Let's say...you're in a serious relationship and you meet another woman...


Jul 1, 2012
Im going to see whats good. I can live with the consequences, Ive already done something like this irl :manny:


Bmore nicca
May 1, 2012
She's the real deal now, but you have no idea what kinda claws will come out of that chick when you're in a relationship.

Don't fukk up something good breh

I was in this situation two semesters ago.

I told my girl about her. They even met. (We all go to the same school)

I think the only thing that turned me on about this girl so much was her appreciation for art....and that she was blasian. I can't say she was everything I ever wanted in a girl, because that's kinda easy to find (I'm not that picky)....but she was blasian and incredibly pretty. She turned out to be sort of a stalker. It was my fault, though. I really led the girl on. She was dissin the nikka that she was "dating" for me. She broke down crying over the phone one day because I completely blew her off, AFTER she burned the bridge with the nikka she was "dating". I guess she was expecting for me to do the same.

Actually, I KNOW she was expecting me to do the same. :no::laugh:

My girl knew all about how I put the girl in the friendzone, too. I'd tell her everything almost everyday :laugh:. Like how she'd follow me around after I left the weight room at school like a lost puppy. Shorty was getting hella annoying, but on days my girl wasn't at school it's always nice to have someone pretty following you around with interesting conversation. :laugh:

This post went off topic...I guess what I'm tryna say is....don't leave your girl, because the new girl prolly is a stalker blasian chick who's into art.



Aug 18, 2012
I had that exact scenario happen to me and I regret staying with my ex who ended it 5 months later. The other woman was everything I wanted in a woman and we had tons of things in common and a lot of chemistry. In hindsight I should have broken up with my ex which I did think about doing before I even met this other woman. She doesn't have FB and me being the faithful fool I am I never got her number or email so she's gone in the wind.


May 1, 2012
From the Bay to Central CA

I was in this situation two semesters ago.

I told my girl about her. They even met. (We all go to the same school)

I think the only thing that turned me on about this girl so much was her appreciation for art....and that she was blasian. I can't say she was everything I ever wanted in a girl, because that's kinda easy to find (I'm not that picky)....but she was blasian and incredibly pretty. She turned out to be sort of a stalker. It was my fault, though. I really led the girl on. She was dissin the nikka that she was "dating" for me. She broke down crying over the phone one day because I completely blew her off, AFTER she burned the bridge with the nikka she was "dating". I guess she was expecting for me to do the same.

Actually, I KNOW she was expecting me to do the same. :no::laugh:

My girl knew all about how I put the girl in the friendzone, too. I'd tell her everything almost everyday :laugh:. Like how she'd follow me around after I left the weight room at school like a lost puppy. Shorty was getting hella annoying, but on days my girl wasn't at school it's always nice to have someone pretty following you around with interesting conversation. :laugh:

This post went off topic...I guess what I'm tryna say is....don't leave your girl, because the new girl prolly is a stalker blasian chick who's into art.


:lolbron: i see you breh. That blasian combo is another level of temptation. Amerie :wow:

But to OP, the moral of the story is you always want what you cant have. If you're in a long term relationship, you will have the thought that you're missing out on some new puzzy or some fun your patnas are having that you're missing out on.

If you're happy with your woman, don't do something to fukk that up, because as i get older, i realize that is becoming harder and harder to find.

DreadHead P

lettin em hang and swang
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
Deep in the south kickin uptop game
I'm in this situation right now but mine is a step further

I've posted about this before so this may sound familiar to some but I'm stuck between 2 chicks
- I met the chick I consider my "main" in 07, we fukked around for a while, she cut me off cause I wouldn't commit, we started back up and got serious in 08, moved to seattle (where she grew up and where I had just came from before I met her) together in 09, things didnt go as expected so we ended it in the middle on 2010. I moved to sc, a year later her whole fam moved to the DMV. We started back up (again) when she came down to see me for my birthday in march 2012. I was straight up wit her about the females I have here and she was never cool wit it but still wanted that top priority, and I gave it to her because I feel she deserves it due to our history and the fact that I really do love her

- I met this chick back in 2011, communication between me and ol girl above had pretty much died out, I was actually damn near in a relationship with another chick when I met her, but that ended not too long after. We started fuccin around the same time ol girl started comin down here to see me. By the end of the year we was kickin it hard and she knew about ol girl, matter of fact some shyt happened the first weekend she came down to see me and we all ended up in the same room together, I ended up having to tell both of them who the other was but they shrugged the shyt off.
Baby girl is a special chick, she's into a lot of things that intrigue me. She's one of the only females I know my age that likes to sew and is into arts and crafts (reminds me of my moms), she has a lil business where she makes jewelry for women and sells it so she bout her hustle, she borderline Afrocentric/neo soul wit a lil RBG in her so I can talk my :blackpower: shyt and she be right there wit me. Simply put baby got a nicca open

Me and old girl been thru ALOT so naturally I wanna try to make things right wit her but truth is we really don't get along, that's probably not a good way to describe it because its not like we never have any good times, we have plenty of those, but our bad times are really bad and the shyt can go from good to bad before you can blink. We been seriously talkin about me comin up there where she at and us gettin a spot together and given this a real chance, I honestly do want to but I know that the way things are between us aren't gonna get better by us just moving in together, I'm not sayin our situation is irreparable I'm just afraid it may take more than we have the patience for to fix it.

I'm stuck brehs and I don't know what to do :sadcam:, I got a lot of good advice and insight from the "advice on women" thread but still the shyt ain't a easy choice to make

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Keep her on tha back burner

Get to know her some more , find out if she's tha real deal

then tell tha one u with you need "some space" :lolbron:

start dating tha new bytch see where it goes, if it duznt work out come back to your ex and shower her with gifts

My man said fukk being PC and gave you the real answer. lol
@Malik it honestly depends on how old you are. If you're 27+ it's going to be harder to pull moves like that on your chick. At that point just stay with what you got.
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May 3, 2012
Damn brehs....:to: I'm going thru this EXACT problem right now.
Been with my old lady for almost 10 years. Things have been rocky as fukk for the last year and half. I've been trying to make it work tho. Because we have a child together. But I met another chick about 3 months ago. The vibe is fukking insane between us. We click in EVERY area. Like it was meant to be. I've been juggling both, but the shyt is starting to get to me. I'm starting to feel bad about fukking around on my old steady. Even though things at home aren't that great. The new chick wants to get serious with me, and I want to get serious with her too. But I just hate the idea of breaking up my family. I am miserable with my girl. We don't fight or anything, so it's not like our home situation is fukked beyond reason. We just aren't close at all anymore. Not connected. It feels more like a roommate situation than a relationship. My parents are still together so I guess that's why I am trying to hang on to my family. But I want to be happy. I don't know how I can be happy with my old lady anymore, but I am completely happy with the new girl.
I just don't know what to do brehs.

god shamgod

May 26, 2012
This sounds like something a woman would do.They'd throw away a good relationship to go find out about the new nikka a dude would just fukk the chick

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
In this scenario, this woman is the real deal. This isn't just a piece of new azz you're :noah: over. This broad is everything you want in a woman. Everything :wow: Whatever your ideal chick is, she's it. The only problem is, the timing is obviously horrible. You're in a long term relationship. And that woman has been good to your sorry ass :wow: But like I said, this new broad is the real deal. The way you feel towards this girl, you never felt towards your main...

What do you do? What's your perspective on it?

Do you chalk it up to being mesmerized by the forbidden fruit.....fall back and be grateful for the relationship that you have?

Or do you see what's good with the new chick?

Why would you be in a long term relationship with a woman who wasnt the real deal. Sounds like you already got yourself in a demonic situation by getting into a relationship for the wrong reasons.

If you no longer love your woman and you are not married you should cut her loose before you do something satanic. When you build the foundation of a new relationship off of a betrayal of trust, you are destined to lose friend. Destined!


Jun 23, 2012
If you were happy enough in your current relationship, this wouldn't be an option. Go for what makes you happy but if you do then you need to leave the ex alone completely... Even if things don't work out with new girl you should take your sorry single ass and keep it moving. Trying to get back with the ex is going to be asking for a world of trouble.
May 7, 2012
She's the real deal now, but you have no idea what kinda claws will come out of that chick when you're in a relationship.

Don't fukk up something good breh

The realist shyt. DAP.

Women are always the best of the best when you first meet them. You truly don't know someone until you been with them for a while.


May 1, 2012
The realist shyt. DAP.

Women are always the best of the best when you first meet them. You truly don't know someone until you been with them for a while.

if that aint the damn truth shyt always starts out great then as time goes by u both get comfortable and then u truly see what that person is all about cuz u out that honeymoon phase which i call it and see the real deal bout them

now their are some cases where they remain the same throughout and thats great but in most its not like that
May 7, 2012
if that aint the damn truth shyt always starts out great then as time goes by u both get comfortable and then u truly see what that person is all about cuz u out that honeymoon phase which i call it and see the real deal bout them

now their are some cases where they remain the same throughout and thats great but in most its not like that

And to be fair, it's the same shyt with men too.

I remember I used to give my girl backrubs a few times a week when we first started going, she lucky if I give her one every 2 weeks now.

Everyone is on their best behavior early on