Lets revisit Eminem saying that "he dont like that N!GGER sh!t" (how was this line forgiven)

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
Sorry for the long post

Referring to the soccer player, right? He's supposed to be friends with them sure, but that doesn't hold any weight. A racist is going to be a racist regardless of the situations they're put in. He might go out socially with the team, but if he truly doesn't like black people or being around them or thinks negatively about them, it's likely going to show eventually, especially after being around them on a constant basis.

True you can't know someone's feelings with 100% certainty, but the song I posted above paints a pretty clear picture about Em's feelings towards Proof. Em has shown Proof nothing but love from what I've seen. To me it seems pretty obvious that Eminem cared tons about Proof, I don't know how you can write that off. I mean Em stopped rapping and got heavily into drugs and nearly overdosed, and Proof's death played a large part in all of that. That's how close he was with him and how much it hurt him to have him gone. He didn't even feel like going on with life anymore.

In regards to not "holding Proof down in several ways," what are you referring to? His family after his death? Because if so I already gave a rebuttal to that.

Money doesn't solve all problems and suddenly make everything all good. There have been plenty of cases where money was involved and shyt wasn't able to work out because of people's differences. So to say that money would have been enough to hold everyone together seems ignorant to me.

Can you support this claim of Em/Proof having a falling out? I think you might be getting him confused with Royce. Only thing I can find on an Em/Proof falling out is some annotation on Rap Genius that has no citation.

I can understand you wanting him to speak out against black problems seeing as he's made a career in a black culture, but Em doesn't speak out about white problems either. That's just not who he is, and you're expecting him to be someone different/blaming him for not being someone you want/expect. That's not his fault, that's yours for placing your own expectations upon him.

As I've already said - he made some dumb mistakes when he was a kid. Other than a few songs he made when he was 16, has he done anything else to even remotely suggest he's even a little bit racist? Because I haven't seen anything. Young people sometimes do/say immature things or have immature thoughts. But people change and grow. You act like Eminem at 16 years old defines who he is as a person, throughout his entire life.

I'll re-write on a topic I've already touched on. Tupac said:
"Measure a man by his actions, fully, from beginning to end. Don't take a piece out of my life or a song out of my music and say this is what I'm about. 'Cause you know better than that."

You're strictly paying attention to one point in his life at 16 years old. What about the other 25 years since they? Why don't they hold any bearing? How does his best friend Proof not count for anything? How does him supporting black artists (and continue to do so) from his hometown, even when they never brought any real revenue/success (and aren't even on his label anymore) not count for anything? Em is around black people non stop all the time in his career. Yet you have not heard a single thing from anyone else or from Em himself even hinting that he's had any kinds of issues with black people. As you saw with that soccer player - after a while people's true selves tend to show themselves, and Em has not shown anything in the past 25 years to give the impression that he's a racist.

If some 16 year old robs a few stores or gets arrested a few times, are you going to hold that against him for the rest of their life? Does that small portion of his life mean you now define/label him as a thief/criminal now for the rest of his life without taking into account the person he has become and the person he is today?

And in this interview you can tell Em is pretty genuine about how he felt about Proof and how it affected him.
Starting @2:30-4:30

It did show, he made the tapes. He's said other shyt which has been more subliminal too.

Yeah I don't know about Eminem and Proof, but it still doesn't mean cause he liked proof he can't be preduice. I know of people with black relatives that are MAD racist, I mean serious extreme racist shyt.

There are articles about the Proof/Eminem situation, I will try to find it. If not somebody else may be able to do that.

I'm not saying Eminem has to speak out against black problems. My only point was I didn't agree with the racist tapes, or forgive him as his apology was unacceptable. Others have a right to do what they wish, I'm speaking for myself.

I've seen a lot of things that suggest preduice yes. Over the years, will dig up some things at some point. Also there is a debate about the age he was during the tapes, some say he was 21.

Eminem in my opinion hasn't had that clear huge evolution or atoned for what he did wrong in the past properly. How can there be forgiveness without proper contrition?

There are different levels of racism/prejudice. Like I said I'm not saying Eminem wants to murder all black people, but I do believe a predudice exists.

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
ok i read it.

were you ever beat up and made bloody by a "white" person for no reason?
did you ever get jumped and robbed by a "white" person for no reason?

did you enjoy listening to ice cubes cave bytch when it came out? why dont you cape for caucasian women if you are so gun ho about racism?
i never stated that eminem was right. your young ass cant comprehend people mature and regret and ask for forgiveness.
something eminem has done, but not ice cube.

again. HOW OLD ARE YOU??

Lol this isn't an inquiry. Your chatting air lol, I've already said lmao...... that I NEVER supported or liked or listened to cave bytch. Cape? Lmao. Serious? lol. I've already said several times that I disagree with racism against anyone. Your the one caping for Eminem, because I won't defend him dissing black women/people.


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
It did show, he made the tapes. He's said other shyt which has been more subliminal too.

Yeah I don't know about Eminem and Proof, but it still doesn't mean cause he liked proof he can't be preduice. I know of people with black relatives that are MAD racist, I mean serious extreme racist shyt.

There are articles about the Proof/Eminem situation, I will try to find it. If not somebody else may be able to do that.

I'm not saying Eminem has to speak out against black problems. My only point was I didn't agree with the racist tapes, or forgive him as his apology was unacceptable. Others have a right to do what they wish, I'm speaking for myself.

I've seen a lot of things that suggest preduice yes. Over the years, will dig up some things at some point. Also there is a debate about the age he was during the tapes, some say he was 21.

Eminem in my opinion hasn't had that clear huge evolution or atoned for what he did wrong in the past properly. How can there be forgiveness without proper contrition?

There are different levels of racism/prejudice. Like I said I'm not saying Eminem wants to murder all black people, but I do believe a predudice exists.

if he was 21, that would make it 1995. that was when his daughter was born so u cant say that. or are you implying he cheated on kim and made a tape about the follish pride girl?
a lot of what you post is propaganda and yes it is your opinion, but trust he regrets anything his dumb hurt ass did.
who the fukk are you to tell the coli and me if Eminem had an atonement and evolution.
you have some nerve. and you wont even tell me your age.
there is no prejudice at all with him.
hes 41 now and just made a video killing off slim shady.
wtf is your agenda here? to help people never forget something that he did when he was young and in a different decade??


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
Lol this isn't an inquiry. Your chatting air lol, I've already said lmao...... that I NEVER supported or liked or listened to cave bytch. Cape? Lmao. Serious? lol. I've already said several times that I disagree with racism against anyone. Your the one caping for Eminem, because I won't defend him dissing black women/people.

sad you wont tell us. tsk tsk

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
if he was 21, that would make it 1995. that was when his daughter was born so u cant say that. or are you implying he cheated on kim and made a tape about the follish pride girl?
a lot of what you post is propaganda and yes it is your opinion, but trust he regrets anything his dumb hurt ass did.
who the fukk are you to tell the coli and me if Eminem had an atonement and evolution.
you have some nerve. and you wont even tell me your age.
there is no prejudice at all with him.
hes 41 now and just made a video killing off slim shady.
wtf is your agenda here? to help people never forget something that he did when he was young and in a different decade??

This is boring me now lol. Has been for a while lol. What's his daughter got to do with it? No EVERYTHING I say is the truth, your on Eminem's dikk TOO hard. Who was this black woman he supposedly dated by the way? What's her name? I'm saying my opinion, do you think it's a mature and sincere apology after being exposed for racist statements to say all women are bytches within it? No, that is not someone that is enlightened. Plus like I said, are several other tapes where he called black people moon crickets and porch monkeys and all sorts. My agenda is righteousness. Yours is to defend Eminem....


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
This is boring me now lol. Has been for a while lol. What's his daughter got to do with it? No EVERYTHING I say is the truth, your on Eminem's dikk TOO hard. Who was this black woman he supposedly dated by the way? What's her name? I'm saying my opinion, do you think it's a mature and sincere apology after being exposed for racist statements to say all women are bytches within it? No, that is not someone that is enlightened. Plus like I said, are several other tapes where he called black people moon crickets and porch monkeys and all sorts. My agenda is righteousness. Yours is to defend Eminem....

Its not truth. its your opinion and propaganda.
you dont even have proof and dates correct. you're on a smear campaign.
is that your major in college? Political Science?

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
Its not truth. its your opinion and propaganda.
you dont even have proof and dates correct. you're on a smear campaign.
is that your major in college? Political Science?

Ok let whoever reads judge for themselves. We both said what we had to say so people can make of it what they wish.


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
Ok let whoever reads judge for themselves. We both said what we had to say so people can make of it what they wish.

Ok. end of debate?

but in your debate you said you professed truths. You lie.
and you debate fraudulently

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
Ok. end of debate?

but in your debate you said you professed truths. You lie.
and you debate fraudulently

Lmao. Everything I said was the truth, like I said people can research it for themselves. And make their own opinions on what's been said...


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
Lmao. Everything I said was the truth, like I said people can research it for themselves. And make their own opinions on what's been said...

Nope. if u wanna play that game, then what i said was truth.
but this was a wasted debate cuz noone knows your age.
and you wont tell me.
i dont even know the age of the person i debated with.

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
Nope. if u wanna play that game, then what i said was truth.
but this was a wasted debate cuz noone knows your age.
and you wont tell me.
i dont even know the age of the person i debated with.

I'm a grown man, you ain't gonna bait me into doing what YOU want me to do with petty insults, it means nothing to me. I've said my age on here previously so it's no biggie, but I won't tell you what you want on your command. I'll do what I want. From your posts you seem to have racist/preduice tendencies yourself, so it's NO surprise who you idolize. No game, facts, anyone who actually does the knowledge on it truly will see.


Jul 13, 2012
For the record that "I had a black girl friend" shyt is obviously blatant :duck:

He made the tape and never expected it to see the light of day. He could've at least said "I was young, and a dumb ass, and had no reason to say some shyt like that" instead of coming with that bullshyt.

he mentions the black girl in the tape breh...