Lets revisit the monstrosity that was the LOST Series Finale shall we!


May 1, 2012
Most of my thoughts have been said, but one important note is that as obvious it was that they were bullshytting seasons 3-5, people were hype after the season 5 finale with esau killing jacob. The interest in the show after that was still very high from what I saw.


All Star
May 19, 2012
Most of my thoughts have been said, but one important note is that as obvious it was that they were bullshytting seasons 3-5, people were hype after the season 5 finale with esau killing jacob. The interest in the show after that was still very high from what I saw.

I disagree about season 5. Season 5 is when they finally started to take things full circle. I know the time travel confused folks but I liked how they used it to start answering the questions. Season 5 was one of the strongest seasons. It wasn't until season 6 is when they started fukking things up.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I HATED how they did Michael and Walt's characters.

They COMPLETELY took away the fact that Michael was forced into a corner and killed Anna Lucia and that other Cac chick to save Walt. They took a strong black father and turned him into a cowardly fool who only showed back up to get his ass beat and die without ANY resolution whatsoever or reconciliation with his son. Even Harold Perrineu called the shows producers out about that publicly.

Walt was set up to be a key component of the series, and one of the first mysteries (along with the smoke monster) that the show presented. What was the nature of his powers or gift? Why did he keep showing up to help Locke? What was the nature of his visions, the meaning of his connection with birds? WHAT was so "special" about him? They answered absolutely NOTHING.

And then that awful fukking cop out of a finale. shyt was awful, pure AWFUL. Jack's entire "Destiny" was to end up dying and bleeding alone on the island, with no answers.

The smoke-monster-as-Locke shyt took something that could've been interesting and made it lame and confusing for no reason. The Smoke monster was what, just pure evil incarnate that wanted to infect the world? The world is ALREADY infected with evil, that shyt isn't scary or even a good reason for someone to want to spend thousands of years "protecting" the island. Using the island as a time travel device was WAY more interesting of a thread than it being a "cork" for evil. That shyt is played.

The "spiritual" ending was a cop out, they didn't know what to do so they went with the "love conquers all, the journey was the most important lesson" route which was half assed and it showed.

They completely wasted three EXCELLENT seasons of superb storytelling. I wasnt even all that mad at season 4, and season 5 would be looked at more fondly had they stuck the landing with season 6. Season 6 had ONE flawless episode and that was the reveal of Richard Alpert's back story. Everything else was pure unadultered shyt.

And what's fukked up is that the show legitimately had some of the single best written and ACTED scenes I've ever seen on television, some really great acting and character moments that are now covered by the pile of shyt the show ended up being.

All of season one and the cast bonding

Michael and Walt's father-son bonding

Locke's backstory with his father

Sawyer being a dikk but trying to be nice to everyone when he thought he was gonna get exiled

Jack stepping up as the leader

Desmond's friendship with Charlie and trying to save him

Charlie's sacrifice

Claire giving birth

Michael killing Anna Lucia to save Walt

Ben's introduction

Locke's first encounter with Jacob and Ben shooting him

Mr Ecko looking the Smoke Monster in the eye and telling him to kiss his ass. "I ask NO forgiveness!"

Walt appearing and telling John to get up

Jack's WE HAVE TO GO BACK!!! Moment. One of the GREATEST twists in television history

Ben moving the island and looking towards the heavens saying "I Hope this makes you happy Jacob"

Hurley being Hurley

Sawyer falling in love with Juliet and finally putting someone else before himself

Jacob's FIRST introduction with the Man In Black before they were both reduced to p*ssys

Richard Alpert's back story

ALL pissed away

fukk LOST
Last edited:

the cool

May 1, 2012
I disagree about season 5. Season 5 is when they finally started to take things full circle. I know the time travel confused folks but I liked how they used it to start answering the questions. Season 5 was one of the strongest seasons. It wasn't until season 6 is when they started fukking things up.
season 5 was my favorite season

the cool

May 1, 2012
I HATED how they did Michael and Walt's characters.

They COMPLETELY took away the fact that Michael was forced into a corner and killed Anna Lucia and that other Cac chick to save Walt. They took a strong black father and turned him into a cowardly fool who only showed back up to get his ass beat and die without ANY resolution whatsoever or reconciliation with his son. Even Harold Perrineu called the shows producers out about that publicly.

Walt was set up to be a key component of the series, and one of the first mysteries (along with the smoke monster) that the show presented. What was the nature of his powers or gift? Why did he keep showing up to help Locke? What was the nature of his visions, the meaning of his connection with birds? WHAT was so "special" about him? They answered absolutely NOTHING.

And then that awful fukking cop out of a finale. shyt was awful, pure AWFUL. Jack's entire "Destiny" was to end up dying and bleeding alone on the island, with no answers.

The smoke-monster-as-Locke shyt took something that could've been interesting and made it lame and confusing for no reason. The Smoke monster was what, just pure evil incarnate that wanted to infect the world? The world is ALREADY infected with evil, that shyt isn't scary or even a good reason for someone to want to spend thousands of years "protecting" the island. Using the island as a time travel device was WAY more interesting of a thread than it being a "cork" for evil. That shyt is played.

The "spiritual" ending was a cop out, they didn't know what to do so they went with the "love conquers all, the journey was the most important lesson" route which was half assed and it showed.

They completely wasted three EXCELLENT seasons of superb storytelling. I wasnt even all that mad at season 4, and season 5 would be looked at more fondly had they stuck the landing with season 6. Season 6 had ONE flawless episode and that was the reveal of Richard Alpert's back story. Everything else was pure unadultered shyt.

And what's fukked up is that the show legitimately had some of the single best written and ACTED scenes I've ever seen on television, some really great acting and character moments that are now covered by the pile of shyt the show ended up being.

All of season one and the cast bonding

Michael and Walt's father-son bonding

Locke's backstory with his father

Sawyer being a dikk but trying to be nice to everyone when he thought he was gonna get exiled

Jack stepping up as the leader

Desmond's friendship with Charlie and trying to save him

Charlie's sacrifice

Claire giving birth

Michael killing Anna Lucia to save Walt

Ben's introduction

Locke's first encounter with Jacob and Ben shooting him

Mr Ecko looking the Smoke Monster in the eye and telling him to kiss his ass. "I ask NO forgiveness!"

Walt appearing and telling John to get up

Jack's WE HAVE TO GO BACK!!! Moment. One of the GREATEST twists in television history

Ben moving the island and looking towards the heavens saying "I Hope this makes you happy Jacob"

Hurley being Hurley

Sawyer falling in love with Juliet and finally putting someone else before himself

Jacob's FIRST introduction with the Man In Black before they were both reduced to p*ssys

Richard Alpert's back story

ALL pissed away

fukk LOST
lost was a awesome show with great acting i agree. i love the tv show lost even though the ending sucked nuts


All Star
May 6, 2012
I HATED how they did Michael and Walt's characters.

They COMPLETELY took away the fact that Michael was forced into a corner and killed Anna Lucia and that other Cac chick to save Walt. They took a strong black father and turned him into a cowardly fool who only showed back up to get his ass beat and die without ANY resolution whatsoever or reconciliation with his son. Even Harold Perrineu called the shows producers out about that publicly.

Walt was set up to be a key component of the series, and one of the first mysteries (along with the smoke monster) that the show presented. What was the nature of his powers or gift? Why did he keep showing up to help Locke? What was the nature of his visions, the meaning of his connection with birds? WHAT was so "special" about him? They answered absolutely NOTHING.

And then that awful fukking cop out of a finale. shyt was awful, pure AWFUL. Jack's entire "Destiny" was to end up dying and bleeding alone on the island, with no answers.

The smoke-monster-as-Locke shyt took something that could've been interesting and made it lame and confusing for no reason. The Smoke monster was what, just pure evil incarnate that wanted to infect the world? The world is ALREADY infected with evil, that shyt isn't scary or even a good reason for someone to want to spend thousands of years "protecting" the island. Using the island as a time travel device was WAY more interesting of a thread than it being a "cork" for evil. That shyt is played.

The "spiritual" ending was a cop out, they didn't know what to do so they went with the "love conquers all, the journey was the most important lesson" route which was half assed and it showed.

They completely wasted three EXCELLENT seasons of superb storytelling. I wasnt even all that mad at season 4, and season 5 would be looked at more fondly had they stuck the landing with season 6. Season 6 had ONE flawless episode and that was the reveal of Richard Alpert's back story. Everything else was pure unadultered shyt.

And what's fukked up is that the show legitimately had some of the single best written and ACTED scenes I've ever seen on television, some really great acting and character moments that are now covered by the pile of shyt the show ended up being.

All of season one and the cast bonding

Michael and Walt's father-son bonding

Locke's backstory with his father

Sawyer being a dikk but trying to be nice to everyone when he thought he was gonna get exiled

Jack stepping up as the leader

Desmond's friendship with Charlie and trying to save him

Charlie's sacrifice

Claire giving birth

Michael killing Anna Lucia to save Walt

Ben's introduction

Locke's first encounter with Jacob and Ben shooting him

Mr Ecko looking the Smoke Monster in the eye and telling him to kiss his ass. "I ask NO forgiveness!"

Walt appearing and telling John to get up

Jack's WE HAVE TO GO BACK!!! Moment. One of the GREATEST twists in television history

Ben moving the island and looking towards the heavens saying "I Hope this makes you happy Jacob"

Hurley being Hurley

Sawyer falling in love with Juliet and finally putting someone else before himself

Jacob's FIRST introduction with the Man In Black before they were both reduced to p*ssys

Richard Alpert's back story

ALL pissed away

fukk LOST
Isn't it accepted now that the reason Walt and Michael disappeared was because of Walt's growth spurts and basically being a horrible teenage actor?


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
LOST was the GOAT tv viewing experience ever. :scust: at yall hating on this blassic. Must be binge watchers :scust:

Yall wasn't with us shooting in the gym :scust:

Ending was flabby. But that in NO WAY takes away the experience of the show.

Season 3 ending was the GOAT tv moment EVER. YEA I SAID IT nikka. EVER.

We gotta go back kate :whoo:


May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Isn't it accepted now that the reason Walt and Michael disappeared was because of Walt's growth spurts and basically being a horrible teenage actor?

Doesn't matter. They casted the actor when he was 14 to play a ten year old, his burgeoning puberty was written in as a side effect of either the experiments the "others" put him through or s manifestation of his gift. And Michael's character arc could've come to a wayyyyyyy more respectful conclusion than what he was given. No excuses for that bullshyt


All Star
May 6, 2015
Favourite TV show ever. Ending may have not resolved everything but it ddn't take away from the greatness of the show. Honestly, I think that no one would ever be satisfied with whatever ending the writers had come up with it.

I'd love to hear people's opinion on what an ideal resolution/ending or explanation of the overall island mystery would have been.


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
Doesn't matter. They casted the actor when he was 14 to play a ten year old, his burgeoning puberty was written in as a side effect of either the experiments the "others" put him through or s manifestation of his gift. And Michael's character arc could've come to a wayyyyyyy more respectful conclusion than what he was given. No excuses for that bullshyt

Walt's storyline came full circle at the end so I don't even know why people argue about Walt and Michael. Both had satisfying conclusions.

Of all the shyt you CAN complain about Walt and Michael aren't it.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Walt's storyline came full circle at the end so I don't even know why people argue about Walt and Michael. Both had satisfying conclusions.

Of all the shyt you CAN complain about Walt and Michael aren't it.

What was Walt's full circle exactly? He never saw his father again, there was no explanation of his gifts or powers, the last time he was seen on the show he was asking Locke about his father and Locke didn't tell him the truth. What the fukk type of satisfying conclusion is that?

And again, the one thing that was most important to Michael, which was reconciling with Walt, never happened. He died on the freighter. He showed up again as a Force Ghost to help Hurley and that was the end of his chapter. It was bullshyt