You keep generalizing us like it was me or one of the other mexican posters on here that doing all this,I got a lot of family that doing and did a lot of dirt,the ones that in the pen doing football numbers was for killing other gang rivals,all mexican tho,ain't no one in my family committing any racist attacks

And my whole family is all basically in South LA,all down western,normandie,Vermont,Hoover,from the 10 freeway all the way past the 105 freeway,my cousin in the back has twins with his black baby mama,majority of the girls I mess with are black or mixxed,showed pic and vid proof of that,but going by the coli logic,I got to go to all my black brehs and tell em "sorry but I can't talk to you anymore cuz this forum online saying I'm racist and siding with the white man and I want you out and I'm gonna shoot up your mom and any little kids in your fam"