Consequently, the Southern Hemisphere is relatively free of aerosols.

In the Southern Hemisphere the warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere should be fully evident. But it is not. The two hemispheres display the same pattern of temperature change. The fact that the cooling in the 1950s and 1960s is a feature of the temperature records of both hemispheres indicates that the absence of the predicted global warming cannot be due to aerosols.

How about the warming of the Earth early in the century, from 1910 to 1940? At that time, the global emission of carbon dioxide from cars, trucks, and factories was relatively low--too low to account for the half-degree warming. Here also, natural factors in climate change, rather than human activities, must have been responsible.

That leaves the second spell of global warming, from the 1980s through the 1990s. By that time, copious amounts of carbon dioxide produced by human activities were entering the atmosphere at many times the rates of emission earlier in the century. This recent global warming fits the timing of those big increases in carbon dioxide emissions, and could have been caused by them.

However, it could also be due to natural causes of climate change, such as an increase in the sun's brightness, or a change in the circulation of the oceans. On natural variability, the NAS study has this to say: "Because there is considerable uncertainty in current understanding of how the climate system varies naturally and reacts to emissions . . . current estimates of future warming should be regarded as tentative and subject to future adjustment (either upward or downward)."

How can we tell whether human activity, in contrast to natural variability, is the probable cause of the recent global warming?

Source: http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2001/12/01/do-people-cause-global-warming

Andddd go....


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
I posted this article for the people that would undoubtably point to emissions as a point of global warming. However, like the article states, its most likely natural causes. The same % increase in temperature was seen in 1910-40 as it was seen in the 80's-now. The emissions 100 years ago were no where near the levels they are currently at. How about that cooling period between the 40's and 80's? Emissions were ramping up then, but the earth was cooling?

Like I said, I believe in global climate change. But IMO its natural. Human affect on it is negligible. But i'll wait tip tonight to get educated.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
@Hiphoplives4eva, do you not believe in climate change AT ALL, or do you dispute the causes behind climate change?

Cause there is EMPIRICAL evidence that we've changed the environment. You can't really dispute that.

If you had a beef with HOW we "fix" or "address" that or even the causes of it, then I think we could talk.

Please post this INDISPUTABLE EMPERICAL EVIDENCE that you claim is so prevalent.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
The pacific ocean overflowing with garbage and radiation is natural as well, we have no impact on our environment.



Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
I posted this article for the people that would undoubtably point to emissions as a point of global warming. However, like the article states, its most likely natural causes. The same % increase in temperature was seen in 1910-40 as it was seen in the 80's-now. The emissions 100 years ago were no where near the levels they are currently at. How about that cooling period between the 40's and 80's? Emissions were ramping up then, but the earth was cooling?

Like I said, I believe in global climate change. But IMO its natural. Human affect on it is negligible. But i'll wait tip tonight to get educated.

Exactly. No one is arguing climate changes. Hell, any cursory look at history will tell you that. The argument being made (which NO scientific study has definitively proven) is that climate change is a DIRECT result of emissions, and to solve this impeding world disaster nations all around the globe need to buy into a Al Gore created climate change scheme funded by the world bank and "ran" by the UN.

And if you argue against this concept your labeled "anti-science." Notably from idiots who couldn't tell you the difference a fig newton and a neutron.

But hopefully geniuses will educate us morons this evening once they finish reading their liberal blogs for the appropriate talking points.
  • Dap
Reactions: Ill


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Please post this INDISPUTABLE EMPERICAL EVIDENCE that you claim is so prevalent.

1. Go to any government website or major research university or insitution in any country and they'll post the data up

2. Then look at the NATIONAL DEFENSE criteria for these findings. Defense isn't like other forms of the government. They actually care about data and facts TO MAINTAIN A COMPETITIVE EDGE. If this shyt wasn't happening or even a CONCERN to them, they wouldn't speak on it.

3. Just admit. You're pissed off about efforts like carbon taxes more than you are about facing the notion that humans are contributing to the shift in global climate.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Exactly. No one is arguing climate changes. Hell, any cursory look at history will tell you that. The argument being made (which NO scientific study has definitively proven) is that climate change is a DIRECT result of emissions, and to solve this impeding world disaster nations all around the globe need to buy into a Al Gore created climate change scheme funded by the world bank and "ran" by the UN.

And if you argue against this concept your labeled "anti-science." Notably from idiots who couldn't tell you the difference a fig newton and a neutron.

But hopefully geniuses will educate us morons this evening once they finish reading their liberal blogs for the appropriate talking points.

Ah. The Crux of your argument.

So you accept the science, but not the policy thereafter.

Thats fine.

We can discuss this.

SINCE YOU ACCEPT THAT THE CLIMATE IS CHANGING...lets look at the SOURCE of what could be causing that.

The only major factor in the last 100 years has been human intervention and the burning of fossil fuels. We've known about the greenhouse effect and EVEN MORE about atmospheric science and data since then so I posit to you...if its not humans or human behavior, then WHAT IS IT?

I wish you'd stop framing this as a "liberal v conservative" debate and move beyond that.

Even Bill Nye (someone who supports global warming narratives) said on Bill Maher's show that he's interested in preserving the world so that its still...THERE for him to come back to. Dude could care less about the taxes themselves.