Show me where I said anything generalizing Hispanics in America. If you think that was a "gotcha", you are touched.
It was a mockery of everyone here generalizing Hispanics.. So relaaaax

And to your other point, I don't care how many you supposedly "know". Show me some studies you've conducted and the papers outlining Black people expecting "things" from Mexicans.
Never confirm what a white-supremacist or Mexican/Asian says about Blacks. Always ask them questions. The guy has probably seen 1 or 2 Black people and has made a sweeping generalization of Blacks, and you come on and just say, "yep, you're right, but not me!"
So which one is it? do you care how many people we know or not? I guess everyone on the coli conducted papers outlining how Hispanics feel towards blacks
Black people, this guy, "HALLOWEEN", is basically co-opting a white rhetoric: "Blacks are asking for hand-outs us (white, now Mexicans)". He just worded it differently.
If you want people to side with you, do it by being strong, not by flipping my words to fit your agenda. It makes you look weak to be honest.