First off I do want to say I have no issue with someone not matching with a person due to religion. That's a perfectly valid reason to not date someone, and rejecting them outright is better than trying to make it work and breaking up later because you aren't compatible.
The only other objectionable thing I heard was the family comment. I would have liked to have him clarify on that: when he says family over career does that apply to himself as a soon-to-be-lawyer too, or does he expect to work all day while his wife (who gave up her career) handles all family duties. I don't think that's what he meant but I would have loved to hear him explain and discuss it. Dude is sharp btw, I was impressed.
Basically everything else was good. Handsome, well dressed, VERY respectful, educated, well spoken...and you could tell all that shyt turned these women off. My general view is that so many black women have no real personal experience around a positive black relationship (parents, grandparents, friends, television, media, etc) that all they're interested in is self centered entertainment. They want a man who can go on endless vacations, go out to eat every night, has an endless budget for fun, etc. Doesn't matter if you're a bum or a rapper, the standard is that you're basically a plus one for her fun. A successful black man with a demanding job can't go on vacations nonstop so that's not good enough. Ironically though...a successful white man who can only do a couple vacations is fine though....