Artificial Intelligence
Not Allen Iverson
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i'm just looking forward to a new ipod touch with more RAM. you only get 256MB with the 4g and apps don't want to open when you are low on memory.
Fingerprint scanner built into the home button . 128gb storage. That's gonna be the main big things. Calender and contact app gets updated . Some thing called mission control swiping the screen with 2 fingers or some chit aimilar to what cyanogenmod has had for years. Smh. U heard it here first.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
A fingerprint scanner would be stupid as hell.
I want to know what Apple is packing in their camera 8MP, 12MP?
I do Apple Tech Support so you know they're training me on this. Not allowed to say anything about iOS6 or the iPhone 5 but I will say that there's some shyt that you don't even see in Sci-Fi movies yet that Android doesn't even have yet. I'm a Samsung nicca and don't own any Apple products. I enjoy my rooted Infuse 4G but yo the iPhone 5 ain't no joke. Ya'll ain't even heard the half.
If you haven't followed Apple's strategy over the years then sure you might be "dissapointed", but really Apple is doing what they've been doing for YEARS, which means NOBODY should be expecting any huge surprises for the IPhone 5.
1). One of Apple's main concerns is and has always been BATTERY LIFE alot of the extra features and Scifi gizmos that people clamor for would sacrifice the batter life of the device, why do you think Apple generally waits 2-3 cycles AFTER a new technology is introduced before they consider it for their products? LTE was a MAJOR battery drain on all the first generation 4G Android devices, they've just now introduced LTE Chips that are decent at Power consumption.
2). Apple has the most brand loyal fans on the planet. That means that as long as the iPhone stays competitive with other devices, their customers will continue supporting them. That saves money on Apple's bottom line because their not going "feature for feature" with competitors. They've got the best App Store, the most stable software ecosystem, the best and most convenient Music/Video store, and the most universal accessories.
3). Apple always generally plays it safe. When's the last time an Apple product really took a risk and was first to market a new technology that wasn't invented by them? That's why Blu-Ray, NFC, etc. haven't been introduced because Apple would have to license the technology instead of owning it themselves. Apple's main focuses for innovation are always the same. Making the device thinner ( Steve Jobs was apparently obsessed with this) making sure that the end to end experience is as simple to use and convenient as possible, and making sure the product works as flawlessly as possible.
If they get it working without being a hassle, it would be wayyyyyyy better than face unlock