Lets expose some "hidden in plain sight" type shyt...

Jun 24, 2012
It has a plethora of meanings, it is a gang-sign, an a-ok sign, the symbol of infinity in Hindu, and a peace symbol in Taoism, its used as shock-value by pop artists because Cheetoh eating Americans that watch reptilian videos online think it means they sold their soul to the devil, it literally just looks cool in some pictures...
It all depends on the context.

1. A gang sign....:comeon:
2. Sign language has only been around a few decades
3. Taosim and Hindu are the only thing you said correctly in this whole shyt pile. However, none of these people practice those religions.


Jun 22, 2014
Its basically cern vs church. Some people stay blind and laugh at shyt they know nothing about, and some people see through the bullshyt. You cant tell who is who from either side of the fence though.

Simple question whats 0+0 equal to? 0 right? So if you follow science, mathematically we arent supposed to be here at all. 0+0= 1? 1 being The universe we know, and 0 being "the big bang" which composed of two nothings clashing together to make, this earth and everything in it. Something to think about. But watch these ignorant people attack me for something other than the point im trying to prove.
I can't tell if you're trolling or not.
But who said the universes started with nothing?
What kind of basic Physics class did you take? :mjlol:


Jun 22, 2014
Free Clinics do that. Where is your evidence Black Women's healthcare needs are at a Abortion Facility? You will cite P.P. stats from their own website.
Even better, I'm a volunteer there, as I help facilitate condom giveaways on campus since I go to a private Catholic universities.
Less than 10% (around 4% now) of their procedures involve abortion.
You sound like you watch too much Fox News :heh:
Jun 24, 2012
That's really messed up - I legit thought that it was some higher level proofing site.


The Internet ....



The snopes.com website was founded by Barbara and David Mikkelson, who live and work in the Los Angeles area.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Explain how Building 7 collapsed like a house of card.

Explain what happen to Flight 93 (Shanksville, Pa)

Explain why 1700 (probably uneducated :beli:) architects and engineers are questioning the official story.
Due to the passengers revolting the hijackers decided to crash the plane into the ground. People make a big deal out of it being a field but if you look at the Google Earth satellite imagery it's mostly fields out there anyway. Not surprising. It hit the ground at a massive speed and fragmented in an extreme manner. The EPA has released photos showing just how much debris was excavated from the crater. An engine was found....various parts verified to have come from a commercial airliner. One of the GE phones the passengers no doubt called family members on was recovered from the crater.

Think about why a car crash is so dangerous if you are not wearing a seat belt. If you hit a tree at 65 miles per hour and nothing is securing you in place, you are still going 65 miles per hour at the moment of impact. Imagine that same concept when you hit the ground at 575 miles per hour. You really expecting a bunch of huge parts? And then there will be a picture posted of a plane crash that had circumstances that were entirely different and say it's proof that 93 was a drone/didn't crash or whatever.

Those architects and engineers are questioning this shyt so that they can exploit folks. The Twin Towers were mostly air.....I want you to stop and think about where those Towers were located....on a peninsula. I can guarantee you that a major concern for anyone wanting to build anything of substantial weight on Manhattan has to think about any and every way they can to keep their buildings as light as possible. The Towers were no different. Watch a documentary on it and the original architects point this out. It's not surprising the beams were weakened enough to cause a collapse. Notice the wording...they were weakened not melted to the point of nothing. Architects love to point out the beams couldn't have melted. You don't have to melt something in order for it to lose its strength. I'm amazed at all the people who are putting a little common sense to the curve so they can have a point. It's hilarious. Obviously trying to exploit.

I'll give you that Building 7 was odd but it's still obvious it sustained damage being in close vicinity to the Twin Towers and this definitely had a hand. I don't believe the official story regarding Building 7 was far from the mark personally. As far as old dude having insurance on the building....that's really surprising to some of ya'll?

But that doesn't make the planes holograms and it doesn't mean the passengers wanted to get away from their life and are living the life in the Bahamas.

Also when I say uneducated....I mean take the following as an example....

It is impossible for Hani Hanjour to have maneuvered his plane to crash into the Pentagon or keep his plane level at the speed the plane was traveling..

every time I ask someone who parrots this how much time they have spent in a simulator/airplane/class regarding aviation they say they haven't spent any time in either.

Hani Hanjour had a commercial pilot's license. The teacher who commented that he couldn't fly at all was commenting on the fact that he had trouble landing his plane. In the same interview he states that he believes Hani would have had no trouble doing what he did once the plane was airborne as the terrorist attacks didn't require landing the plane. That part always gets omitted for some reason.

You have pitch trim....autopilot...tools to assist with controlling speed....leveling the plane...this is the stuff that never gets discussed in the conspiracy theory videos.....I wonder why.
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Jun 24, 2012
Even better, I'm a volunteer there, as I help facilitate condom giveaways on campus since I go to a private Catholic universities.
Less than 10% (around 4% now) of their procedures involve abortion.
You sound like you watch too much Fox News :heh:

1. Oh wow a condom giveaway. Obviously you were too stupid to tell them to use the condom, so they aren't having abortions in the first place.
2. Those stats were from the PP website. Next....