Is this post copywrited? I think I just found a movie.
They have this movie several times over already.
The second total recall
Logans run
Out of time
This shyt is any real astute Sci FI meets socio horror novel that won't be accurately ported.. All because we being lead by white undercover gay pedo idiots.
Read some books breh.
Read comics before vertigo comics was created. You will see it all exists and foreshadows these idiots. As it is told from the perspective of a writer.
looking at these buffoons running shyt into doom.
Go read some books.
Study sociological history connected to Keynesian theories and see. They are running us into doom.
Y'all running around like the kids in the alley of godfather ii on the net in digital and don't even know it. You may not know it till you can not unplug from the net. Or they make it out of your Reach. As real talk. I am the person who tried to sell the affordable alternative to set the precedent. Plus who wrote the proposals for those pricing so everyone could have it. Yet it is in the wrong hands and not ever used.
as I wrote or intended it to be priced. Nor is the service of the level of quality that needs to be there as well. Only reason why they fix it for business and on point is because they are liable for the time bandwidth is not available. Yet they are gonna find a way around that too. So when shyt hits the head of doom. No one responsible will be held responsible.
Y'all are doomed with these idiots running shyt. Plus they created a way for history and facts to not be taken as integral to life moving forward systematically as well. So your systematic under educated gens after Gen x are powerless to stop it.
They are winning and you guys have no tactical latching point. Nor know how to strike back from a doomed position to win.
Good luck. I lived the best time to alive in America. Y'all also do not want the person who knows for real help. As I don't see a new protege to a legend coming down the pipeline for real.
Nor do y'all dig in the crate.
to find pieces to aid you to win.
Art Barr