Lets revisit Eminem saying that "he dont like that N!GGER sh!t" (how was this line forgiven)


Jun 12, 2013
Eminem grew up in a trailer park in Warren, nikkas saying he had 90% percent black friends are way off the mark.:russ:

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
He's not coming up in hip-hop though. He's here. So if he hates/dislikes/doesn't respect black people why would he continue to put them on? Or even associate with them? Why would someone like that sign Slaughterhouse or hell, put Buckshot on his newest song? It's not as if he needs black people any more, white people already proved they'd cop anything he puts out after "Encore". I could definitely understand your point if this was 1999....but it's not.


I was referring to the beginning stages. And he makes money from them, anyone he's signing he is making money from, he isn't doing it charitably to help black people. And no-one said he isn't a rap fan, he is a rap fan yes, so he wants to work with some of his peers, cause you like a black persons music doesn't mean you can't be racially prejudice.


360crazy please say the crazy!
Dec 18, 2013
Basedworld Paradise
I was referring to the beginning stages. And he makes money from them, anyone he's signing he is making money from, he isn't doing it charitably to help black people. And no-one said he isn't a rap fan, he is a rap fan yes, so he wants to work with some of his peers, cause you like a black persons music doesn't mean you can't be racially prejudice.

How do you feel about Envy and Charmagne's comments about African women? Are they any different than Eminem's sentiments?


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
We're not talking about Ice Cube in the thread though, this is a deflection tactic, you never once would see me condone Ice Cube's words... Or defend. But your defending Eminem's..... Eminem said shyt about black women yes which is bad enough, but also black people in general, people wanna ignore this on some bytch ass "he wern't talking about me" shyt, but he was, clearly. Also as I also mentioned, there is a historical difference in the two situations also. Eminem did go hardcore, Foolish Pride was a vile sickening racist rant, it was absolutely disgusting to hear.

Were you disgusted when you heard cave bytch? i was. :scusthov:
that song confused the shyt out me and made people hate me. if not more, because i was already bullied for being pale with blue eyes and at that time frm the 80's to that year 1993, shyt was foul and racism was everywhere.
how old are you?
where did you grow up?
u have a hate for eminem and its more than just u bringing up a tape that u say "disgusts" you.
if that disgusts, i bet you throw up at r rated movies and cant watch.
u act like eminem shyt on females in such a harsh way that they should believe the shyt he said and be mad about it. shyt wasnt hardcore.
are u serious? CAVE bytch WAS HARDCORE. thats whole ice cube album was ill. and it came out in 1993.
and the tape frm 1993 was apologized for. public enemy was cruel and made the term "whitey" a hateful one where you get jumped and beat up for being one. hence eminem talking about x clan in his apology.
you really must be young and ignorant to be fighting this tape in 2013. 20 years later.

how old are you??


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I was referring to the beginning stages. And he makes money from them, anyone he's signing he is making money from, he isn't doing it charitably to help black people. And no-one said he isn't a rap fan, he is a rap fan yes, so he wants to work with some of his peers, cause you like a black persons music doesn't mean you can't be racially prejudice.


You seriously think he made money off SH? Or most of the people he signed, that barely went gold? Or the track he did with Buckshot would've made less money with no Buckshot? Again, if this was 50 I could maybe understand your point, but Eminem was already a millionaire at that point and still signed several people off the strength of....I have no idea, if he's actually racist.

You seriously think he's racist but employed several black people solely because he was a fan of their music? People who proceeded to mostly flop? People that he didn't even need to make money off of, because he was already set for life?

I'm not saying you're wrong but help me see your point, because I'm honestly confused.



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
For the record that "I had a black girl friend" shyt is obviously blatant :duck:

He made the tape and never expected it to see the light of day. He could've at least said "I was young, and a dumb ass, and had no reason to say some shyt like that" instead of coming with that bullshyt.



Sep 5, 2013
Sorry for the long post
No, see that's the thing, he's supposed to be friends with them too. They go out socially together and all sorts.
Referring to the soccer player, right? He's supposed to be friends with them sure, but that doesn't hold any weight. A racist is going to be a racist regardless of the situations they're put in. He might go out socially with the team, but if he truly doesn't like black people or being around them or thinks negatively about them, it's likely going to show eventually, especially after being around them on a constant basis.

Sorry but we don't know the sincerity of his friendships exactly, you can't look into someone's heart and mind just cause they know some black people. If he's coming up in Hip Hop, it benefits HIM to be surrounded by some black people for credibility and perception. The Dre co sign was big for Eminem. In regards to Proof, I don't know intricate details of their relationship, but has been said he didn't hold Proof down properly in several ways.
True you can't know someone's feelings with 100% certainty, but the song I posted above paints a pretty clear picture about Em's feelings towards Proof. Em has shown Proof nothing but love from what I've seen. To me it seems pretty obvious that Eminem cared tons about Proof, I don't know how you can write that off. I mean Em stopped rapping and got heavily into drugs and nearly overdosed, and Proof's death played a large part in all of that. That's how close he was with him and how much it hurt him to have him gone. He didn't even feel like going on with life anymore.

In regards to not "holding Proof down in several ways," what are you referring to? His family after his death? Because if so I already gave a rebuttal to that.

Also think of the reverse, Eminem is a multi millionaire, Proof is ridin with him cause that's where his cheques at. Also they had a fall out and wern't even speaking at one point, until Eminem needed someone to back him up again.
Money doesn't solve all problems and suddenly make everything all good. There have been plenty of cases where money was involved and shyt wasn't able to work out because of people's differences. So to say that money would have been enough to hold everyone together seems ignorant to me.

Can you support this claim of Em/Proof having a falling out? I think you might be getting him confused with Royce. Only thing I can find on an Em/Proof falling out is some annotation on Rap Genius that has no citation.

I think he is a user and exploiter of black people. Notice how you didn't see him on Self Construction or shyt like that. He doesn't seem to care about black issues. I have known racist/prejudice whites and sincere ones, Eminem doesn't seem sincere at all.
I can understand you wanting him to speak out against black problems seeing as he's made a career in a black culture, but Em doesn't speak out about white problems either. That's just not who he is, and you're expecting him to be someone different/blaming him for not being someone you want/expect. That's not his fault, that's yours for placing your own expectations upon him. Em speaks out about his own problems and his own experiences, and that's it.

Look at even that one line...

I don't like that ****** shyt, I'm here to make a bigger hit....

He's here to make a bigger hit than black people (exploit), not integrate into Hip Hop but to supersede blacks.

As I've already said - he made some dumb mistakes when he was a kid. Other than a few songs he made when he was 16, has he done anything else to even remotely suggest he's even a little bit racist? Because I haven't seen anything. Young people sometimes do/say immature things or have immature thoughts. But people change and grow. You act like Eminem at 16 years old defines who he is as a person, throughout his entire life.

I'll re-write on a topic I've already touched on. Tupac said:
"Measure a man by his actions, fully, from beginning to end. Don't take a piece out of my life or a song out of my music and say this is what I'm about. 'Cause you know better than that."

You're strictly paying attention to one point in his life at 16 years old. What about the other 25 years since they? Why don't they hold any bearing? How does his best friend Proof not count for anything? How does him supporting black artists (and continue to do so) from his hometown, even when they never brought any real revenue/success (and aren't even on his label anymore) not count for anything? Em is around black people non stop all the time in his career. Yet you have not heard a single thing from anyone else or from Em himself even hinting that he's had any kinds of issues with black people. As you saw with that soccer player - after a while people's true selves tend to show themselves, and Em has not shown anything in the past 25 years to give the impression that he's a racist.

If some 16 year old robs a few stores or gets arrested a few times, are you going to hold that against him for the rest of their life? Does that small portion of his life mean you now define/label him as a thief/criminal now for the rest of his life without taking into account the person he has become and the person he is today?

And in this interview you can tell Em is pretty genuine about how he felt about Proof and how it affected him.
Starting @2:30-4:30
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The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
Were you disgusted when you heard cave bytch? i was. :scusthov:
that song confused the shyt out me and made people hate me. if not more, because i was already bullied for being pale with blue eyes and at that time frm the 80's to that year 1993, shyt was foul and racism was everywhere.
how old are you?
where did you grow up?
u have a hate for eminem and its more than just u bringing up a tape that u say "disgusts" you.
if that disgusts, i bet you throw up at r rated movies and cant watch.
u act like eminem shyt on females in such a harsh way that they should believe the shyt he said and be mad about it. shyt wasnt hardcore.
are u serious? CAVE bytch WAS HARDCORE. thats whole ice cube album was ill. and it came out in 1993.
and the tape frm 1993 was apologized for. public enemy was cruel and made the term "whitey" a hateful one where you get jumped and beat up for being one. hence eminem talking about x clan in his apology.
you really must be young and ignorant to be fighting this tape in 2013. 20 years later.

how old are you??

To be honest yes I didn't like or listen to that song at all. And your on Eminem's dikk way too much, you don't have no love or even respect for black people. I have respect for ALL people from all races so I will not defend Eminem's comments, when they were extremely racist. You have a white agenda in everything your saying, I have no agenda, apart from equality and righteousness. I don't deny there is racism towards some individual whites in situations, but it doesn't give people the right to make racist comments. I have experienced racism from white people, however have never uttered one racist word about white people as a whole or treated any innocent white people differently because of it. Or made tapes dissing white women for 5 mins straight, Your downplaying the tapes, but your hyping the Ice Cube shyt, basically what your saying is you care about whites but not blacks, my perspective is to care about everyone... Those tapes can't be downplayed, how do you think a black woman would feel hearing them? A set of people who have dealt with EXTREME racism for the longest time, getting it again, from a celebrity who lied and said he had never used the word ******. Damn man, if you think Foolish Pride wasn't bad I don't know what to say to you. Cause your just not getting it. I don't think your gonna get it because you have this ingrained to deeply within you. I'm allowed to have my own personal feelings and views on the matter.


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
To be honest yes I didn't like or listen to that song at all. And your on Eminem's dikk way too much, you don't have no love or even respect for black people. I have respect for ALL people from all races so I will not defend Eminem's comments, when they were extremely racist. You have a white agenda in everything your saying, I have no agenda, apart from equality and righteousness. I don't deny there is racism towards some individual whites in situations, but it doesn't give people the right to make racist comments. I have experienced racism from white people, however have never uttered one racist word about white people as a whole or treated any innocent white people differently because of it. Or made tapes dissing white women for 5 mins straight, Your downplaying the tapes, but your hyping the Ice Cube shyt, basically what your saying is you care about whites but not blacks, my perspective is to care about everyone... Those tapes can't be downplayed, how do you think a black woman would feel hearing them? A set of people who have dealt with EXTREME racism for the longest time, getting it again, from a celebrity who lied and said he had never used the word ******. Damn man, if you think Foolish Pride wasn't bad I don't know what to say to you. Cause your just not getting it. I don't think your gonna get it because you have this ingrained to deeply within you. I'm allowed to have my own personal feelings and views on the matter.

I didnt read this post cuz you wont answer me about your age

how old are you?


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
To be honest yes I didn't like or listen to that song at all. And your on Eminem's dikk way too much, you don't have no love or even respect for black people. I have respect for ALL people from all races so I will not defend Eminem's comments, when they were extremely racist. You have a white agenda in everything your saying, I have no agenda, apart from equality and righteousness. I don't deny there is racism towards some individual whites in situations, but it doesn't give people the right to make racist comments. I have experienced racism from white people, however have never uttered one racist word about white people as a whole or treated any innocent white people differently because of it. Or made tapes dissing white women for 5 mins straight, Your downplaying the tapes, but your hyping the Ice Cube shyt, basically what your saying is you care about whites but not blacks, my perspective is to care about everyone... Those tapes can't be downplayed, how do you think a black woman would feel hearing them? A set of people who have dealt with EXTREME racism for the longest time, getting it again, from a celebrity who lied and said he had never used the word ******. Damn man, if you think Foolish Pride wasn't bad I don't know what to say to you. Cause your just not getting it. I don't think your gonna get it because you have this ingrained to deeply within you. I'm allowed to have my own personal feelings and views on the matter.

ok i read it.

were you ever beat up and made bloody by a "white" person for no reason?
did you ever get jumped and robbed by a "white" person for no reason?

did you enjoy listening to ice cubes cave bytch when it came out? why dont you cape for caucasian women if you are so gun ho about racism?
i never stated that eminem was right. your young ass cant comprehend people mature and regret and ask for forgiveness.
something eminem has done, but not ice cube.

again. HOW OLD ARE YOU??


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
Eminem grew up in a trailer park in Warren, nikkas saying he had 90% percent black friends are way off the mark.:russ:

i didnt know a trailer just burned down in a trailer park.

noone said 90%. he was 18 in 1993 and fukking kim in the house that someone burned down
and i blame the girl who dissed him in foolish pride for making him go bakk to that white whore. (sorry i said that)
but then he wouldnt have his daughters :manny:
so things happen for a reason