Let's discuss this passage from Romans 9

May 15, 2012
Ah - it was made TO BE his, but it was not already his. At the time, he was a human who had to finish what he came to do. He could have skipped all of the human hardships he would later endure and have his "glory" the fast way...all he had to do was sell out one time.

And the fact that Satan offered it to him shows that Satan did have some dominion over it. Notice how Jesus didn't say "it's already mine"...

John 1: In the beginning was the Word.[..] The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.

It was not made to be His. HE made it. He was there in the beginning. It was made by Him. and without Him would not anything exist.

What is in dispute here is a question of faith. His victory, possession and dominion already exists in the heavens (in the spiritual realm),but in the passage of times would eventually play out in the flesh. What was to happen now was the manifestation of this in the flesh. As quoted by another poster, Jesus said, before Abraham was, I AM.

If Jesus lacked the faith that He was, in fact, the Word become flesh, he wouldve submitted to the declaration of Sathan of his dominion. Satan did have dominion then (in the flesh, and in the flesh only), but only in the times before calvary, when Christ manifested His victory in the flesh, a victory that ALREADY IS.

Great discussion brehs:blessed:


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
Luke 7:34
The Son of Man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!

I love the King James verbiage. :ohlawd:

We need a spiritual subforum :blessed:


Jun 8, 2012
jesus was flesh, but he wasn't stupid. as you can see from the passages i quoted, he had recollections of what life he had before he became flesh. so knowing that information, what reason does he have to get tempted by satan? that story is ridiculous.

jesus already knew he had super natural powers. he turned water to wine, he found money in mouth of a fish, he multiples food at will. what more does a man want? and then satan comes around on some "ooo i'll give you what is already yours". nah, u really goto think before u swallow things that are given to you.

people always said jesus came to be like one of us. no he didnt'. how many people do you know who can turn water into wine? or wake up a dead man? or walk on water? how many humans do u know who can summon people from ages ago who are dead and have them come to talk to him???? yes, jesus did this thing when he prayed. Moses and i believe Abraham showed up to minister to him. jesus did this. Jesus was flesh but he was superhuman. not ordinary human.

if i'm a basketball player, superstar, my name is kobe bryant.
ii have 3 championship rings before i hit my prime.
i got a hot latina chick for a wife.
i got the kids
the homes, the cars(you've seen the whips)

but for some odd reason i get tempted to have sex with a hotel clerk? ..a hotel clerk?


how does a man that has it all get tempted by a hotel clerk that couldnt hold a candle to Prime Mrs Bryant?

i mean tiger woods was dipping with regular broads from apple bees.

*now this is not hate on regular ladies that work at applesbees. get ya money.*

its a point being made.

how did these "have it all" dudes get TEMPTED? thats what happens when you're in the flesh.
May 15, 2012
if i'm a basketball player, superstar, my name is kobe bryant.
ii have 3 championship rings before i hit my prime.
i got a hot latina chick for a wife.
i got the kids
the homes, the cars(you've seen the whips)

but for some odd reason i get tempted to have sex with a hotel clerk? ..a hotel clerk?


how does a man that has it all get tempted by a hotel clerk that couldnt hold a candle to Prime Mrs Bryant?

i mean tiger woods was dipping with regular broads from apple bees.

*now this is not hate on regular ladies that work at applesbees. get ya money.*

its a point being made.

how did these "have it all" dudes get TEMPTED? thats what happens when you're in the flesh.

in a moment of weakness. In a moment where your loins is on fire, you NEED a chick, like NOW. and the only thing accessible is some white girl from colorado thats a 4 at best. That is temptation to something beneath you.

Jesus wasnt at the top of his game overflowing with wine and fishes to feed 3 thousand.

He was 40 days deep in the wilderness. If you ever fasted, or simply skipped a couple meals, or been through a drought, you know how certain thoughts begin to invade your mind. Talking to you consistently, infecting your thoughts like a virus. That little demonic voice saying, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT! Hindsight youre like :snoop: for for that moment youre like :noah:

Thats how you get tempted. The spirit is willing, but the flesh, when "it aint :eat:ing", is weak.

@TRUEST, Jesus didnt put himself far and high above other men. He said "YOU CAN DO GREATER THINGS THAN THESE, if you had the tried and true faith". Its a mystery to men, even until this day the measure of faith he preached to us:blessed:
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