And this is why I know they are scared. Unlike a huge majority of top picks in the NBA, Lonzo has a very active father, Lavar, who is an entrepreneur trying to run a business from scratch. Lavar has gotten more press for Lonzo just by talking shyt then billion dollar institution UCLA did. I have never seen Bryce Alford on national day time sports shows and his dad is a legendary player and the coach. Aaron Holiday has two brothers in the NBA already and I can't tell you what he looks like.
You know LAVAR BALL because he's put himself out there on some clown shyt, but barely anybody knows BBB and those who do, already treat it like a joke. If you Google BBB you gotta go AT LEAST 10 pages (I stopped after 10) before anything about Big Baller Brand comes up.
You guys do realize he has been in the media non stop and his son may not even be the #1 pick. Lonzo Ball will enter the NBA next season more famous than all of the rookies from this season, and next, including #1 pick Ben Simmons. I don't know the name of the father of anyone drafted in the last two drafts. What Lavar is doing has a deep level of sophistication to it. Let him get a shoe that The Migos/Lil Uzi falls in love with and this entire conversation changes.
So that's all it takes huh? Just have a rapper wear yo shyt and it's a wrap?

Let's assume BBB actually did make something hot enough that a relevant celebrity would want to wear (which they won't, but I'll play along):
1.) First of all, how many millions went into concept design for the shoe? And how many different iterations until you finally found the right one? How about setting up production? You've got to set up the factory, get orders, create your inventory based on those orders-- is it going into any stores? Is it direct for sale on BBB's website?
2.) The brand is already DOA because the name is a joke and it's impossible to find online unless you know what you're looking for, so millions will likely need to be spend educating the casuals on BBB being Big Baller Brand, and what the fukk it actually is.
3.) Most of these rappers ain't wearing shyt unless they get paid for it, so you might need to pay to get Migos to rock it in an IG post.
4.) Still playing the assuming game, Migos wore the shoe and it went viral. IG likes don't = money, but if they do then.. now guess what? Interest goes up, sales go up, which means you have more orders to fill, which means you need a bigger inventory, which means more money into production costs and filling orders.
Just to get to this point we are talking MILLIONS of dollars. MILLIONS.
Now of course to even get to step 1... who is paying for this?
Lavar seems like a well off father for a family of 3, seems to live in a nice house in Chino Hills and all, definitely making a decent living, which is commendable, but he don't seem like someone ready to pour millions into a business.
So that leaves us with two options, first option is you find investors willing to look past the PR damage Lavar has already done to his name and actually cut a check, but anyone smart enough to be a millionaire is also smart enough not to flush money down the toilet trying to compete in the SUPER COMPETITIVE sneaker market.
So the last option.. Lonzo foots the bill with that contract he's about to sign.
Yeah, that makes sense. Write that check so your dad can go play pretend CEO. Maybe Lavar should try to get a deal on Shark Tank