Lets expose some "hidden in plain sight" type shyt...


Sep 4, 2013
all 23 million miles of useful land

my negus,,, YOU ARE GODS!...


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
Off the top of the dome:

Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina are the states with the largestt proportion of blacks, thus with numbers, we could take over those states and form a true political base.

They withhold the vote from DC because it is a territory populated mostly by minorities- as well as Puerto Rico and Guam.

Obama coming from the Chicago system is like JFK coming from the Northeast system. I honestly don't see hm living long after his presidency, his legacy will be greater if he's a martyr of sorts. And he fits perfectly into the meritocracy that they are trying to sell, that by hard work you can overcome any obstacle, including institutional racism. And another generation will be brainwashed, and another black hero will be white-washed.

There is a parallel between churches and schools. In both, esteemed members wear robes at special functions, knowledge is dispersed vertically, with little room for other truths, and people define their lives according to the teachings. and they accept truths that they themselves cant prove.

There is something really problematic with knowing more about space then the oceans on Earth.

There is something problematic with our exploration in space period. Why do we care more about the cosmos than childhood obesity?

Race issues will only increase as whites become more of a minority

Cancer levels will jump as cell phone usage emits radiation

We question whether 9/11 and the Halocaust happened, but not Alexander the Great, Socrates, nor Julius Caesar. We don't question the white mans version of history.... :snoop:



SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
You are a clown...

1. It's a sacred symbol of the Sun.
2. Greek and Chinese had it too...check 1.
3. So the symbol has to be twisted to make it Nazi worthy. Try going down the street with the symbol up correctly and see if you don't get a response.
How am i a clown, sir? I mentioned what I KNOW about it. You knew more about it and you added on. That makes me a clown?


Mansur Brown - "Heiwa"
May 1, 2012



Some of the many benefits of pineal decalcification include:

– Improved Sleep & Mental Health — When your body is producing adequate levels of melatonin you will fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. It has been reported that 80 percent of patients with depression suffer from poor-quality sleep and sleep changes can often exacerbate or signal a shift in mood (such as transitioning into mania). Some even consider bipolar disorder to be a circadian rhythm disorder outright. There is also some evidence that there is genetic overlap between mood disorders and circadian rhythm disruption.

– More Vivid dreams and Lucid Dreams — Since your pineal gland regulates your sleep cycles with melatonin, sleeping better in turn will allow you to dream more vividly and remember your dreams. If you so desire, you will also begin to access control in your dreams. This helps you to realize your infinite self and the incredible powers you have.

– Astral Projection Becomes Possible — Your third eye is what connects you to a plane of existence where time and space doesn’t exist. This connection allows you to transcend your physical body, or experience “out of body,” and astral travel across time and space. This means that with dedicated practice you can go anywhere in the universe, at anytime in the universe. (see article on Astral Projection)

– Improved Immune System— It is thought that much repair of the immune system occurs at night, therefore interacting with melatonin. When people are exposed to frequent artificial light and they do not get enough sleep melatonin levels are suppressed, as with calcification.

– Weight Maintenance— A new study by Spanish scientists suggests that reducing unhealthy weight gain can now be added to melatonin’s impressive roster of benefits. They found melatonin stimulates the appearance of ‘beige’ fat, which, similar to brown fat, is a heat-generating type of fat that helps your body to burn calories rather than store them. This, the researchers believe, may explain why melatonin helps control body weight, along with its metabolic benefits.

– Reduction in heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis— Newer areas of research surrounding melatonin include its role in heart and bone health. Specifically, research suggests it may have beneficial effects for heart disease, including reducing the severity of high blood pressure, limiting the frequency of heart failure and protecting against drug-related damage to the heart and may be useful for restoring imbalances in bone remodeling to prevent bone loss. Finally, recent research showed that people who secrete lower levels of melatonin have double the risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those with the highest levels, suggesting a protective role for the hormone with this disease as well.

– Migraine Reduction— Research has shown that taking melatonin supplements before bed reduced the frequency of migraine headaches by half (or more) after three months.

– Increased Imagination and Creativity — Your third eye connects you to a spiritual plane of existence and access to universal consciousness. Since all problems already have a solution existing in the same place, with access to this, you will feel your imagination, creativity, and memory are super charged.

– Cancer Fighting— Peer-reviewed and published research has shown melatonin offers particularly strong protection against reproductive cancers. When melatonin makes its nightly rounds (its production peaks during the night), cell division slows. When this hormone latches onto a breast cancer cell, it has been found to counteract estrogen’s tendency to stimulate cell growth. In fact, melatonin has a calming effect on several reproductive hormones, which may explain why it seems to protect against sex hormone-driven cancers, including ovarian, endometrial, breast, prostate and testicular cancers. GreenMedInfo lists 20 studies demonstrating exactly how melatonin exerts its protective effects against breast cancer. But melatonin’s anti-cancer effects don’t stop there. While causing cancer cells to self-destruct, melatonin also boosts your production of immune-optimizing substances such as interleukin-2, which helps identify and attack the mutated cells that lead to malignant cancer.

So what can you do? Take immediate steps to stop further calcification!

From an article on med-health.net, here are some steps you can take:

In order to truly decalcify your pineal gland you will need to learn about substances that cause this phenomenon so you can avoid them. In general, lifestyle choices and diet are the primary causes of calcification.




Halides include substances like bromide, fluoride and chlorine which are attracted to the pineal gland, encouraging calcium crystals to accumulate here. Fluoride is added to the water supply as well as many dental products like toothpaste. Switching to fluoride-free dental products and drinking filtered water can help avoid this problem.


Consuming excessive amounts of calcium from processed foods or overusing calcium supplements can cause calcium phosphate to build up in your system. Read the ingredients on such products to avoid getting an excessive amount of this chemical in your diet.

Tap Water

In addition to fluoride, the public water supply is filled with substances that are calcified which can cause harm. Drinking distilled or spring water can help you remove these substances from your water supply.


Mercury is poisonous and should be avoided to prevent a wide variety of negative health effects. Medical vaccines that are tainted with mercury, bottom feeding fish like prawns or shrimp, bigger fish like tuna or dolphins are all high risk sources for mercury. Consuming spirulina or chlorella can help to remove mercury from your body and brain tissue.


Chemical pesticides that are in meats or on vegetables can be toxic to the pineal gland. Consuming organic foods and working to consume many raw foods in your diet can help you avoid these substances. Some also opt to cut meat from their diet to prevent pesticide exposure.

Other Toxins

Anything that is not found in nature, such as artificial sweeteners, phenylalanine, refined sugar, deodorants, E numbers, dental mouthwash, air fresheners, cleansers and others can be treated as a toxin by the body, leading to calcification.


S.C.A.T. refers to sugar, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. These products drain the body’s energy and allow toxins to build up in the system. Cutting these from your life for at least two months can bring increased brain activity as well as an increase in activity from the pineal gland.

As you can see, your pineal glad should be at the top of your list of your health priorities. Not only does it play a vital role in many of our bodies foundational functions, it is a doorway to higher consciousness and bliss. A vast majority of calcification is due to lifestyle choices and by simply becoming aware of and avoiding environmental toxins like fluoride and pesticides, by choosing healthy, organic foods and by choosing to participate in activities that calm the mind, body and soul, we have a very good chance of regaining much of our pineal function.

- See more at: Your Pineal Gland, It’s Calcification & Why You Should Care | Ascension Lifestyle


Nov 26, 2014
the funniest part is yall start posting images mocking these exposals...:childplease: foh with yall memes...yall stay nice and cozy...till its too late.

whats the best way to get everyone to immediately discredit anything mentioned about a higher organization? make it a running joke and a funny sounding name like 'illuminati' and no one will ever suspect a thing. :ufdup:

smh @ grown adults not knowin the shyt that goes on. some of yall some damn fools :martin:
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Off the top of the dome:

Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina are the states with the largestt proportion of blacks, thus with numbers, we could take over those states and form a true political base.

They withhold the vote from DC because it is a territory populated mostly by minorities- as well as Puerto Rico and Guam.

Obama coming from the Chicago system is like JFK coming from the Northeast system. I honestly don't see hm living long after his presidency, his legacy will be greater if he's a martyr of sorts. And he fits perfectly into the meritocracy that they are trying to sell, that by hard work you can overcome any obstacle, including institutional racism. And another generation will be brainwashed, and another black hero will be white-washed.

There is a parallel between churches and schools. In both, esteemed members wear robes at special functions, knowledge is dispersed vertically, with little room for other truths, and people define their lives according to the teachings. and they accept truths that they themselves cant prove.

There is something really problematic with knowing more about space then the oceans on Earth.

There is something problematic with our exploration in space period. Why do we care more about the cosmos than childhood obesity?

Race issues will only increase as whites become more of a minority

Cancer levels will jump as cell phone usage emits radiation

We question whether 9/11 and the Halocaust happened, but not Alexander the Great, Socrates, nor Julius Caesar. We don't question the white mans version of history.... :snoop:


I TOTALLY disagree with you about Space.


Sep 4, 2013
all 23 million miles of useful land
I knew the 9/11 crew would get in here sooner or later. Bring up a point about 9/11 and I'll shut it down. No bigger group of uneducated clowns than those who believe 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Bruh the airplane is on the security cam video. You can see American Airline livery. There was a ton of witnesses. There was American Airlines wreckage on the lawn. The landing gear wreckage that was found was verified to have come from a passenger airliner not some drone or missile. Is the perfect hole you are referring to the blowout hole on the inner ring? Where did your dear leader tell you the passengers went? The Caribbean? Mars?

Are you going to discuss the so called impossible maneuver? As someone who is actually keen on aviation and who listened to the whole interview with Hani Hanjour's former teacher, I can shut that down too.
you mean like luggage, seats, wings, tails,,, yeah I saw all that wreckage,
there were tons of cameras by the pentagon, and from the gas station and business by the pentagon,, all we ever see is the
Explain how Building 7 collapsed like a house of card.

Explain what happen to Flight 93 (Shanksville, Pa)

Explain why 1700 (probably uneducated :beli:) architects and engineers are questioning the official story.
explain why there was only one video, that captured the "plane" hitting the pentagon, its the pentagon, its like hundreds of cameras there, and some from the surrounding areas, but all we get is that shytty camera footage..
explain why there were more than half the names of the so called terrorist still alive and well
explain to me if the country was "under attack" why did the secret service allow Bush to still stay in that school for over 30 mins.