Let's Be Reality: Shenmue 3 Looks Like Trash

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
I’m not splitting anything.

I’m saying any game that’s came out in 1999 will have outdated audio and controls by today’s standards, and I’ve seen you talk about and enjoy plenty of games with “outdated audio and controls”

Your continued attempt to compare Yakuza and shenmue show that you clearly don’t understand the appeal of shenmue. The two games aren’t very similar at all.

You like movie games and you think holding up and pressing X is “modern gameplay”:mjlol:

You will never understand shenmue and that’s fine :manny:
Now you're just being goofy.
Those "hold up and press X" games are few and far between, and of the lot, I've only liked a few. From the ones I liked, I've never gone out of my way to defend them as anything amazing. Some other Sony stans may have but not me.
If you don't see how Yakuza is a spiritual successor to Shenmue I don't know what to tell you. The main difference is Shenmue did an excellent job with the depth of combat and has that "amazing immersion" you're so giddy about, which to me, once again, is completely pointless and corny as hell.
That's not to say the combat in Yakuza has no depth at all. There's a pretty robust system, and like Shenmue, most of the fights play out the same exact way. Shenmue just has way more individual move sets and has more button commands to pull off each move. That's actually a mechanic most games have moved away from if you think about it. Most modern fighting games have dumbed down controls incredibly. It's not something I personally celebrate, I honestly liked it better when combos took more button presses to pull off, but this is where gaming is today.

Let me clarify something about the audio in Shenmue. I'm specifically talking about the QUALITY of the audio. The music and the voice acting. The FIDELITY.
All of the audio in Shenmue sounds like it was phoned in and recorded on a cassette tape.
There are plenty of games even older than 1999 that don't have this issue.
The audio quality of Shenmue is garbage. From what I've read it's due to the amount of voice acting in the game. They had to compress the living hell out of all the audio which resulted in garbage quality.
You take the trash audio, the trash controls, the amount of meaningless activities in the game, and you get a game that to ME, feels incredibly outdated, and the sequel appears to be pretty much the same as the first 2.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
:dwillhuh:It came out before the Yakuza series and has had way more time in development. I’m wrong for expecting progress from a what? A 15 year old game?
So Shenmue 3 has been in development for 15yrs :usure:
Months ago.

When did you?:mjpls:
I didn't.
To be fair Shenmue 3's budget is nowhere near the original two games.
What was the budget for Shenmue 1 and 2
And what was the budget for Shenmue 3?

With us being in the future the budget wouldn't be high unless they was trying to do a bunch of new modern day shyt. That isn't "required" to create the sequel. That would just be icing. Tbc tho...


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Now you're just being goofy.
Those "hold up and press X" games are few and far between, and of the lot, I've only liked a few. From the ones I liked, I've never gone out of my way to defend them as anything amazing. Some other Sony stans may have but not me.
If you don't see how Yakuza is a spiritual successor to Shenmue I don't know what to tell you. The main difference is Shenmue did an excellent job with the depth of combat and has that "amazing immersion" you're so giddy about, which to me, once again, is completely pointless and corny as hell.
That's not to say the combat in Yakuza has no depth at all. There's a pretty robust system, and like Shenmue, most of the fights play out the same exact way. Shenmue just has way more individual move sets and has more button commands to pull off each move. That's actually a mechanic most games have moved away from if you think about it. Most modern fighting games have dumbed down controls incredibly. It's not something I personally celebrate, I honestly liked it better when combos took more button presses to pull off, but this is where gaming is today.

Let me clarify something about the audio in Shenmue. I'm specifically talking about the QUALITY of the audio. The music and the voice acting. The FIDELITY.
All of the audio in Shenmue sounds like it was phoned in and recorded on a cassette tape.
There are plenty of games even older than 1999 that don't have this issue.
The audio quality of Shenmue is garbage. From what I've read it's due to the amount of voice acting in the game. They had to compress the living hell out of all the audio which resulted in garbage quality.
You take the trash audio, the trash controls, the amount of meaningless activities in the game, and you get a game that to ME, feels incredibly outdated, and the sequel appears to be pretty much the same as the first 2.
So you think 3 will have tank controls and compressed audio? :what:

And no absolutely not is Yakuza a spiritual successor. That’s stupid talk.


Feb 19, 2014
It isn't the budget. He had enough money (millions) to make a decent game. The problem is, he isn't using the money he received on the game towards the development budget, just like that Castlevania nikka isn't. They pocket most of the money and use like a 10th of it to develop the game.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
I just don't understand why Sony can have Yu Suzuki come out on stage with his hand out at E3 but won't break him off some bread :gucci:
Is that really all Sony did?
They didn't give him a single dime?
I'm feeling too lazy to dig up posts from the thread but I could have sworn that Sony was throwing money into the pot to get this game funded and that's why they brought him out and made the game a part of their presentation.


Dec 30, 2014
There have been many questions concerning Shenmue 3’s budget and what outside sources will be added to the money collected through Kickstarter. I apologize for not having been more forthright in this area and would like to take this opportunity to help clarify the situation.

Ys Net and I have been putting in many long years trying to find a way to bring back a sequel that so many fans have waited so long for. After learning of Kickstarter, I knew it would be possible to get Shenmue 3 started. Wanting to make the best game possible, I also knew that I would have to look to more traditional means to obtain all the funds that would be needed to create the game I had envisioned.

Sony and Shibuya Productions have been wonderful partners because they believe in Shenmue and want to see the best for the fans and the game. Their investment in (and support of) Shenmue have helped to realize a sequel that will stand proud with its predecessors. While it is not business practice to discuss the specific details of such arrangements, I can say that with their assistance on the production and marketing end, and in Sony’s case with some publishing support as well, Ys Net is able to use more of the money we collect through Kickstarter purely for Shenmue 3’s development. It is also important to note that your funds are going strictly to Ys Net for development of Shenmue 3 – Sony and Shibuya Productions are not seeing a cent of your Kickstarter dollars.

The outpouring of support from all of you, the backers, has been so inspirational. I cannot thank you enough. Having reached our funding goal, I am excited to say that the Shenmue story will go on, and our journey with Ryo and Shenhua will continue. Fans will be able to enjoy the sequel they have waited so long for, and newcomers to the series will be introduced to a unique gaming experience.

Of course, like with any Kickstarter, additional funding will only help us make a better game. On top of everything Shenmue 3 will already bring, the Stretch Goals that I have laid out will add extra quests, events, and new gameplay systems that will make the game even more immersive and take the series to the next level. At the $5 million mark, there will be an all new gameplay feature I would be excited to be able to add to the Shenmue legacy. If we should make the $10 million Stretch Goal, a much larger, completely open world will be yours to explore.

Even if these Stretch Goals are not reached, Shenmue 3 will already be a sequel true to its name, and one we can all be proud of. It is my hope though, that together we can make this Shenmue just as revolutionary as the first two were.

I understand this statement may by late in coming. Going forward, we wish to be as open as possible concerning the game’s development. I would like to again ask for your cooperation and support in helping make Shenmue 3 the best that it can be.

Sincerely, Yu Suzuki



May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Is that really all Sony did?
They didn't give him a single dime?
I'm feeling too lazy to dig up posts from the thread but I could have sworn that Sony was throwing money into the pot to get this game funded and that's why they brought him out and made the game a part of their presentation.
They only helped with marketing I.E. putting the game on the E3 stage. And probably gave them a break on publishing fees on PS4. Same as any other big indie like No Mans Sky or Hellblade.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
They only helped with marketing I.E. putting the game on the E3 stage. And probably gave them a break on publishing fees on PS4. Same as any other big indie like No Mans Sky or Hellblade.
The post right above yours says Sony helped with production, marketing, and publishing.
They don't give any details and I guess it makes sense.
In any case all we know for sure is that Sony helped more than Microsoft. :DAIGOCAM:
But seriously, it doesn't take away from the fact that this game isn't some regular Kickstarter.
They've had some serious backing and I expect them to deliver more than a regular Kickstarter project would.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
The post right above yours says Sony helped with production, marketing, and publishing.
They don't give any details and I guess it makes sense.
In any case all we know for sure is that Sony helped more than Microsoft. :DAIGOCAM:
But seriously, it doesn't take away from the fact that this game isn't some regular Kickstarter.
They've had some serious backing and I expect them to deliver more than a regular Kickstarter project would.
“Publishing, production and marketing” is exactly what I said. Also in the paragraph it says none of Sony’s money went into the actual development of the game.

This is just like any other big indie/kickstarter game.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
“Publishing, production and marketing” is exactly what I said. Also in the paragraph it says none of Sony’s money went into the actual development of the game.

This is just like any other big indie/kickstarter game.
If you say so.
I still expect more than Shenmue 1 or 2.
If you're cool with that (with judging by your "excitement" for Crackdown 2.5) then I'm sure you're about to have a blast.
Can't be mad at that. If you're happy (with mediocrity) then I'm happy. :thumbsup: