Let's discuss this passage from Romans 9


May 17, 2012
Really? :leon: Explain further breh...I understand the point you were making but ummm, David's story is one of the more "relevant to modern success" stories in the Bible in my opinion...I see what point your were making tho...

he did nothing to be chosen. he was merely a kid when samuel came and anointed him. i tell you, those who are truly blessed man, i tell you, they know who they are.


Jun 8, 2012
that eye in the needle thing is what a lot folks use to justify their lack of motivation to do something constructive with their life.

we live in the real world where riches and money fuccking matter. plain and simple. its only those who dont got it or who lack the aspiration to get it that go around saying "oooo money is the root of all evil, money is this, money is that"....and a lot of this people tend to be black.

u dont have to take my word for it that some people are just chosen and some are not. its not me saying that. the bible says it. not me. The Bible. Solomon was chosen, what did he do? Nothing!
David was chosen, what did he do? Nothing!
Jacob was chosen, he tricked his father isaac. but God still loved him. what did he do? nothing. Joseph was chosen and loved by God, what did he do? Nothing. Adam was chosen (out of all the humans on the earth), what did he do? Nothing.

now, faced with all these biblical facts, you can accept the truth or continue to mislead yourself on purpose. The choice is yours my friend. if you're not chosen by God, this is where Jesus comes in. Jesus says it is through him you can get to God. He'll be the intermediary between you the God of the universe.

and when i say chosen, i mean, chosen to stand out in the world you live. how do you stand out? by having money, fame, things that make people look up to you or think of you in high esteem. many unbelievers walk this earth enjoying all that it has to over. the believers suffer daily, yet they dream of a world in the afterlife where they'll live happily ever after. i say to you my brethen, restrain yourself from this ridiculous way of thinking. some people live a glorious life in this world and still go on to live a glorious life in the after life. why cant you be one of them?

see you messed up at the end. "the why cant you be one of them" who says you cant or who says you can?

again, how many people do you know that are rich. got their money the Godly way(meaning, if God were here today they would be proud of how they've made their money)?

then to those who have inherited their parents money. how did their parents get that rich? if God were there when their parents made that money, would they be proud to tell God they made it in a Godly way?

truth is, the answer to those questions USUALLY not every time. but USUALLY= most people with TONS of cheddar on this earth did something unGodly to get that KIND of money. we're talking about more money then one needs to have a roof of his/families head + food+clothing.

see here's the problem. who's says success is "getting money?"

biblical success or i should say Godly success is when the believer is so tight with God they not only walk as father and son/daughter, not only as believer and saviour, but also as Friends. a lot of christian folk has had all 3 relationships with God. but its difficult to maintain. a lot of christian folk only know God the saviour. "LORD I'm in need...HELP"

so we are not at the peak of our success ladder. the real success ladder.

and once we reach that peak. then the next success is getting others to that ladder and up that ladder. That is it friends.

anything else that comes out of life beyond that is ICING. its not success. its whip cream on top of success.

you have succeeded in life when you see life thru God's eyes all the time. no amt of money/riches/fame will change that. this is why you get the super ultra rich that all of a sudden need a SPIRITUAL experience in their lives. where does that desire come from? its innate. its just that because we have free will. we a lot of times choose unwisely and end up getting some religious/spiritual experience with something else outside of God. even though we think its with him.



The eldest son of Cain, (Genesis 4:17) who called after his name the city which he built. (Genesis 4:18) (B.C. 3870.)
The son of Jared and father of Methuselah. (Genesis 5:21) ff.; Luke 3:37 (B.C. 3378-3013.) In the Epistle of Jude (Jude 1:14) he described as "the seventh from Adam;" and the number is probably noticed as conveying the idea of divine completion and rest, while Enoch was himself a type of perfected humanity. After the birth of Methuselah it is said, (Genesis 5:22-24) that Enoch "walked with God three hundred years... and he was not; for God took him." The phrase "walked with God" is elsewhere only used of Noah, (Genesis 6:9) cf. Genesis17:1 etc., and is to be explained of a prophetic life spent in immediate converse with the spiritual world. Like Elijah, he was translated without seeing death. In the Epistle to the Hebrews the spring and issue of Enoch's life are clearly marked. Both the Latin and Greek fathers commonly coupled Enoch and Elijah as historic witnesses of the possibility of a resurrection of the body and of a true human existence in glory. (Revelation 11:3)

^^thats the ultimate success here on earth. aside from jesus himself. its ENOCH.


May 17, 2012

You're right in this post, but im going to reconcile both your post, his and mine just above this. The very core of that temptation was not what you said above. The point was as follows:

Satan offered Jesus all the world and the glory thereof.

However the world, and its glory, as said in the bible, was made BY HIM, and FOR HIS own pleasure were they made.

How can you offer him what is already his?

This is the lie we often heed when giving into vices, that in turn gives them sole power over your lives.

Money does not make you happy, weed does not MAKE everything better. YOU use it to achieve your ends. It is nothing of itself.

you know, the story of satan tempting jesus is kind of ridiculous when you think about it.

how can satan tempt jesus?

it's like being the son of a king, and having the kingdom promised to you by the servant who was banished from your father's castle years back. like really? im sure jesus gave satan that :childplease: kinda demeanor. on some, the nerve of this idiot.

Quote from the Bible:

54 Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me. 55 Though you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and obey his word. 56 Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.”

57 “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”

58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” 59 At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.


Jun 8, 2012
he did nothing to be chosen. he was merely a kid when samuel came and anointed him. i tell you, those who are truly blessed man, i tell you, they know who they are.

now as far as "being chosen" is concerned. this is true. the bible shows this all the time.

the truth is this. there are different levels of Being CHOSEN.
level 1. WE humans were all CHOSEN to be here on earth in this solar system in this universe. he had animals, he could've left it at that. but nooooo he chose to have us live here. and the way he wished for us to live here Pre First sin was no pain, no hardships. just imagine that for a minute. the moment you start thinking "God cant love me" you're wrong. he does, and did in the past before you were even brought into this world. you were meant to be here. even if you got here by way of sin(your parents were not married, you's a oopsy baby, ya mom or pops was cheating one his/her spouse and one of them had you by the other woman(man). doesnt matter.

you were SUPPOSED To be here. you were CHOSEN to be here. now thats now how he chose for you to enter this world. PRE first sin.

that first sin clouded the entire vision he had for US. and the fact that we choose to use our free will to do our own thing vs following him makes it that much worse. but with all that said, you were still CHOSEN. all human's are CHOSEN. never forget this.

LEVEL 2. as you've stated per the bible some people are just chosen just cause God said so. no other reason but that. Jews, certain people in the bible. and most of these folks did absolutely nothing to deserve it. they were just born. half of them(shoot half of the big name christians were anti christian or non believers, or extra special sinners). yet he chose these bad boys to get the word out there. what that is, its a testament to how he works. You always have to remember no matter how well off you become financially/with favor/fame/intelligence/ looks/athleticism, etc. HE chose you just cause he wanted to. had zero to do with what you did or are doing today. kobe did not ask to be 6'6 and change with super long arms, freakish athleticism, born into a family of competitiors, born to a PRO athlete(his pops). kobe did absolutely nothing to deserve these gifts. but yet God gave him these gifts.

this is why you are SUPPOSED to use your gifts to Glorify God. and not yourself or man. sure your gifts might make room... as they say. they may make you money, or make you famous, or grant you favor. but your goal in life is never to get these things from your God given gift(s). just Glorify God with your gift(s). and leave the rest up to him. if you do that, you have succeeded
at life.


Jun 8, 2012
you know, the story of satan tempting jesus is kind of ridiculous when you think about it.

how can satan tempt jesus?

it's like being the son of a king, and having the kingdom promised to you by the servant who was banished from your father's castle years back. like really? im sure jesus gave satan that :childplease: kinda demeanor. on some, the nerve of this idiot.

Quote from the Bible:

54 Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me. 55 Though you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and obey his word. 56 Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.”

57 “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”

58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” 59 At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.
how can satin temp Jesus? the moment jesus was put into human flesh.

he became like you and i. sure he had a lot more head knowledge of heaven, the father, etc, the whole plan. but even with all of that, he still was baptized. which means he needed the holy spirit just like we do. which also means he was 100% human. even while he was 100% Jesus.

its like the moment he came down here with us he got to experience directly what we experience and how difficult it is to do the right thing in a falling world(post first sin).

its like you saying just because he was jesus he never had to breath, or sneeze, or itch. not true at all. he was in human flesh. the only difference was he was able to keep his mind on God 100% of the time. we have yet to master that.


May 17, 2012
how can satin temp Jesus? the moment jesus was put into human flesh.

he became like you and i. sure he had a lot more head knowledge of heaven, the father, etc, the whole plan. but even with all of that, he still was baptized. which means he needed the holy spirit just like we do. which also means he was 100% human. even while he was 100% Jesus.

its like the moment he came down here with us he got to experience directly what we experience and how difficult it is to do the right thing in a falling world(post first sin).

its like you saying just because he was jesus he never had to breath, or sneeze, or itch. not true at all. he was in human flesh. the only difference was he was able to keep his mind on God 100% of the time. we have yet to master that.
jesus was flesh, but he wasn't stupid. as you can see from the passages i quoted, he had recollections of what life he had before he became flesh. so knowing that information, what reason does he have to get tempted by satan? that story is ridiculous.

jesus already knew he had super natural powers. he turned water to wine, he found money in mouth of a fish, he multiples food at will. what more does a man want? and then satan comes around on some "ooo i'll give you what is already yours". nah, u really goto think before u swallow things that are given to you.

people always said jesus came to be like one of us. no he didnt'. how many people do you know who can turn water into wine? or wake up a dead man? or walk on water? how many humans do u know who can summon people from ages ago who are dead and have them come to talk to him???? yes, jesus did this thing when he prayed. Moses and i believe Abraham showed up to minister to him. jesus did this. Jesus was flesh but he was superhuman. not ordinary human.


Li pitit gason
Nov 28, 2012
3rd Rock From the Sun
jesus was flesh, but he wasn't stupid. as you can see from the passages i quoted, he had recollections of what life he had before he became flesh. so knowing that information, what reason does he have to get tempted by satan? that story is ridiculous.

jesus already knew he had super natural powers. he turned water to wine, he found money in mouth of a fish, he multiples food at will. what more does a man want? and then satan comes around on some "ooo i'll give you what is already yours". nah, u really goto think before u swallow things that are given to you.

people always said jesus came to be like one of us. no he didnt'. how many people do you know who can turn water into wine? or wake up a dead man? or walk on water? how many humans do u know who can summon people from ages ago who are dead and have them come to talk to him???? yes, jesus did this thing when he prayed. Moses and i believe Abraham showed up to minister to him. jesus did this. Jesus was flesh but he was superhuman. not ordinary human.

There is the account where the Jesus and the disciples were walking and there was a tree (fig i believe) that didnt have fruit and so he cursed it and later when they passed by again it was all shriveled up...later the disciples asked him and he said later to his disciples that they would do even greater things than what he just did....also notice there are no supernatural accounts until after he was baptized...same with the disciples until the day of pentecost....
last 2 things:
...we have one (high priest) who was tempted in every way as us yet did not sin....also
...we are tempted by our own evil desires..
so Jesus did not have evil desires but he had to go through that so we could overcome sin....thats how I see it

:blessed: this thread
May 7, 2012
this is truth.

People think that to be holy you have to live a life akin to a monk. Enjoying nothing that the world gives, and this is false. The Bible says God created everything for the service of man, and for his enjoyment.

It says Jesus Christ came [eating and drinking], meaning he enjoyed the wines of life, even to the point the Pharisees called him gluttonous and a winebibber.

The problem is when you let [whatever it is] take a chokehold on your life. And instead of it giving you service, YOU become it's slave.

Where does it say that?


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
I do believe that jesus coming down in the flesh allowed him to see what our troubles in this life is like. This was his main reason for having flesh (because it is weak). Jesus being the intercessor for us gained a perspective or understanding to achieve sufficient grace from the father, in order for us to be allowed into heaven by the father.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
jesus was flesh, but he wasn't stupid. as you can see from the passages i quoted, he had recollections of what life he had before he became flesh. so knowing that information, what reason does he have to get tempted by satan? that story is ridiculous.

jesus already knew he had super natural powers. he turned water to wine, he found money in mouth of a fish, he multiples food at will. what more does a man want? and then satan comes around on some "ooo i'll give you what is already yours". nah, u really goto think before u swallow things that are given to you.

people always said jesus came to be like one of us. no he didnt'. how many people do you know who can turn water into wine? or wake up a dead man? or walk on water? how many humans do u know who can summon people from ages ago who are dead and have them come to talk to him???? yes, jesus did this thing when he prayed. Moses and i believe Abraham showed up to minister to him. jesus did this. Jesus was flesh but he was superhuman. not ordinary human.

None of that means he could not be tempted.
May 7, 2012
[COLOR="B[B]lue"]You "stand out" by being different[/B]...not by "having money, fame, things that make people look up to you or think of you in high esteem." Matter of fact, Jesus said that living like he did would not lead to "esteem"; rather, it would make you hated!

The scriptures warn us not to be preoccupied with those things, because they will go away. The also say not to seek glory, but to glorify God.

You are correct saying that unbelievers walk this earth enjoying all that it has to (offer). However, Jesus was offered the whole world itself and said "no" because of who was offering it! Indeed, what is the benefit of gaining the world yet losing your soul?[/COLOR]

Living as Jesus did would cause a LIGHT to shine in you that people couldn't ignore; they'll hate you for it. A few followed and believed Him. Tons of people hated him...even killed him meanwhile HE NEVER SINNED.

Jesus lived a tough life. Don't think so? We all got haters but not everyone's haters is going to humilate them in front of the towns people and torture and kill them. You might say Jesus' life was not rough, but remember once again that we are born sinners and Jesus never sinned and was murdered for speaking TRUTH.

The point is Jesus went through the worst and SO CAN YOU!