I'm on my couch quiet-laughing so hard (so I don't wake up my kid) that I'm shaking.
I miss Kobe to man, word to everything check my post history, ask around, but
I'm not even laughing at the tat, I'm laughing at the people in here trying to stay civil.
The official fukkery-free coli lasted for 4 days, and now--we're back.
On one side you got the people who pledged to turn over a new leaf, not wanting to be overt with the fukkery being like,
I'm not saying he's not from harlem, I'm just saying maybe he rents there and doesn't own

Then on the other side you got the camp with free reign to spout their fukkery unchecked like if he got a tattoo on his ass saying "Kobe take me to paradise" with an arrow pointing to his a$$hole, it would be cause he's too inked up everywhere else and "check the double meaning he means gods paradise of heaven and with wave theory his butthole is like a black hole its metaphysical for the gawd yall"