"You said you're Cuban, or whatever. To me you're still a n*gger."
[Quoted tweet]
They are going to find out that white people don't agree…
Enrique Tarrio was not available for comment 🫤
He's currently busy being passed around as the sloppy party bottom in Cell Block D at a federal prison.
Help me internet. Where are the black people that look at that men like this and think “he cares about my 23 and me results.” I need to know

And THAT’s why picking at Kamala for being part Indian was/is pointless
Need to forward this to all the black/ brown maga followers who don’t think Trump and Stephen Miller will deport them
I grew up with people like this racist asshat. They talk tough but are cowards. White people, we need to quit pretending these people don’t exist and get out and
/search?q=#VoteBlueUpandDownBallot. Don’t give racists the White House.
Can we trade pieces of shyt like this for the immigrants? I'd take them 100 times out of a hundred over anyone even remotely like this in a heartbeat.
I wonder who he’s voting for!
SMH at the black folks that haveTHE most to say about future Madame President’s black side…
It’s always the least supreme white people who wanna run their mouths about white supremacy. Embarrassing inbred dumbass.
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